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2� 1 ��4538 <br /> sat�sfact�on, pro��d�d that such inspectian sha�l be undertaken promptly. Lender may pa�for the repazrs <br /> and res�oratian�n a s�ngle disbursement or in a s�ries �f progress payments as �he wor��s comp�eted. <br /> Unl�ss an agreement is n�ade in wr�ting ar Applicable Law requires interest�o be paid�n such <br /> Misce��aneous Proceeds, Lender shall no�be requ�red ta pay Borrower any �nterest ar earn�ngs on su�h <br /> N�i�����aneous Proceeds. �f the restoratian or repair�s no�ecanom��al��r feas�b�e�r Lender's s�curity�v�u�d <br /> be�essened, the Misce��aneou� Proc��ds shali be app��ed ta the sums secur�d�y this Security �nstrument, <br /> whether ar not then due, with�he excess, �f any, paid to B�rrawer. Such Misce��an�aus Praceeds sha�i be <br /> applied in the order pro�id�d f�r xn Sec��on 2. <br /> �n the even�of a total taking, destructian, or loss in value of the Pr�perty, the Misce��aneous Proceeds �hail <br /> be applied ta the sums secur�d by this Se�urity �nstrument, whether or not�hen due, with the��cess, �f any, <br /> paid t�Borro�er. <br /> In�he���n�af a par�ia� �aking, destruction, ar�oss in value of the Proper�� in wh�ch�he fazr market value Qf <br /> �h�Propert� immediat�Iy before the partial taking, destruc�ion, or loss �n va�ue is equa� ta or greater than the <br /> amount of th�sums s�cured by this Secur�ty �nstrument imrnedia�e�y b�fore the par�ial �aking, d�struct��n, or <br /> �o�s in va�u�, unless B�rr�wer and Lender othe�-�vise agr�� in writing, th�sums secur��i�y �h�s 5ecurity <br /> Ins�rument shal�be reduced by the amount of the Mis�ex�aneous Pro�eeds mu���p���d by the follo�ving <br /> fraction: �a}the total am�oun�of the sums seGured immediate�y�efore�he par�ial taking, des�ruction, or loss <br /> zn va�ue di�ided by �b} th� fa�r mar�e�value af�he Prap�rty immedia�ely before the partia� �a�ing, <br /> ����ru�tion, �r�nss in va�u�. Any ba�anc�shall be paid to Borrower, <br /> In the e�ent of a partia� taking, destructi�n, or�oss in�a�u�of the Proper�y zn which the fa�r market value�f <br /> the Proper�y �mmediat�ly befare the par��a� �ak�ng, des�ruction, flr�ass �n value is l�ss than the amoun� of th� <br /> sums secured immediate�y befare the par�xa� �aking, destruction, or�ass in value, unless Barra�ver and <br /> L�nder atherw�se agree�n�vr�t�ng, the Miscellaneou� Pra�eeds shali be applied to the sums secured by this <br /> Se�ur�ty �ns�rument whe�her�r not the sums ar�th�n due. <br /> �f the Property is abandaned by Barro��r, or�f, after not�ce�y Lend�r to Barrovwer that�he�pposing Par�y <br /> �as d���ned in the n�x�sent�n��} offers�o m.ake an award to set�le a claim for damag�s, Borrow�r fa�ls �o <br /> respond ta Lend�r w�th�n 3D da�s after�he da�e�h�no�i�e is given, Lender is authori2ed�o collec�and app�y <br /> �he M�sc�llaneou� Proceeds either ta restoratian�r repair of the Praper�y�r to the sums secured by this <br /> Secur��y �nstrum.�n�, wheth�r or not then due, "�7pposin� Par��r" m�ar�s the thzrd par�y tha�o�ves Barr�v�er <br /> Misce��aneous Pr�ceeds or the par�y against v�hom Barrow�r has a r�ght of action in r�gard ta �M�sce��aneaus <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Borrower shal�b� in defau�� if any action or proceeding, whether c�vi� �r crim�na�, is begun that, in Lender's <br /> �udbment, c�uld resul� in f�rfeiture of the Propert� or ath�r materia� ��rment of Lend�r's interest�n th� <br /> Pr�per�y or r�ghts under this Security�nstrument. Borrower can cure such a d�fault and, if a���lerat�on has <br /> occurred, reinstate as pro�v�ded in Sect�Qn �9, by cau�ing th�act�on�r pr�ceeding tn�e d��missed tivith a <br /> rul�n�that, in Lender's�ud�men�, pr�clud�s forf�iture of the Prn�ertv or o�her materia� �mpairm����� <br /> Lender's �n�erest in the Prflperty�r rights under th�s Secur�ty �nstrument. The pro�eed,�of any a�ard�r <br /> claim fflr damage� that are attr�bu�ab���a the impairment of Lender's interest in�he Proper�y ar�her�by <br /> assigned and sha��b�pa�d.ta Lender. <br /> A�1 Misce��a.neous Proceeds that are not applied�a re�t�ration�r repa�r flf the Praper�y shal�be applied in the <br /> order pro�rided far in Section�. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNI�QRM fNSTREJMENT �vrm 3�28 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMP6�N�j 47 3�2� <br /> Wolters Kl�wer Financial Ser�ices Page 7�vf�7 <br />