. 2� 1 ��4535
<br /> Go�ernin�Lav��; Sever��i�ity.This Securi�y Instru�ment sha��be gaverned b�federa�I�.ur�.nd the laws�f the s�a�e
<br /> �f l�ebraska. �n the even� that an�r provzsian ar clause 4�th�� �ect�r�ty �ns�rument o7� �he ��n�rac� canf��c�s vv�th
<br /> .�pp�icable La�v, such c�nfl�c� shall. not affec��ther pro�isions of�his Security Znstr��rnent or�he �on�rac��vh�ch
<br /> can be given effvct wi�hou�the conf�icting prov��ion. Ta this ex�d the prav�szons of�h��a Security Instrument and the
<br /> �ontrac�are declared to be severable.
<br /> Bvrrower's�opy.Bor-r�wer sha11 be given one capy of�ais Secu.�-xty�ns�rurne�.�.
<br /> Trar�sfer�f the Pr�perty or a Be�.ef�c�al Int��e5t in Barrnwer, Zf al�or any par�o:E�he Prap�r�y�r any in�erest
<br /> in �t is so�d ar �ransferred ��r zf a benef cial interest in B�rrourer �s sv�d or �ransf�;rred and BorroWer is not a
<br /> na�ural pe,rsan} �without Lender's pr�or wri�ten �ansent, Lender ma�r, at its op�i�n, require �mmediate paym�n� in
<br /> full of a�1 sums secured by �his S��curity Ins�rumen�. Hc�•vt�ever, this aption sha11 na� be e�erc�sed by Lender �f
<br /> exercise is prohibi�ed by fed�ra��av�as of the da�e of�his�e�u�-�ty�r�strument.
<br /> �f I,render exercises this opti�n, L�nder sha�� g�v� B�rr�w�r not�ce of aec�lera�ion. T`he natice shall provide a
<br /> perxad of no� �e�3s than �he minirnum numbe� o�days est�.blished by Applicable La�� from th.e date �he natice is
<br /> �e�ivered �or mailed ,wi�rin tivhzch F�arro�wer mus� pay alI sums sec�ured b�r this Secu��ty Ins�rumen�. If B�rrovver
<br /> fai�s to pay these sums pr�or to the expira�ion of this �eri�d, Lend�r may invoke an�,�remed�es permi.t�ed by �his
<br /> Secur�ty Instrum.en�w�thou�further no��ce�r demand on��rrower.
<br /> BorroYver's Ri�;ht t� l�einstate. �f BarrQwer mee�s cer�ain candr��ions, B orrower :sh�.11 have the r�gh� ta have
<br /> enf�rcemen��f 1.his 5ecur��y �ns�ent disc��t�riued at any�ime prior�o �the ear�ier�of: �a} 5 days ��r such other
<br /> per�od as�pp�ica]�Ie La��r may spec�fy for reins�atement�before sa�e af the Propert��=ursuant�o any pav�er of sa�e
<br /> cantained in �h�.s 5ecurity �nstrum.�nt; or �b} en�ry of a judgme��t enforcing this S�curity �nstrument. T`hose
<br /> conditians are t��a�Barrov►rer: �a} pays Lender a�� sums �hich then ,would be due under this Security Instrument
<br /> and the Cantract as if n�acceleratio�.had accurred; �b� cures any defaul�af an�o�her���ve�.an�s ar agreemen�s; �c�
<br /> pays a�l expenses rncurred�n enfarc�ng th�s S�curity Instrument,including,bu�not Iimited ta,r�as�nab�e a�t�rneys'
<br /> fees to the exten.t permi�ed by lavv; and (d�takes such ac�ion as Le�.der may reasonal�X�r r�quire�o assuxe�h�t the
<br /> Iien of this 5ecu:r�ty�nstrument, Lender's righ�s �n�he Pro�erty and Borrower's o��iga�t�4n tfl pay�he sums se�ured
<br /> by�his 5e�ur��y Instruxz�.�nt shall cr�ntinue unC�anged. �C]��n reins�a.�ement by Borrflvv�r, �his Se�urity �n��rument
<br /> and �he �bliga�i�ns secured hereby sha�� rem.a�n fu�Iy eff�ct�ve as ���'na accelerati�n]z�.d oc�urred. Hotivever, this
<br /> righ�to reins�ate sha�I n�t app�y�n�:he case of�.ccelera�ion under th�section�i��ed Tr:��sfer of the Proper�y or a
<br /> B�nef�cia�Inter�est in I��v�rr�w�r.
<br /> Ha�ardous SubStam�es.Borrotiver shal�not cause or perm���he presence,use, d�sposal, s�arage, or re�ease of any
<br /> Hazardaus SubsT:ances on or in the property.Bflrrower sha��not do,rzar a���w an�ane+:�se to da,any�hing affec�i.n.g
<br /> �he Pr�perty tha� �s xn v�a�atxon �f�.ny Enviranmen�al Law. The p�eceding �w� sen�ences shall no� apply to �he
<br /> presen�e,use,ar�s��rag�on the Pro�erty�f small�uantiti�s of Hazaa�dous Subs�a.nces�:ha�are general�y recognized
<br /> to be appr�pr�a��;to norma�residen�:�a�uses and to mainter�anc�of the Property.
<br /> B��-rower�hal��romptly give Lend��r wrxtten no�ice nf an�r�nves�iga�ion,�laim, demar��d, �awsu��or o�her ac��on by
<br /> any gov�rnmen�al or regu�a�ory agency flr private par�y �nvalv�ng �he Property an� �any�3azardous Su�bsta.nce or
<br /> �nviro�mental �;�avv of �rvhich Borrovver has actual kn�v�Iedge. If Borrn�wer ��ar,�.s, or �s no�zf ed by any
<br /> g�vernmen�a� ar reguTatory author�ty�, �ha�any r�moval or other rem�dzation�f an�H���ardous Substance affecting
<br /> the Praper�y is necessary, Borrower shal� prflmptly ta�e aI� necessary remedial ac�ions in accflrdance W��h
<br /> En�rironmental L,au�.
<br /> As used in tihis�aragrap�, "Hazardc�us Subs�ances" are�hose substances def zaed as�c�x�c or hazardaus subs�ances
<br /> by Envira�mental Law and �he fallow�ng substances: g�.soline, k�r�sene, �ther flammabXe ar tflxic petxoieum
<br /> praducts, taxzc ��estici��s and herb�c�des, va�a.��1e solven�s, ma�erza�s con�aining as�}estas or fQrma�dehyde, and
<br /> radxaactiv�ma�erials.As used�n th��paragrap�, "Envirax�r�enta�La��v" means fed�ral:la�vs and lavvs af the state af
<br /> Ne�raska that re:la�e to h�a��h,safety or enviranmen�a�pro��c�ion.
<br /> Ac�elerati�n; 1�';emedie�. Lender �ha� giv� nu�x�� tv l��rrower prior to acceiera��ion fol�ow�.ng Barrovver's
<br /> breach�f any c�ovena��vr agree�r�ent�n th�s�ecurity Instr�ment or the�ontrac�t under vvh�ch acceXer�t�on
<br /> is p�rmitt�d{b�:�t not p�-�or to a���leration under �he s��t�on ti�l�d Transfer af t��e Property or a B�ne�c�a�
<br /> . Interest�rn Bor�•ower, u�nless App�i�able Lav� provides otherwis�]. The n�t�ce sh;��.� specify: {a� the defau�f;
<br /> �b} the a���on require�d to cure the def�ul�; ��} a �ate, n�� �ess �han �he r���imum number vf days
<br /> esta�lishe�by��pplfcab�e Law fr�m�h�d�t��h�n�tic�is given�o Borrower,by wh�ch the defau�t mu�t be
<br /> cured; an+d �d) �hat fa��ure to �u�•e the de��uit on or �befQ�-e the datQ specified �:n the no�ce nr�ay result in
<br /> a�celeration of �he sums se�uredl �ay this ��curity Instrurnent and sa�e of th�y Pr�perty. T� th� e�tent
<br /> perr�u�ted by I.a�vv, the �vtice sha�l further inf�rm Eorr�v�er vf�he right to rein��ta�e �f�er acce�eration and
<br /> the right�Q br�r�g a cQurt a�tfon t�assert th��on-ex�st�nce af a defau�l�or any vt���r�efense of Borro�ver to
<br /> a��elera�i�n an�3 sai�. If the defau�It is no� �ured on or�efore the da�e speci�ed in �h�notice,Lender �t�ts
<br /> option ma.y req uire immed�ate p�yrnent ��. full of a�l sums secured by this SecYurity Instrum.ent yv�thout
<br /> further d�man�1 an� rr�ay invoke �he power �f sale an� any other remed�es perrnitted by Applicabl.e �ayv.
<br /> Tv �he ex�ent perm�itte� by �aw, �ender shall be ent���ed �o co�Iect al� expenses �ncurred in pursuing the
<br /> remed�es provi��ed�n t��s Sec���n,in�l.ud�.ng,but nv�I�r�i�eci to,reasonable attor�r�eys� f�es and costs of�itle
<br /> e��dence.
<br /> If the p�wer of�a�e�s��voked,T�ustee sh�ll record a�.otic� af defauit�n each c�munty in�vhich any part of
<br /> �he Prape�ty fs :loca�ed and shall mail copi�s of su�h no�ice in th�e manner prescr�.b�d by Appiicab�e Law to
<br /> B�rrQwer and ta th� o�:her persv��s pre5crxbed by Applicab�e Law. Af�er the t�inZe requ�red b� Appli�abi�
<br /> Law, Tru�tee 5l�a�I g��e public nc�t�ce of�al� to the p�r�ons an�d in the manner prescribed by Appl��ab�.e
<br /> Lav�c�. Tru�tee,��fth�ut demand�n B�rrflyv�r, shal�sell�he Prop�rty at public au+Yt�on�� the h�ighest b�dder
<br /> �2a04-2015 Compliance Sys�ems,Inc.8C54-2B03-ZO1 S,�1.3.lfl9$
<br /> Cansumer�eal Estate-5ecurity Instrument DL2D36 Pa�e 4 vf 5 w-ww,campliancesystems.corri
<br />