2� 1 ��4733
<br /> sat�sfac�ion, pravided�hat such �nspection shall be undertaken pramptly. L�nder nlay pay f�r the repairs
<br /> and restoratian in a sxngle disbursemen�ar in a series of pragress payn�ents as th�work�s comp��t�d.
<br /> Un�ess an agreement�s made in wr�ting or App�icable Law requires inter�st to b�pa�d�n such
<br /> M�scellaneous Pr�ceeds, Lend�r�ha�� nfl��e required�a pay Borr�wer an� �nter�st or earnzngs an su�h
<br /> M�scellaneaus Prac�eds, �f�he r�stara��on flr repair is not�conamically fea��b�e ar Lender's s�curi�y vvou�d
<br /> be�essened, the Mis�e��aneous Pr���eds sha1�be applied t� the sums secured by�h�s Securit��nstrument,
<br /> v`rhe�her ar nat then due, with the excess, �f any, paid to B�rr�wer. Such Miscellaneous Proceeds sha��be
<br /> app�ied�n the order prov�ded for in Sect�on�.
<br /> �n the even��f a total �ak�ng, des�ruction, nr�oss in�ralue�f the Proper�y, the Miscel�an��u� Proceeds shall
<br /> be app�ied to th��um� s�cured by�his Securzty Instrument, whether nr na�th�n du�, with�h�ex�ess, �f any,
<br /> pa�d t�Barrawer.
<br /> In the event af a partial ta�ing, d�struct�fln, or�oss in�aiue af the Proper�y in whi�h the fair marke�va�u�of
<br /> the Prop�r�y immediatel�befare the partial taking, destru�tion, or��ss �n value is equa� to or grea��r�han th�
<br /> amount�f th�surns secured by this Secur�ty �ns�rument immediately before�he par��a��ak�ng, destruct�on, ar
<br /> �oss in va�ue, unl�ss Borrower and Lender otherw�se agree in wri�ing, �he sums s�cured by th�s Secur�ty
<br /> �n.strum�n�sha�� be r�duced by�he amount of the Mxsce��aneaus Pr��e�ds mu���pli�d by th� follawing
<br /> frac�ian: �a}the t�tal amount of�he sums secured immed�a�ely before the part�a� �aking, �estruction, �r loss
<br /> �n�a�ue di�ided by �b} the fazr marke�value of�he Proper�y �mmediate�y b�fore�he partia� taking,
<br /> destruc�ian, ar�vs� in va�ue. Any ba�ance sha11 be paid�a Borrov�ver.
<br /> In the ev�nt�f a par�ial taking, destru�tion, or�oss in Walue of�he Proper�y �n wh�ch the fa�r market�a�ue of
<br /> the Prvper�y imm�d�a�ely before the partial taking, d�stru�tion, or lass �n�a�ue zs�ess than�he amoun�af�he
<br /> sum,s s�cured immedza�e�y before the partial tak�ng, destruc��on, or loss in�ra�ue, unless B�rr�wer and
<br /> I�ender oth�rwxse agree in writing, th� M iscellaneous Proceeds shai� �e appl ied ta the sums seGured by th�s
<br /> Secur�ty Instrumen�wh��her or no��he sums are th�n due.
<br /> �f the Prap�rty is aband�ned b�Borrawer, �r�f, aft�r noti�e by Lender to Borrovver that the�ppos�ng Part.y
<br /> �as def�ned in the ne�.� sentence} offers to make an award ta settle a claim far damages, Barrow�r fails �o
<br /> respond ta Lender within 3�days af�er the date�he notice�s gi�en, Lender is au�horized��c�tlect and apply
<br /> �.he Miscellaneous Proceeds e�ther to res�oration or repair af the Praperty ar to th�sums s�Gured by �hx�
<br /> Securi�y Instrumen�, whether or not�hen due. "�ppasing Party" means the third party�hat owes Borrawer
<br /> Mzscei�aneous Pro�eeds or the par��agaznst whom Barrawer has a right of ac�ian�n regard to M�sce�laneous
<br /> Proc�eds.
<br /> Borrower shall�e in defau�t �f any ac�ion or proceed�ng, v�hethe�c�v�l or crimina�, �s begun that, in Lender's
<br /> judgment, c�uld result in forfeiture of�he Property or other mater�al xmpairment�f L�nder's interest in the
<br /> Property ar r�gh�s under this Security �nstrumen�. Borrower can cure such a defau�t and, if acce��ratian has
<br /> accurred, reinstate as pra�ided in Sect�on �9, by�ausing the action or proc�eding to be dismissed with a
<br /> rul�ng that, in Lend�r's�udgment, pr�clud�s forfei�ure flf the Property or other ma�erial impairment�f
<br /> L�nder's interest in the Pr�perty ar righ�s under this Security Ins�rument. The proceeds of any a�vard ar
<br /> c�aim for damag�s that ar�attr�butab�e to the�mpa��ment�f Lender's in�eres� in the Pr�per�y ar�hereby
<br /> assigned and shal�be paid t� Len�er.
<br /> AlI M�s�ellaneous Prac��ds that ar�not appiied t� restora�ian or repair�f�he Property shal�be app��ed �n�he
<br /> order provided for�n S�ction 2.
<br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNI�aRM INSTRUMENT �orm 3�28 11�i
<br /> VMP� VMPfitNE1�13021
<br /> Wvlters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Pag�1�of 17
<br />