2� 1 ��4733
<br /> in the Property and rights under�h�s Secur�ty �n�trument; and �d}�akes such action as Lender may
<br /> reasonab�y requ�re ta assure�hat Lender's interes��n�he Property and r�ghts under this Se�uri�y �nstrumen�,
<br /> a�d Borrov�r�r's obligation�o pa�r �he sums secured�y �hzs �e�urzty �ns�rumen�, shall ��nt�nue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may require that Borrower pa� such reins�a�emen�sums a�.d expenses in ane or more of the fo�iowing
<br /> forms, as se�ect�d by L,ender: �a}cash; �b}money order; �c} cer��f�ed check, bank�he�k, tr�asurer's�h�ck or
<br /> cashier's check, pro�ided any such check�s drawn u.p�n an xnst�tu��an whase depos�ts are insured hy a
<br /> federal agency, instrumen�a�ity or�nt�t�r; or�d} ��ectronic Funds Transfer. Upon reinstatemen�b�r Borrower,
<br /> �his Secur�ty Ins�rumen�and obliga�xons secured h�re�y sha�l re�main fu11y effect�ve as if no ac�elera�ion had
<br /> ac�urred. �flvve�er, th�s righ��o re�ns�ate sha11 no�app�� i��he cas�of acceleration under S�c�ion 18.
<br /> ��. Sa�e of Note; �hange of Laan Ser�icer; Natice of Grie�ance. The Nat��r a par�ia� interes��n the
<br /> N��e(t�ge�her with t.�i�s Securi�y�nstrumen�}can be sold ane or more ti�nes wi�h�ut prior no�ice t�
<br /> B�rro�rer. A sa�e m�gh�resu���n a change�n�h�en��ty �known as th� "L�art �ervicer"} tha�collects Per��d�c
<br /> Payments du�under the N�o�e and this�ecur�ty �nstrumen�and performs other n�ortgage loan servicing
<br /> obligations under the Nate, this Securi�y Instrumen�, and App��ca�le Law. Ther�a�so mi�h�be one ar more
<br /> changes of the Laan Serv�cer unre�a�ed�a a sale of th�No�e. �f there�s a change of the L,oan Servicer,
<br /> Borrawer wil� be gi��n vvritten n�t�ce�f�he change which wi�� state the name and address of the new Loan
<br /> Ser�icer, the address ta which paymen�s shou�d be made and any o�her information RESPA requires �n
<br /> connec�ion with a nat��e Qf transfer of��r�icing. �f�he Note is s��d and thereafter the Loan is ser��ced by a
<br /> Loan Servicer other than the purchaser af the Not�, �he mar�gage�oan ser�icing�b�iga�ions ta Borrower�i��
<br /> remain vwith the Loan Servicer ar�e transferred�o a successar Loan Servicer and are not assumed by th�
<br /> Note purchaser unless otherwise pro�ided by the N��e purchas�r.
<br /> Nei�her Barrower nor Lender may commenc�,�oin, or be joined to an��udicia� actian�as e�ther an
<br /> indi�idual Iitigant or the member of a c�ass}that ar�ses fr�m�he other par�y's actians pursuan�to�his
<br /> Secur��y Instrument or that al�eges �hat the a�her party has br�ached any pro�isian�f, or any duty owed by
<br /> reasan of, this 5ecurity �nstrumen�, unti� such Barrow�r�r L�nder has notified �h��ther par�� (with such
<br /> natic�g�ven in carnpl�an��w��h�he req�uiremen�s��r�ec�ion �5� ��r suc:h al�eged br�ach a�d affo�d.ed�h�
<br /> ather part�here�o a reasonab�e pe�iod after the giv�ng of such no�ice to�ake corrective actian. �f App�icable
<br /> Law provides a time per�od wh�ch mus�elapse befor�cer�ain ac�ion can be taken, tha�t�me period w��� be
<br /> deemed�o be reasonable for purpases af this paragraph. The n��ice of accele�a��on and oppar�unit�fo�ure
<br /> given t�Borrawer pursuant to Sec�ion 22 and�he not�ce of acceleration gx�en�o B�rrovver pursuan�to
<br /> Se��ion 18 sha1� be deem�d to sa�rsf��he not�ce and appor�un�ty�n�ake c�rrect�ve ac�ion provisions of th�s
<br /> Section��.
<br /> �1. �azardaus Substances. As use�.�n th�s Sec�ion Z�: �a} "�Ia�ardous�u�stances"are thase suhs�ances
<br /> de�ned a�toxic ar hazardous subs�ances, po��utants, �r wastes by En�iranmen�al Lavv and�he fo�lowing
<br /> substanc�s: gas��ine, kerosene, oth�r f�amma��e or toxic pe�ro�eum produc�s, �axic pestic�des and herbic�des,
<br /> �o�at��e so��ents, ma�er�als con�aining a�bestas or forma�dehyde, and radioactive m.ateria�s; �b}
<br /> "Enui��nmentat Luw"m�ans federa� 1av�s and Iaws af the�ur�sdic��on where the Praper�� is �ocated�ha�
<br /> rela�e ta health, safet�or�nv�ronm�n�al pro�ec�ion; �c} "�nviron�nental Cleanu�"includes any respons�
<br /> actian, remedia� actian, or remo�a� actxon, as defined in�nvironmen�a� Lavv; and �d� an ".�nviranmer��ar
<br /> �ondition"means a c�nditian tha�can cause, contri�u�e to, or other�v�ise�r�gger an Environmenta� Cleanup.
<br /> Borrawer sha.l�not cause or permi��he pres�nce, use, disposal, s�orage, or release of any Hazardaus
<br /> Substances, or threa�en to release an� �3azardous Substances, on or in�he Proper��. Borrfl�er shal� nat do,
<br /> nor a�l�w an�one e�se�o do, an��h�ng affecting��e Proper�}� �a} that is �n vialat�on�f any En�ironmental
<br /> Law, �b} which creates an En�ironmental Conditian, or�c� whi�h, due to the pres�nce, use, or release of a
<br /> Hazardvus Substance, �rea�.es a cond�t�on that advers�ly affects �he�a�ue of�he Praperty. The pre�eding�w�
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNiFORM INSTRLIMENT Forrr3 3fl28'�101
<br /> VMP� VMPfi�NE)[13�2}
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