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2� 1 ��474� <br /> vEE� oF T�usY <br /> Loan No: �i C�1293�6� ��ont�nued� Page � <br /> wh�ther by ou�right sale, deed, instalfm�nt sale �ont�ac�, �and contrac�, eont�a�t �or deed, le�sehol� ir��terest wsth a <br /> term �reater�than three �3� years, lea���aptinn �ont�rac�, or by �ale, assignmen�, ar trans�er �f any bene�ic�a� interest in <br /> �r �o any land trust ht�lding title t❑ the Real P�tiperty, or by any ❑�her meth�d a� conWeyance a� an in��rest in�he Rea! <br /> Property. Howe�er, this option sha�l nat bs �xercised by Lender i� such exercise is prohihi�ed by #ederal �aw or by <br /> Nebraslca law. <br /> TA?�ES AND L�ENS. The fiollowing pro�isivns relating tv the fiaxes and liens on �the Praper�y are part of this Deed o� <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trustor shall pay when due �and in all e�ents prior to d�iinquency� a!i taa�es, �p�GEal�axes� assessments, <br /> Gharges �includin� water and sewery� fines and impvsitEvns �e�ied against or on a�caunt ❑�the Pr�p�rty� and shall <br /> pay when due all Glaims for work done vn ❑r far ser�ices rendered or ma#eria� furnished �o�he Praperty. Trustar <br /> shall main�[ain�he Praper�ty f�-ee of a!� liens ha�inc� prior�ty o�er v�-equal tv the in�erest a�Lender undgr th�s Deed o� <br /> Trust, except fvr the 3ien vfi taxes and assessments not due, excep� f�r �he Exis�ing lndei�tedness r��erred ta <br /> below, and �xc�pt�a�vtherwise prv�ided in�h�is Deed of Trus�C. <br /> R�ght to Ct�n�est. Trustor may�i�hhald p�yment of any�a�, assessment, ar clairn in cannection �rirh a good fai�h <br /> dispute v�er the t�b�igatian t� pay, so iong as Lender's intere��in�he Property Es nat jevpardi�ed. I�a lien �rises or <br /> is �iled as a r�sul� vfi nonpayment, Trustor shall within fEfteen �1�� days after the lien arises or, if a lien is fEted, <br /> within fi�teen �15} days afte�Trustor has na�ic� a�the �iling, secure �h� discharge ❑� the iien, ❑r i� requested by <br /> Lender, dep�rsit wi�h Lender Gash ar a sufficient corpora�e surety bond ar c�ther�ecurity satis�a�tory to Lender in an <br /> amaunt su��icien�to discharge the fien plu� any cos�� and a��Carneys' fees, vr ather charges�ha�could accrue as a <br /> resul�vf� �nrec�osure ar�ale under�the lien. In any contes�,Trus�vr shali de�end it�elf and Lend�r ar�d shalf satisfy <br /> any ad��rs��udgmen�befare enfarcemen�agains��he Property. Yrust�r shall namE Lender as an addirional c�bligee <br /> under any sur�ty bond furnished in the cvntest proceedings. <br /> E�idence o€Payment. Trustor sha�! upan demand furnish to Lend�r sati�fac�ary e�idence o�payment a�the�axes <br /> or asses�men�s and sha�i authvri�e the apprapriate governmental o�fscial ta deli�er tv Lender at�ny �time a writt�n <br /> sta�ement o�the tax�s and assessments �gainst the property. <br /> Nv�ti�e v# �vnstruc�ion. Trus�or shall nvti�y Lender at leas� fift�en �'i 5� days be�ar� any worC� ts cammenG�d, any <br /> �er�ices �r� furnished, ❑r any ma�erials are suppii�d to the Proper�y, i� any mech�nic's lien, materi�lmen's lien, ar <br /> v�her lien could be asserted an a�coun� ❑f �he work, ser�iGes, or ma�erials. Trus�or wiif upon request ❑f Lender <br /> furnish t❑ Lender ad�ance assuran�es satisfactory tv Lender that Trustar can and will pay the cost ot such <br /> �mpro�ements. <br /> PR�PERTY DAM�GE INSURANCE. The �ollvwing pro�i�ians rela�ing ta ir�suring�Che Praper�y are a par�t c��this Deed of <br /> Trust. <br /> Maintenance o� lnsurance. Trustor shall procure and maintain p��icies o� fir� insurance with s�anda�d ex�ended <br /> Go�erage endorsements vn a fiair �alue basis �or the full insurable �alue cg�e�ing all lmpra�ements an the Real <br /> Property in an amount suffi�ient to a�aid appiication o� any �vinsuranGe clause, and wi�h a standard mortgage� <br /> clause in fa��r❑�Lender, toge�her with such vther hazard and li�bility insurance as Lender may reasvnabEy require. <br /> Pvlicies �hall be written in �arm, amounts, ca�erages and �asis re�sonably acceptable to Lender and issued by a <br /> company ar comp�nies reasonalaly ac�epta��e to �.ende�. Trus�ar, upon request o� Lender, will deli�er t� �.ender <br /> #ram time to time �he po�i�ies or c�rti�ica��s v# insurance in �nrm s�tis�a��vey�v Lender, in�luding s�Cipulati�ans tha� <br /> ca�erages will not be cance�led �r diminished wi�hou� at feast ten �1�} days privr writ�en nv�ice �❑ Lender. Ea�h <br /> insurance p�Eicy also shalf include an endorsement prv�iding tha� co�erage �n fa�o�- of Lender will not be impaired <br /> in any way by any ac�, amissivn or default v�Trus�vr or any vther pers�n. Shvuld the Real Praperty be located in <br /> an area design�fied by the Admin��trator ❑f the Federal Emergency Managemen� Agency as a special �laod ha�ard <br /> area, Trus�vr agree� to ab�ain and maintain Fed�ra! F1Qad fnsurance, if available, f�r �he �ull unpaid principal <br /> bal�nce of the loan and any prior liens on�he praperty se�uring the Ir�an, up�o the r�aximum policy limits�e�und�r <br /> th� Nationa� Flood ln�urar�Ge Pr�gram, a� as o�herwise required by Lender, and t� maintain such insuranc� for the <br /> �erm ❑�the loan. <br /> Application Qf Proceeds. Trustor shall prom�tly noti�y Lend�r a� any [vss or damage to the Proper�y. Lender may <br /> make proof o� Ioss if Trust�rr �asls to da sv ►avithin fif-�e�n �15} �ays of the �asualty. VI1he�her or na� Lender's <br /> security is impaired, Lend�r may, a� Lender's election, re�ei�� and retain the praceeds o� any insurance �nd appEy <br /> th� praceeds �o the reduc�Cion �f�he indeh�edness, paym�n� a� any lien a���cting �he Property, or �he res�vrativn <br /> and repafr of�he F'raperty, lf Lender �lects �o app�y the proceeds ta restoration and repair, Trus#�or shall repair ar <br /> replace �Che damaged ❑r des�royed lmpr��emen�s �n a manner satis�actary �o Lender. L�nder shafl, upvn <br /> satis�ac�ary prvof ofi such expenditure, pay ar reimburse Trus�ar �rvm �he proGe�ds �vr the reasvnable CDSt af <br /> repair or res�orativn if Trustvr is not in de�aul� under �his Deed af Trws�. Any proc�eds whiGh ha�e no� been <br /> disbursed w�thin �8a day� after �heir receip� and which Lender has nvt cQmmitted �a the repair �r res�vrati�n fl# <br /> th� Proper�y shal! be used first t❑ pay any amvun� vwing ta Lender under this ❑eed of Trust, then �a pay ac�rued <br /> in�erest, �nd �he remainder, i-� any, shall be applied to the principal balanc� ❑f th� �ndebtedne�s. I� L�nd�r holds <br /> any proceeds a��er paym�nt in �ulE v� �he Ind�b�kednes�, such proceeds shall b� paid �❑ Trus�ar as Trustar's <br /> interests may appear. <br /> C�mpliance with Exis�ing Indebtedness. During the pe�iod in whi�h any Existing Indehtedness d�scribed belaw i� <br /> in e��ect, Gomp�ian�e with the insurance provisians cvntained in the instrument e�Ed�ncing such Exis�ing <br />