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<br /> DEED �]F TRUST
<br /> �Co�1t����d} Page 8
<br /> lnde�tedness.
<br /> Guaranty, The vrrord "Guaranty" means the guaranty �ram Guarantar t� L�nder, including withau� �imitation a
<br /> guaranty o�F all�r part of the Nate.
<br /> Ha�ardaus Substances. The vvords "Hazardvus Substances" mean materia�s that, because of th�ir quantity,
<br /> con�entratian ar physical, �hemFcal or€n�ectious characteristics, may cause ar pase a present or potential hazard
<br /> to human health or�he environment when improper�y used, treated, stored, dispos�d of, generated, manufac�ured,
<br /> �ransparted or atherwise hand�ed. The words "Hazardous Substan�es" are used in #heir�ery b�vades�sense and
<br /> �ncfude withvut fimi�ation any and afl hazard�us o� toxic substanc�s, material$ or was#e as defined by ar listed
<br /> under the En�ironm�ntal Laws. The�erm "Hazardous Substanc�s"a�so incfudes,without I�mita�ion, petrol�um and
<br /> petrofeum �y-products or any fraetion therea�and asbestos.
<br /> Impro�ements. The vsrard "Impro�ements" means all existin� and future improvemen�s, buildings, structures,
<br /> mobile h�mes affixed on the Real Property, faGili�ies, additions, repfacements and other cvnstruction on the Real
<br /> Proper�y.
<br /> rndebtedness. The word "fndeb�edness" means all principal, intere��, and other amoun�s, c�s�s and expenses
<br /> payable under the Nv�e ar Refated Documents, #oge�her with all renewals v�, extensians of, modifications o�,
<br /> canso�idativns of and substitu�ions�ar�he Note or Re[ated Dc�cuments and any amounts expended ar ad�anced by
<br /> Lender ta discharge Trusta�-'s obligations or expenses incurred by Trustee ar L�nder �o en�vrce Trustor's
<br /> obligatFons under this Deed af Trus�, together with in�erest on such amounts as p�-v�ided in �his Deed of Tr-ust.
<br /> Specifica�ly, wi#hou� limi�ation, �ndebtedness includes the future adWances s�� forth in the Future Advances
<br /> pro�isian of this Dee�of Trust,togethe�w�th ail interest thereon.
<br /> Lender. The wv�d "Lender"means First Nationa�Bank v��maha,i#s successors and assigns.
<br /> Nate. The ward "Note" means any and alf of Borrvwer's �iabilities, obligat�ons and deb�s to Lender, nvw exis�ing
<br /> or hereina�ter incurred or created, including,without limitation, all loans, ad�ances, in�eres�, cos�s debts, overdra�#
<br /> indebtedness, credit card indsbtedness, fease abligativns, liabilifies and vb�igations under inter�st rate protec�ion
<br /> agr�em�nts�r fore�gn currency�xchange agreem�nts or commadity pr�ce prvtection agreem�nts;other obligations,
<br /> and liabiliti�s of Borrawer �agether with al� modifications, incr�ases, renewals, and extensians af th�
<br /> a��rementioned. Additianally, h�reby incorporated as if fu�ly set forth herein are ths terms and conditions v�a��y
<br /> promissory no�e, agreement or othe� document executed by 6orr�we� andlar Lender indicating �his securflty
<br /> instrum�nt o�- #he property described herein shal� be consider�d "Gollate�-a!" securing such promissory note,
<br /> agreement vr athe�inst�-ument,or any similar reference.
<br /> Personal Property. The words "Personal Property" mean afl equipment, fixtures, and o�her articies o� persvr�al
<br /> p�op�r�y now or hereafter awned �y Trustar, and nvw or hereafter attached or affixed �a the R�al Prap�rty;
<br /> �ogether w�fh alf ac�essions, parts, and additions fa, afl replacements of, and alf substi�utivns �ar, any vf such
<br /> prop�rty; and together with a(I proceeds �inc�uding without limitation alf insurance prviceeds and refunds of
<br /> premiums}frvm any sale or vther d�spvsitian of the P�operty.
<br /> Properfy. The word "Praperty"means cv�lectively�he Rea�Prope�ty and th� Personal Proper�y.
<br /> Real Prvperty. The words "Rea� Property" mean the rea� proper�y, interests and rights, as further d�scribed in this
<br /> Deed vf Trust.
<br /> Related Dvcuments. The words "Related Documents" mean all prQmissory notes, credi� agreemen�s, foan
<br /> agreements, en�ironmsn#al agreements, guaran�ies, securi�y ag�eemen�s, martgag�s, deeds of trust, se�uri�y
<br /> deeds, coffatera� mortgages, and al� other instruments, agreements and d�cuments, whether nvw vr he��aft�r
<br /> ex�sting,execu�ed in connectinn with the Ind�btedness.
<br /> Rents. The word "R�n�s" means alf �resent and future rents, r�venues, incvme, issues, royalties, prafits, and
<br /> o�her benefits derived from the Pr�perty.
<br /> Trus#ee. The word "Truste�"means First Nationa� Bank a��maha , whose address is 8�D Alfen D r. , �rand lsland
<br /> , NE 5S$Q'� and any substi�ute vr suGcessor trustees.
<br /> Trustar, The v+rord "Trustor"means Kyfe�Holen and Betty J Ho�en.
<br /> TRUSTQR;
<br /> X �
<br /> Kyle Holen �
<br /> X
<br /> Bet�y J o n
<br />