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2� 1 ��4733 <br /> sentences shall not apply �o the pre�enc�, use, ar s��rage on�he Proper�y of�mall quan�ities af Hazar�ous <br /> Subs�ances �hat ar�genera�l� recogn�zed�a be apprapr�at��o narma�res�dential uses and t� maintenance�f <br /> th�Property �in��uding, but not�zm�t�d to, hazardaus subs�ances in cansumer products}. <br /> B�rrower shal�prompt�y�zve Lender wr�tten n��ice of�a� any �nvestigati�n, c�aim, d�mand, lawsu���r o�her <br /> action by any gover�nmen�al�r regu�at�ry agency or priva�e par��r �n����ing the Proper�y and any�azardau.s <br /> Sub�tar�c��r En�ironmen�a� Law of�h�ch B�rrawer has actua� knov��edg�, �b} any En�vir�nm�n�a� <br /> �and�t��n, iricluding but n�t��m�ted to, any sp����ng, �eak�ng, discharge, rel�as�or�hr�at of re��ase vf any <br /> Hazardous Substanc�, and �c} an.y condition caus�d by the presence, use�r releas�of a Hazardous Subs�ance <br /> wh�ch ad�rerse�y affects the�a�ue of the Pr�per��. �f Barrower learns, �r��not�fied by any governmen�al or <br /> regula�ary authorxty, �r any pri�ate par�y, t�at any r�movai or�th�r rem�dxa��on of any Ha.2ardou�Subs�ance <br /> affect�ng��e Pr�p�r�y �s n�cessary, B�rrow�r shail pro�ra.ptly tak�al�n�cessary remed�al act�ans in <br /> accardance wxth En��ronmen�al La�. Nothing herein sha�� cr�ate any�b��gation an L�nder far an <br /> Environmenta� ��eanup. <br /> Non�Uniftirm �vr�enants. Barrower and Lender covenant and agree as foll��vs: <br /> �2. A�celerativn; Rem�dies, Len�ler shall give not�ce ta Borro�ver prior�n acceleration fo��awing <br /> Borrawer's brea�h of any covenant or agreenzent�n this S�curity Instrumen� �bu�nv� przor�o <br /> acce�erat�on under Sectian 1S unless App�icab�e Law pravides o�herwise}. The no�ice sha��specify: �a} <br /> the defau�t; tb} the ac�ion requ�red�a cure the defau�t; �c} a date, nat�ess�han 3U da�s from the da�e <br /> ��e no��ce�s gx�en to Barrower, by which.the defaul�must be Cured; and �d3 �hat fa��ure��cure�he <br /> defauX�on or�efore the da�e specified in�he no�ice may result�n acce�eratian of�h�sum5 secured by <br /> thxs Secur��y Instrument and sa�e of�he Pr�per�y. The not�ce sha�l further infarm Borrower of the <br /> r�ght to rexns�ate after acce�eration and�he rxght to br�ng a c�urt a��ion to ass�rt the non-existence of a <br /> defau�t or any other defense of Borrower t�acce�era�ion and sa�e. If the defau��is not�ured on or <br /> befvre�h�date spee�fi�d in the na�ice, Lend�r a� i���p�i�n may require immedia�e payment�n ful� of <br /> all sums secur�d by this Se�urity Ins�rument withou� fur�her demand and may invoke the power of sa�e <br /> and any o�her remediQs perm��t�d by A��p��cab��Law. Lender sha��be en�i�led to collec�al� expense� <br /> incurred in pursuing the remedie�pravided in�h��Sec��on 22, inc�uding, bu�nat lim�ted to, reasanabl� <br /> at�orneys' fees and costs of tit�e evidence. <br /> If the pawer af sale�s�nvaked, Trustee sha�l record a not�ce of r�efau�t in each coun�y in which any <br /> par� af�he Property�s�o�ated and sha��ma��cop�es of�uch natice�n the manner prescribed by <br /> Applicable Law ta B�rrawQr and�o the ather person�pre5cribed by App�icable Law. After�he t�me <br /> requ�red by App�icable Law, '�'rustee shal�give pub�ic notice of sa�e�o the persans and�n the manner <br /> prescr�bed by Appl�cab�e Law. Trustee, �ithout dem.and on Borra�v�ver, shal�se���he Property at publ�c <br /> auct�on to the h�ghest b�dder at the time and p�ace and under the�erxns des�gnated�n the no�i��of sa�e <br /> �n ane ar more par�e�s and�n any order Trus�ee�e�ermines. Trus�ee n�ay�o5�pone sa�e of al�or any <br /> parcel af�he Proper�y �y publ�c annnuncement at the��me and p�ace of any pre�iously schedu�ed sa�e. <br /> Lender ar i�s designee may purchase�he Pr�perty at any sa�e. <br /> Upon receip�of payment of the pr�c�bid, Trus�e�s�al� de�i�er�v the purchaser Trus�ee's deed <br /> conveying the Property. The reci�a�s in the Trus�ee'� deed�hali be prima facie e��dence of the�ruth of <br /> �he s�atements made there�n. TruStee�hal�app�y the proceeds of the sale in the follo�v�ng order: ta} �a <br /> alI costs and expenses of ex�rcising the pov�er of sa�e, and the sale, �nc�uding the payment of�he <br /> Trustee's Fees ac�ually incurred and reasonab�e a�tarneys' fee�as perm�tted by Applicable Law; �h} �o <br /> a�� sums secur�d by th�s Securi�y Ins�rument; and �c} any e�ce�s to�h�person or persans�ega��� <br /> ent�t�ed�o��. <br /> NEBRA5ICA-SingEe Farnily-Fannie MaeiFredd"se Mac l3NIF�RM lNSTRtJM�NT Farm 3028 7101 <br /> VMP� VMPfi�NEf{i 3�2y <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financ+ai 5�rvices Pac�e 14 af 17 <br />