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2� 1 ��4538 <br /> B�RRD'�V'�R�C]VENANTS tha�Borrower�s �awfu�ly se�s�d of th�estate her�by conveye� and ha�the r��h�ta <br /> �ran�and canvey th� Pr�perty and tha��he Proper�y zs unencumb�r��., exc�pt for encumbranc�s of recar�. <br /> Barrower warrants and wiil defend g�nera��y the t���e ta�he Prop�rty against all cla�ms and dernands, subj�c�ta <br /> a.r�.y en�umbrances of re�ord. <br /> THIS SECURITY�NSTRUMENT c�mb�n�s un�farm co�enants for na��onal use and non-uniform covenan�s w��h <br /> lim�ted variat�ans by jur�sd�ct�on�o cons�i�u�e a un�f�rm secur���r �nstrumen�cov�r�ng rea� praper�y. <br /> Unifarm G�venants. Borrawer and Lender co�enant and agree as f�l�ows: <br /> '1. Payment af Principal, �nterest. Escrvw ltems, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borr�wer <br /> �ha��pay when due the pr�nc�pa�of, and int�r��t Qn, the d�bt ev�denced by the Not�anci any prepayment <br /> �harge� and la��charges due under the Nate. Borrower sha�� alsa pay funds far Escra� �tems pursuant�a <br /> 5�ctian 3. Payments due under th� Nate and this Security Ins�rument shall be made in U.S. curren��. <br /> However, if any check or other instrumen�receivec�by L�nder as pa�m�nt und�r the No�e or this Security <br /> Ins�rum�nt is returned to Lender unpa�d, Lender may requir�that an� or all subsequent pa�ments due under <br /> the No�e and this Secur�ty �nstrum�nt be�nade in one ar mare of the fo��owzng forms, as sele��ed by Lender; <br /> �a} cash; �b}mon�y arder; �c} c�rt�fied chec�C, ban.�che�k, treasurer'� check or cash�er`s ch�ck, provid�d any <br /> such che�k is drawn upon an in�txtu�ian�vhas�deposi�s ar�insured by a f�d�ral agency, instrum�nta��t�, or <br /> enti�y; ar��} EleGtron�c Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are deemed r�c�ived by Lender when rece�ved a��he�o�a�z�n des�gnated �n the N��e or at such <br /> other lacat�fln as may b�des�gna�ed by Lender in ac�ardance wi�h th�notice pr�visi�ns in Secti�n 15. <br /> Lender may r�turn any payment�r part�a�payment if�he paymen�or partia�payments are insuffic��nt t� <br /> brir�g th�Loan curren�, Lender may a�cept any payment or partia� payment �nsuffczent t�br�n�the L�an <br /> curr�nt, w�thout wa�ver of any r�ghts her�under or prejud��e t� �ts righrs ta refuse such pa�ment ar par�ial <br /> payments �n�he futur�, but Lend�r is no�obliga��d t�apply such pa�xnents a��he�im�such paymen�s are <br /> accep�ed. If each Periodic Payment is appiied as of its scheduled du�date, then Lender need not pay interest <br /> on unappiied funds. Lender ma�hold such unappiied funds until B�rrower makes payments to bring the <br /> Loan curren�. �f Borrower does not dfl sQ��v�thin a reasonable period of time, Lender sha�l ei�her appiy such <br /> funds or return th�m ta Barr�wer. ��not app��ed earl�er, such funds wi��b�app��ed�o the autstanding <br /> pr�n�ipa� ba�an��under th�N��e imme�iate�y priar�o fore�losure. No�ffset or ciaim whi�h Borrawer might <br /> hav�now or ir�the future against L�nd�r sha�l r�iiev�Borrawer from making payments due under�he Note <br /> and thi� Securi�y Ins�rument ar perf�rmin� the c�venants and agreements secured by �h�s Security <br /> Instrumen�. <br /> �. Applicat�on of Payments vr P�aceeds. Except as atherw�se d�scr�bed in this Se�ti�n�, al�payments <br /> accep�ed and applied by Lender�ha�� be app�ied in the f�llawing�rd�r of priority: �a} inter�st due und�r the <br /> N�te; �b}principa� due under th� No�e; �c} amounts due un�i�r Sectzan 3. Such paymen�s sha��be app��ed to <br /> �ach Per�ad�c Payment in�h�ord�r in which �t be�ame du�. An� r�mazn�ng am�unts sha�1 be app��e� first ta <br /> la�e charg�s, s�Gnnd t� a���ther amnun�s di��un��r�his S���ritv �nstrum�nt� and�hen tn r�d�c�th� <br /> principal ba�ance af�h�Note. <br /> If Lender re�e��es a paym�nt from Borrower f�r a����nquen� P�riodic Paymen�wh�ch �nc�udes a suf��cient <br /> am�un� t�pay an�r Iate charg�due, �he payment may be app�ied to�h�del�nquent payrr�en�and the�ate <br /> charge. �f�nore than ane P�riodic Payment is ou�s�anding, Lender may apply an�payment received from <br /> Barrower to the repa�ment af�he P�riodi� Paymen�s if, and to the ex�ent that, each paym�nt can be paid �n <br /> fu�l. Ta�h�extent tha� any e��ess exists after the payment is appl�ed to�he ful�pa�ment of�ne or mflre <br /> Per�odic Payments, such excess may be app��ed �o any �a�e char�es due. Vo�un�ary prepaymen�s sha�� b� <br /> app��ed f�rst to any prepayrraent charges and then as d�scr�bed �n the Note, <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Farr�iEy-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTR�M�NT Form 30Z8�IQ1 <br /> VMP[] VMP64N��41302� <br /> Watt�rs Kluwer Financ�al 5er�ices Page 4❑f'E 7 <br />