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2� 1 ��4538 <br /> Any app��cat�on of paym�en�s, �nsurance proceeds, or 1V�iscellaneous Proceeds �o prxncipal due under�he Note <br /> shali na�extend or pastpon��he due date, o�r change�he amount, of the Perzodic Payments. <br /> 3. Funds for Escrovw Items. Borrow�r shail pay�o Lender an�he day Periodic Paymen�s are due under the <br /> Note, un�il�he Note is paid �n ful�, a sum�the "Funds"} �o pro�ide for pa�ment of amounts due for: �a} tax�s <br /> and assessmen�s and o�her items wh�ch can a�tain prior�ty over this Securit� �nstrument as a�ien or <br /> encumbrance�n the Propert�; �b} leaseh�id payments or graund rents on the Pr�per��, �f any; tc�premiums <br /> for any and al� insurance requ�red by Lender under Sec�ion 5; and �d} Mortgage�nsura�ce premiums, �f any, <br /> �r any sums payable by Barrower to Lender in Iieu af�he payment of Mortgage �nsurance prem.ium.s �n <br /> accardance wi�h the prov�s�on�af Section �a. These�xems are cal�ed "Escrov� I�ems." A��r�g�natian nr a� <br /> any t�me dur�ng the��rm of�he Loan, Lender may requ�re�ha���mmunity Associa�ion Dues, Fees, and <br /> Assessmen�s, if an}�, �e escrow�d�y Borrower, and su�h dues, fees and assessmen�s shal�be an�scrow <br /> ��e�n. Borrower sha��promp��� furnish�o Lender all notices�f amounts ta be pa�d under�h�s Sec�ion. <br /> Borrower sha��pay Lender�he Funds for Escr��r �tems unless Lender waives Bflrrov�er's a�i��at�on to pay <br /> the Funds for an�or a11 Escrov�r ���ms. Lender�na�vvaive Borrnwer's obl�ga��on to pay to Lender Funds for <br /> �ny�nr��� ����'n� ��P�� �� ��y����. Any ��►r.h �r�iu�r���r n�iy�� in t�ritin�. �n t1�P���n� nf s���� ��iv��-, <br /> Borro�er sha�� pa�direCtly, v�hen and wh�re pa}�able, the amounts due far any Escrav�r Items for wh�ch <br /> pa�ment�f Funds has been waiv�d by Lender and, if�..ender requires, shai� furnish to Lender rece�pts <br /> �v�denc�ng such payment within such time peri�d as Lend�r may require. Borrower's ob��gation�o ma�� <br /> su�h payments and ta pra�ride receip�s sha�l for ai�purposes b�de�m�d ta be a�a�enan�and a�reemen� <br /> con�ained in th�s Security �nstrument, as the phrase "cav�nan� and agreement" is used in Sect�on 9. �f <br /> Borrower is obligated�o pa� �scrow ��ems direc�Iy, pursuant�o a�raiv�r, and Borra�uer fa�ls�a pa�the <br /> amount due for an Escrow Item, Lend�r may exerci�e�ts righ�s under 5ect�on 9 and pay such amount and <br /> Borrovver shall then be obl�ga�ed under S�c�ion 9 t� repay �o Lender any such amoun�. Lend�r ma� re�oke <br /> �h��.�rai�er as�� any or a�� Escrow ��em� a� any time b�a no�ice�i�ren �n accordance vvith 5e�tion �S an�, <br /> upan such revflca�ian, Barrower sha�� pay to L�nder al� Funds, and �n such an�ounts, �hat are tl��n r�qu�red <br /> under this Se�t�an 3. <br /> Lender may, at an� �ime, co�Iect and hold Funds in an amount �a} suft�c�ent to permit L.�nder to app�� �he <br /> Funds at th�time speci�ed und�r RESPA, and �b} not�o exc�ed�he maximum amaun� a�ender Gan r�qu�re <br /> under R�SPA. Lender shal� est�mate�h� amoun�o�`F'unds due on the�as�s of current data and reasonable <br /> es��ma�es of expend�tures of future Escr�w ��ems or oth�rvvise in ac�ordance�i�h Applicabie La��. <br /> The Funds shall be held in an �nstitu�ion v�hose deposi�s are insured�y a f��eral agen�y, �nstrumental�ty, or <br /> enti�� �inc�uding L�nder, if Lender�� an�nsti�ution whose deposits are so �nsured} or in any Federal H�m� <br /> Loan Bank. Lender shall appl}� �he Funds t�pay the Escrow Items no�ater�han the�ime specif�ed under <br /> RESPA. Lend�r shall no�charge Borrow�r far hoid��g and appl�ing the Funds, annual�� analyzing�he <br /> escrow account, or verify�ng the Escrovv �tems, unless Lender pays Borrower interes��n�he Funds and <br /> AppliGa�ie Law p�rnu�s Lender to make such a charge. Uniess an agreem�n�is made�n wr�ting or <br /> App�i�ab�e Law requires int�rest t�be paid on�he Funds, Lender shall na�be r�qu�red��pa�Barrow�r any <br /> inter���or earnxngs on the Funds. Borrower and Lender�an agree�n wri��ng, ho�re�er, �hat interes� shal�be <br /> paid on�he Funds. L.ender shaXl gi�e�o Borrower, vvithout charge, an annuai ac�ounting of�he Funds as <br /> required by RE�PA. <br /> �f there is a surpXus of Funds h��d in escro�v, as def�n�d under R�SPA, Lender shall account to Borrower fnr <br /> �he excess funds in accordance v�rith RESPA. �f�h�r� is a shortage of Funds heid in escrow, as def�ned und�r <br /> RESPA, Lender shall na�ify Borrower as required by RESPA, and Borrow�r shal�pa��o Lender the amaunt <br /> �.ecessar� to make up the shor�age in ac��rdance wi�h RESPA, bu� �n no mare�han 12 nlon�hly payments. If <br /> fihere�s a de�c�ency flf Funds held in�s�row, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall n�tif}�Borrawer as <br /> NEBRASKA-5in�1e Famiiy-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNi�aRM iNSTRUM�NT Form 3428 1I�1 <br /> VMP Q VMP6tNE�{13Q�y <br /> Walters Ktuwer Financial 5er�ices Pag�5❑f�7 <br />