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<br /> PAYiV��NT AND PERF�RiIlIANCE. Ex�ept as o�herwise pro�ided in �his Deed o� Trust, Tru��Cvr shall pay to Lender al�
<br /> amoun�� secured �y this Deed ❑� �'rust as they became due, and sh�ll �trictly and in � �ime�y manner p�r��rm all of
<br /> Trust�r's vbli�a�ions under the No�e, this Qeed ❑�Trust, and the Rela�Ced ❑ocuments.
<br /> P�55ESSI�N ANi� MAINTENANCE QF THE PR�PERTY. Trus'�vr agrees that Trustor's� passessian and use �f the
<br /> F
<br /> Property shall be gQ�erned i�y the following�ro�isivn�:
<br /> Posse�s�on and Use. Until �he oc�urrence a� an E�en�t vf Qef�ult, Trustor may ��� remain in passession and
<br /> c�ntrol ���he P�op�rty; ��} use, ❑perate or manage the Prop�rty; and �3} callec��he Rents#rom�he Property.
<br /> Duty to IVlaintain. Ttustvr shall maintain the Prvpe�ty in good conditian and promptly per�vrm all repairs,
<br /> replaeements, and maintenance n�cessary�❑ preser�e its�alue.
<br /> Compiiartce VV'ith En��ranm�n�al Laws. Trus�or r�presen�s and w�rran�s �o Lend�r�Ch�t: �1 y �uring �he period o�
<br /> Trustar's �wnership ❑#the Property, there has� been no use, generation, manufaG�urs, s�torage, trea�ment, dispasal,
<br /> release ❑r threatened release o� any Hazardous Subs�ance �y any person on, und�r, about vr from �he Property;
<br /> �2y Trus��r has nv knawledge v�, or reason to belie�e that�here has been, exc�pt as pre�ivusly disclvsed �❑ and
<br /> acknawi�dged by Lender in writing, tay any �rr�aci� or �i�la�ivn o� any En��r�nm�nta! Laws, {b� any use,
<br /> generati�n, manu�ac�ure, storage, �rea�ment, dis�asa�, release or �hr�atened relea5e o� any Hazardo�� 5ubs�ance
<br /> on, under, ahout or #rom �he Properfiy by �ny priar ❑wners or accupan�s o� �he Prop�rty, ar {c� any ac�ual or
<br /> threatened litigation vr claims vf any kind hy any p�rsan relating tv such matters; and {3} ExGept as previousiy
<br /> disclosed�o and acknvwledged by Lender in writing, {a} neither T�-us�vr nar any tenant, �ontractvr, agent or vther
<br /> authori�ed user❑�the Pro��rty shall use, gen�rafie, manufacture, s�tar�, �rea�t, di��v�e a�vr release any �la�ardous
<br /> 5ubstance on, under, abaut ar�ram�he Property; and ��} any suGh a�ti�ity shall be �ondu�ted in campliance with
<br /> all applicable tederal, s�ate, and ivcal laws, r�guiations and ardinances, �n�luding without lirnitatian all
<br /> En��ronmental Laws. Trust�� authorizes Lender and '+ts agents �v en�er upon the Prvper-�y to make such
<br /> inspec�ions and tests, at Trusta�'s exp�nse, as Lender may deem appropriate to determine compiiance af the
<br /> Prv�er�y wi'�h �his sec�ian fl� ��� De�d of T�us�. Any inspectian� vr tests made by �.ender shalE [�e �vr Lender's
<br /> purposes �anly and shall no� be cons�rued tv Gr�a�e any responsibility or liaiaility an�he par�of Lender�c�Trus�or or
<br /> tv any o'�her person. The r�presentations and warranties contained h�rein are based on Trustar's due diligence in
<br /> investigating the Property for Hazard�us Substances, Tru�tvr hereby t'i y releases and wai�es any �uture claims
<br /> against Lender ��r indemnity �r contribu�ion in the ��ent Trus�or becvm�� liable �c�r �l�anup tar other casts under
<br /> any such laws; and ��� agre�s�o ind�mnify, de�F�nd, and hvld harmi�ss Lender agains�any and all clairns, lasses,
<br /> liabi��ties, damages, penalties, and expens�s which Lender may dir�ctly or indirec�ly sustain ❑r su�fer resu��ing �rom
<br /> a breaG� ��this secti�n o�the Deed o�Trus� or as a �onsequence vf any us�, genera�ian, manu'�a�ture, s�orage,
<br /> dispasal, release or threaten�d release❑ccurring �riar tv Trustar's awnership or interes�in�he Prvperty, whether or
<br /> nc�� the same was or should ha�e be�n �nown �v Trustor. The prca�isi�ns af �hi� sec�ion v� the Deed o� Trust,
<br /> including�he abligation tQ indemnE�y and d�fend, �hail sur�i�e the paymen�a�the Indebtedness and the sa�is�action
<br /> and recon�eyance ❑�the lien ❑#this ❑eed of Trust and shall not be affec�ed by Lend�r's a�quisitivn a�any interest
<br /> in the Prvper�y, whether by forec��sure ❑r otherwise.
<br /> �luisance, Waste. Trustor shall not cause, cvnduct or permit any nu�san�e n�r commit, permit, or suffer any
<br /> s�ripping v� ar waste an or to �h� Pra��r�y or any por�ion o� �he Prv�erty. Without lir�i�ing the gen��alifiy of �h�
<br /> foregoin�, Trustar will nQ�t r�mo�e, or grant�� any o�her party �he right�o remove, �ny timber, miner�ls {includEng
<br /> ail and gas}, coa[, clay, scaria, soil, gravel vr rock produ�ts �i�hau�Lender's priar wri��en cons�nt.
<br /> Removal v�im�aro�ements. Trus�or shali no�demoiish ar remc��e any Imprv�emen�ts frvm the Real Prop�rty wi�hout
<br /> Lender`� prior wri��en �ansent. As a �andi�ian ta�he rem�Wal o�any ImRra�ements, Lender may require Trustar t❑
<br /> make arrangements satis�acxary ta Lender tv re�lace su�h Imprr�vements with lmp�o�emen�s of a� least equa{
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender's Right to En�er, Lender and Lender's a�ents and representati�es may enter upon �he Real Propsrty at all
<br /> reasonab[e times ta attsnd �o Lender's in�erests and �❑ inspect th� Real Prvperty far purpvses ❑� Trustar's
<br /> cornR[iance wi�h the term�and condi�ions o�this D��d af Trus#.
<br /> Cvmpliance wi�h Ga�ernmen�al Requir�men�s. Trustor shall promptly compiy with all laws, ardinances, and
<br /> reguiations, now or hereafter in effec�t, af all go�ernmen#a� au�horities applicah�e �� the use ar �c�upancy a� �he
<br /> Pro�erty. Trustor may cc�ntest En good fai�h any such law, nrdinance, or re�u�a�ivn and withho�d cvmp[ian�� during
<br /> any pro�eedin�, including app�-apriate appeals, so lang as Trustar has natified Lender in writing privr �� daing so
<br /> and so I�n� �s, in Lendef's svle❑pinion, L�nder's interests �n th� �'rr�psrty are nv'�jeopardEzed. Lender may require
<br /> Trustar�o pos�adequate s�curi�y or a sure�y bond, reasvnably satis�a��ory�v Lend�r, ta prote�t L�nder's in�erest.
<br /> Duty to Protec�, Trustvr agrees nei�her �a abandon or lea�e unattend�d the Proper�y. Trustar sh�ll d❑ ali other
<br /> a�ts, in additi�n ta thase acts set farth aba�� in this sec�tian, whi�h from the character and use of the Prvperty are
<br /> reasonah�y ne�essary to �r�����and preser�e�he Property.
<br /> DUE�N SA�.�-C�NSENT BY LENDER. L�nd�r mayr at Lender's c�p�ion, declare immediately due and payabEe a11 sums
<br /> secured hy�his Q��d o�T�ust upon�he sale or trans�er, wi�haut Lender's prior written consent, o�all or any �arf❑f�he
<br /> Rea� Property, ❑r any interest in the Real Property. A "sa�e or�ransfer" means the can�eyance of Rea� Property or any
<br /> right, title or in�er��� in �he Real Prvperty; whe�h�r legal, benefi�ia! car equitable; v�rh��h�r �oluntary or inualun�tary;
<br />