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2� 1 ��4538 <br /> con�inue to pay to Lender the amount of the separatei� designated pa�m�nts�ha�were due when��e <br /> �nsurance coverage c�ased�o be in effec�. L,ender wi��accept, us�and retain�hese paymen�s as a <br /> nfln-refunda�le lflss reserv�in�ieu of Mor�gage�nsurance. Such loss res�r�re shall b�nan�refundable, <br /> notwi�hstand�ng the fact that the Loan is ult�ma����r pa�d in full, and Lender shal�no�be required to pay <br /> Borrawer any �n�eres�or earnings on such loss reserve. Lender can n� Ionger require��ss res�rve pa�m�nts <br /> if Mortgage Insuranc�coverage�in�he amount and for the per�od that Lender requires} pro�ided b� an <br /> insurer seiected by L�nder again beconzes availab��, �s ob�ained, and L�nder requir�s separa��iy des�gnated <br /> paymen�s�ovvard�he premiums f�r Mortgage�nsurance. �f Lender required Mortgage�nsurance as a <br /> condition of mak�ng the Loan and Borrower v�as requ�red to make separatel�des�gnated payments�oward the <br /> premiums for Mor�gage�nsurance, gorrawer shall pay�he premiums required ta mainta�n Mor�gage <br /> �nsurance in effec�, �r to provide a non-refundab�e�oss reser��, until Lender's requirement for Mor�gage <br /> Insurance ends �n acc�rdance�r�th any writ�en agreennen�betvve�n Borrovver and L.�nder pro��ding far such <br /> termination or un�i� terjm�na�ian is r�qu�red b� Appl�cable Lavv. Noth�n� �n�his Sect�on �a affec�s <br /> Borrower's obli�ati�n�o pay interes�a�the rate pro�vided in the No�e. <br /> ]11�nr����� T����ranr�P r�imhr��-�P� �,PnriPr�nr�ny Pnti�y t��t���t'�:�h��e:,� t�he Nn�e� f�r��r�.a�i� �nS�eS i�ma.y inc��r <br /> if Borrower does not repay the Loan as agreed. Borro�rer is nat a party to the Mor�gage�nsuranc�. <br /> Mor�gage insur�rs evaluate�heir tata� risk on all such insurance�n force fr�m t�me ta t�me, and may enter <br /> inta agreements�vith��her par��es �ha� share or modif�the�r risk, or reduce losses. These agreements are on <br /> terms and condi��ons that are satisfactor�to the mor�gage insurer and the o�her par�� �or parties} to these <br /> agreemen�s. These agreemen�s may require�he�mor��age insurer�o mak�payments using any source of funds <br /> tha��he mortgag��nsurer may ha�r� a�aiiab�e�v�rhi�h rn�ay inc�ude funds�b�ained from Mortga���nsuran�e <br /> premiums}. <br /> As a result of�hese a�reements, Lender, any pur�haser of�he No�e, ano�h�r insurer, any reinsurer, an��ther <br /> en����, or any aff���a��of an�of the for��o�ng, may receive �dir�ctly ar�ndirec�l�r} amounts that deri�e fr�m <br /> �or migl�t b�chara��erized as} a paxrtion of Borravver's paynlents for Mortgage Insuranc�, in ex�han�e for <br /> sharin�or mod�f�ing the mortgage insur�r's r�sk, or reduc�ng losses. �f such agreemen�pra�ides �ha�an <br /> af#�i��ate of Lender�akes a share of the insur�r's risk�n exchan�e for a share af�h�prem�ums paid ta the <br /> insurer, th�arrangement �s often termed "cap�i�re reinsurance." Fur�her: <br /> �a� An�such agreements��ri�l not affect th�a�noun�s�hat Borrawer has agre�d ta pay for IVlor�gage <br /> Insurance, or any o�her terms of�he Loan. Such agre�men�s wil� not�ncrease the amount <br /> Barrower v�ri��owe for�Vlor�gage Insurance, and�hey w��� no�entit�e Borro��er�o any refund. <br /> ��} Any such agr�emen�s wi��no�affec� �he r�ghts Borrvv��er has-�f any -��vith respect ta�he <br /> Mortgage Insurance under the Horneown�rs Pro��ction Acf of 1998 or any o�her la�v. Th�se righ�s <br /> may include�he r�ght#o rece�ve certain disclasures, �o r�qu�s� and ah�ain canc�l�at�on of�he <br /> Mor�gage Insurance, �o have�he Nlor�gage Insurance�erm.ina�cd automat�ca�ly, andlor to rece�ve <br /> a refund af any Mor�gage Insurance premiums tha���vere unearned a�the�ime vf�uch <br /> cancella�ion or term�natian. <br /> �1. Ass�g�ment of N�isce�laneous Prviceeds; Forfeiture. A1� M�sG���an��us Proceeds are hereby assign�d�� <br /> and sha11 be paid�o Lender. <br /> �f the Pr�perty �s damaged, such Miscellaneous Praceeds shall �e appli�d t� r�storation or repair of th� <br /> Praperty, if the res�orat�on or repair is ecan�m�cal�� feasible and Lender'� secur��y �s not�essened. During <br /> such repair and restorat��n period, Lender sha�l hav�the right ta hold such M isc���aneous Prnceeds un�ii <br /> L,ender has had an appor�unity to inspec�such Proper�y��ensur�the work has been comp��ted�� L�nder's <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famiiy-Fannie Ma�IFreddie Mac UNIFDRM[NSTRIlM�NT Form 3��8�1�1 <br /> VMP� VMPfi�NE}{'�3Q2� <br /> Wolters Kluwer�ir�ancial Ser�ices Page 9 vf 17 <br />