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2� 1 ��4733 <br /> B�RR�WER ��VENANTS that Borrower�s �awfully seised of the�state her�by conv�yed and has the right to <br /> grant and convey th� Proper�y and �hat the Praperty is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. <br /> B�rr�wer warrants and wi�� defend genera�ly�he ti��e to�he Proper�y against a�l ciaim� and demands, �uhject ta <br /> any encumbrances o f reca rd. <br /> TH�S SECUR�TY �N�TRUMEN`T combine�uniform ca�ena.�ts for nat�ana�us�and nan�un�form�avenan�s��th <br /> limited var�at�ans by jurisdictifln t�cansti�ute a unif�rm securi�y ins�rument cov�r�ng rea�propert�r. <br /> Unifarm �avenants. Barrower and Lender c�venant and agr�e as fo�laws: <br /> �. Payment vf Principa�. Ir�t�rest, Escrvw Items, Prepayment Char�es, and Late Charges. Barrow�r <br /> shall pay wh�n due th�principa� af, and �nteres��n, �he d�bt evidenGed by the Note and any pr�payment <br /> �harges and late charges due under the Note. Borrower sha�� a�s�pay funds for Escrnv� It�ms pur�uan�to <br /> Se�t�on 3. Payments due under the Note and th�s Securi�� Xnstrum.en�sha��b�mad� in U.�. curr�nc�. <br /> Hov�re�rer, if any check ar other instrument recei�ed by Lend�r as paymen�under the Not�or this Security <br /> �nstrument �s returned�o Lender unpaid, Lender may requ�re that any or all subsequ�nt paxments due under <br /> the Note and this Securit�r �nstrument be made in nne or more of the f�ilow�ng forms, as se�ect�d by Lend�r: <br /> �a} cash; �b� maney order; �c� cer��f�ed check, bank check, trea�urer's ch�c1�or cashier�5 C�I�C�, pro��ded an� <br /> such check is dravvn up�n an institu��on whose d�posits are xnsured by a fed�ra� agency, �nstrumentality, ar <br /> entity; �r�d} EleC�r�niC Funds Transfer. <br /> Paym�nts ar�deemed receiWed by Lender when recei�ed a�the���at��n des�gnat�d xn the Note ar a�such <br /> ather�ocat�nn as may�e designa�ed by Lender in acc�rdar�ce with�h�no�ice provxs�ons �n Section 15. <br /> L�nder may r�turn any paymen�or par�ia� paym�n� if the payment or partia�payments are}nsuff�cient t� <br /> bring the Laan current. L�nder may accept any payment or partial payment insuffici�nt to bring�h� Loan <br /> current, without waxver af an�r r�ghts hereunder or pre�ud�ce to its r�ghts�o r�fuse suCh payment or par�ial <br /> payments in the future, but Lender is not�b�igated to app�y such pa�rments at the time such pa�ments are <br /> ac�epted. �f each Periodic Payment is applied as of�ts scheduied du�dat�, th�n Lender need nat pay inter�s� <br /> on unapp�ied funds. Lender may ha�d such unappiied funds unt�l B�rro�v�r makes pa�mer�ts ��bring the <br /> L�an current. ��'Borrower do�s no�do so wzt�.�n a r�as�na���period af tirne, Lena�er sha�� either appl�r such <br /> funds �r return thern to Borrower. If n�t app��ed�arlier, such funds w���be appl�ed to the�urstanding <br /> principal ba�anc�und�r rhe Note immediate��prior to foreclo�ur�. No offset ar c�aim wh�ch Borro�ver migh� <br /> ha�e now or�n the fu�ure against Lender shal� reli��e Borrower fr�m ma��ng paymen�s due under the Not� <br /> and this S�curity Zns�rument or performing the covenants and agr�em�nts secured by this Security <br /> Iristrumen�. <br /> �. App�ication �f Payments or Proce�ds. Excep�as�therwise d�scr���d�n�h�s Sect�an Z, a�l payments <br /> acc�pt�d and app�ied by Lender shall be applied in�.he fo�la�v�ng order af prior�ty: �a} �n�erest due under the <br /> Not�; �b}prznCipa� due under�he Note; �c� amaun�s due under S�ction 3. Such pa�ments �ha1�be app�i�d�o <br /> each Periodic Payment�n the order�n�vhich�t became due. Any remaining amounts sha�I be applied f�rst�� <br /> late�harges, sec�nd�o any�ther amounts due under th�s �ecur�ty �nstrument, and th�n ta reduce�he <br /> princ�pal balance af the Not�. <br /> �f Lend�r reCeives a payment from Borro�er far a delinquent Peri�d�c Paym�nt wh��h includes a suff�ci�nt <br /> amQun��o pay any la�e charge due, the payment may be applied ta the d�l�nquent paymen�and�he�a�e <br /> charge. �f more�han�ne Periodic Pa�ment�s�u�standing, Lender may app�� any payment recei�ed from <br /> Borrawer to the repaymen�of the Periadic Paym�nts if, and to the extent tha�, each payment can be paid in <br /> full. To the exten�that an�excess exists af�er the payment i� applied to the fu��payment of one or mare <br /> Periodic Paym�n�s, such excess ma�be app�ied to an�late charges due. Volun�ary prepayments shall�e <br /> applied firs��o any prepayment charges and then as described in the No�e. <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingfe Family-Fannie MaelFrecic#ie Mac L1N��Of2M INSTRLIMENT Farm 3�28 11a1 <br /> VMP p VMPfi{NE��13�2� <br /> Woliers Kluwer Finan�ial Services Page 4 of�7 <br />