2� 1 ��47�5
<br /> DEED �F T�U�T
<br /> ��on�inued} Page 7
<br /> �VIISCELLANE�US PROVlS}aNS. The foll�wing miscellaneous prvvisivns are a pa�of th�s D�ed of Trus�:
<br /> Amendmen�s. This Deed❑�Trus�,�ogether with any Related Dacuments, cansti�utes the entire understanding and
<br /> agreement�f the parties as ta the matters se�forth in th�s Deed of T�-ust. Nv altera�ian of or amendment to this
<br /> Deed af Trust shall be effec�ive un�ess gi��n in wri#ing and signed by the party v�parties svught to be charged or
<br /> baund by the alteration or amendment.
<br /> Annual I�epo�ts. If �he Property is used fvr purposes ��her than Trustor's residence, Trustar shalf fumish ta
<br /> Lander, upon request, a certified s�at�ment af net operating incom� recei�ed �r-om �he Property during Tr-ustar's
<br /> previous fis�al year in such �arm and d��ail as Lender sha�! require. "Net vp�ra�Eng incame" shall mean all c�sh
<br /> rec�ip�s from the P�-vper�y less af!cash expenditures made in connection with the operation o�the Property.
<br /> Capt�on Headings. Caption headings in this ❑eed vf Trust are for con�enience purposes �nly and are not tv be
<br /> used ta in�e�pret or define�he pra�isivns❑f this ❑eed of�rust.
<br /> AJlerger. The�e shall be no msrger o�the interest ar es�a#� created�y�h is Deed af Trust w ith any vther'rnferest or
<br /> es�a�e in the Prvpe�ty at any time he€d by ar for the benefit o�Lender�n any capaci�y, wi�hou�the written cansent
<br /> vf Lender.
<br /> Applicabie Law. The Lvan secured by this li�n was made und�r a Unit�d States 5mal1 Business Administratimn
<br /> �SBA} nationwide program which uses tax dolfars�v assist smali business❑wners. �f the L]nited Sta'�es �s seekiu�g
<br /> tv enforce#his do�ument,then under SBA r�gulativns: �a}When SBA is�he h�lder of the Note,this dvcument a�d
<br /> ali do�uments e��den�ing or securing this Laan wi�l be construed �n accordance wi�h federal �aw, �bj Lender or
<br /> SBA may use Io�al �r state pro�edures fvr purposes such as filing papers, recording documents, giving no�ice,
<br /> �ore�losing liens, and o�her purpos�s, By us�ng fihes� procedures,SBA does nat wai►re any fede�ral immuniiy frQ�m
<br /> fo�a�or sta�e c�ntrvl, penal�y, tax vr�iab�lity. Nv Borrower or�uarantor may claim or ass�rt against SBA any Iocal
<br /> or sta#e law t�deny any abi�gation v�Borrawer, vr defea�any ciaim of SBA with respect ta th�s Loan. Any c�ause
<br /> in �his document requ��-ing arbitrativn is not enforceable when SBA is �he ho�d�r of the Nnte secured by this
<br /> instrument.
<br /> Choice �f Venue. ���here is a lawsu�t, Trustvr agrees upon Lender's request to submit to the�urisdictian v��he
<br /> Gvur�s of Hall�ounty, State vf Nebraska.
<br /> Jo�nt and Se��ral Liabil�ty. Alf obfigations o� B�rrower and Trustor under this C]eed of Trust shall be��int and
<br /> several, and all references to Trustvr shall mean each and e�ery Trus�or, and all r�ferences�a Borrawer shalf inean
<br /> each and e�ery Borrvwer. Th�s means tha�each Trustar signing befvw is responsib�e for afl obliga�ions in�his Deed
<br /> vf Trust.
<br /> No V11ai�e�by Lender. Lender shall nat be deemed�o have�nrafved any rights under�his De�d af Trust unless such
<br /> waive�-is given in writing and signed by Lender-. No delay or omission on the par��f Lender in exercising any right
<br /> shall opera�e as a waiver vf such right�r any v�her right. A waiver by Lender a�a prv�ision of�his Deed of Trust
<br /> shal� not pre�udEce o�- constitut� a waiWer of Lender's right o�herwise to demand strict campliance with tha�
<br /> p€�oWisivn or any o�her provis�on o�F this Deed af Trus�. Nv pr�v� wai�er by Lender, nor any course vf deafing
<br /> hetween Lender and Trus�or, shall �onstitute a waiver�o�any vf Lender's rights or of any af Trustar's ahligations
<br /> as �o any future �ransactions. �Illhenever�he cans�nt af Lender is requi�-ed under this D�ed ❑f Trus�, �hs granting
<br /> a�such �onsent by Lender in any instance sha�� nat consti�ut� continuing consent�o subs�quent instances whe�re
<br /> such cansent is required and in all cases�uch consent may be granted or withheld in the sofe discret�on of L�nde��.
<br /> 5e�erability. lf a caur�o�comp��ent jurisdi�tion finds any prv�ision of this Deed of Trust ta l�e il�egaf, in�alid, vr
<br /> unen�v�ceable as to any person vr�ircumstance,that finding shall na�mak�the vffending pra�ision ilfegal, in�al��,
<br /> or unenforceable as to any v�her per-son or circumstance, l�feasible, �he offend'€ng pro�isivn shall be considered
<br /> modified so�hat it �eCvmes legal, �alid and en�orceable. If�he vffending pro�ision�annot be sa modifred, it sha��
<br /> be considered de�eted �From th�s D�eci vf Trus�. Un�ess atherwise required by law, �he illegali�Ly, �n�alidity, �r
<br /> unenforoeab�li�ty of any provision of this Deed of Trust shall not affect�h�legality, �aiidity or enfarceability o�any
<br /> other pro�ision af this Deed afi Trust.
<br /> Successvrs and Assigns, 5ubjec�ta any limitations stated in this Deed of Trusf on transfer of Trustor's �n�eres�,
<br /> #his D�ed of Trust shall be binding upon and inure �a �he benefr� af the parties, their successv�-s and assigns. !f
<br /> awnership af�he Property be�omes�ested in a person a�her than Trusfi�r, Lender, without no�ice to Trustar, may
<br /> deal wi�h Trus�flr's success�rs wi#h refe�-ence tv th�s Deed��Trust and the �ndeb�edness by way ofi�orbearance or
<br /> extension w�thout releas�ng Trustar fram the obligatians of this Deed o�Trust or l�abifity under the Indebtedness.
<br /> Time is of the Essenc�. Time is of the ess�nce in the performanGe o�this i]eed of Trust.
<br /> Vlraive Jury. Afl parties ta this Deed of Trust hereby waive�he right to any jury trial in any a�tivn, proceeding, or
<br /> counterc�aim brought by any par#y against any other pariy.
<br /> 'Wai��r a� Hamestead Exemption. Tn.istor hereby refeases and wai�es alf rights and benefts of the hvmestead
<br /> exemptic�n laws vf�he Sfiate��Nebraska as ta all Indebtedness secured by�his [�eed v�Trust.
<br /> DEFiNITfDNS. The following capi�a�ized wards and terms shall hav��he foll�wing mean�ngs when used in this ��ed o�
<br /> Trus�. Unless specifically state� to �he contrary, a!I refe�-ences ta dvllar amounts sha�� mean amvun�s in lawfu� mon�y
<br /> of the lJnited S�a�es of America. Words and terms used in the singular shall incfude fihe plural, and �he p�ura� sh�li
<br /> inciude the singular, as �he cvnt�xt may require. Words and terms nvt vthervyrise defrned in this Deed of T�-ust shall
<br /> ha�e the meanings attribu�ed to such�erms in the Uniform �arxtmerc�al Cvde:
<br /> B�nefciary. Th�word "Benefi�iary"means First National Bank of�maha,and its successors and assigns.
<br /> Bo�-rawer. The►nrvrd "gvrrv►nrer" means GB1, fn�. and �nc�udes alf co-signe�s and co�makers signing the hlote and
<br /> all their success�rs and assigns.
<br /> E�eed o� T�ust. The wo�ds "Deed of Trust" mean this Deed of Trus� among Trusfia�-, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br /> includes withaut �imi�atian ail assi�nment and security interest pro�isions re�ating to fhe Personal Prvper�y and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> De�ault. The word "Default"means the De�ault se��orth in�his Deed of Trust in the sec�fvn titled "[]efault".
<br /> Env'rronmental Laws. The words "Environmenta! Laws" mean any and a�f state, federal and local sta�utes,
<br /> r�gula�ivns and vrdinances re�a�ing to the protect�an of human health or the enWir�nmenf, includ�ng wi#hout
<br /> limitation the �amprehensi�e Environmental Response, Gvmpensation, and Liabil�ty Act of �98Q, as amended, 4�
<br /> [J.S.C. Sect�on 9G0�, et seq. {"�ERCLA"}, the SuperFund Amendments and Reautharization Act of 1986, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99-499 �"SARA'"},�he Hazardous Materia�s Transpvr�a�ion A��, 49 U.S.C.Sectian �801, et seq.,�he Resaurce
<br /> �onservation and Reco�ery A�t, �2 �.5.�. Se�tian 6�01, et seq., or othe�applicable state vr�ed�r-al laws, rules,
<br /> ❑r regulatians adopted pursuant theretv.
<br /> E�ent of Defauf#. Th�words"E�ent o�De�au�t"mean any of the e�ren#s of d�fault s�t fvrth in this ❑eed vf Trust in
<br /> the e�ents of de�ault se�tion af this De�d of Trust.
<br /> Exist'rng Indebtedness. Th�words "Exist�ng �ndebtedness" mean th� indeh�edness described in the Existing Liens
<br /> pro��sion of th is Deed of Trust.
<br /> Guaran#o�. The wvrd "Guarantor" means any guaranto�, surety, �r ac�vmmodafion party af any ❑r a�l of the
<br />