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2� 1 ��4535 <br /> the Property �such as a proceedzng �n bankruptcy, pr�bate, f�r candemnatian or farfeiture ar �o enf�rce Iaws or <br /> regu�at�oris}, xhen Lender may da and pay for v�hatever �s necessary �o prate�t �he �ralue of the Property and <br /> Lender's r�ghts�n the Prape�-ty. Lender's ac��ons may inc�ud�pa��ng any sums secured by a l�en vvhxch has przar�t�r <br /> over�hzs 5ecurity Ins�rumen�, appearing�n�our�,pay�ng reasonable at�nrneys'fees and en�erzng an the Propert��o <br /> make repa�rs.Althflugh Lender rnay�a�e act�on under thzs sect�on,Lender daes na�ha�e��d�so. <br /> Any amaunts dzsbursed by Lender under �his section shall become addi�iona� debt af Borrnwer secured by this <br /> Security �r�strument. Un�ess Borrawer a�zd Lez�der agree to o�her terms of payment, these amoux�.ts sha�� bear <br /> �n�eres� from �he da�e of d�sbursement a� the same rate assessed on advances under the �on�ract and shall be <br /> payable,wi�h in�ere��,upan no�ice fram Lender to Borrawer requesting paymen�. <br /> Inspe�t�on. Lender�r �ts agent may make rea�onable entries upon and inspect�ans of�he Prflper�y. Ler�der sha�I <br /> give Borrower notice a�the�ime af or prior to an inspe�tion sp��ifying reasonable cause far the inspection. <br /> Cflndemnation. Th�pr�ceeds af any a�rvard or��a�m far damages, direct flr cor�sequer��ia1, in conn.ection wi�h any <br /> condemna��fln or other tak�ng of any par��f�he Praperty, nr for canveyan�� in �ieu of candemnatian, are hereb� <br /> assigned and shall be paid to Lender. <br /> �ri �he even� of a �o�ai taking of�he Prop�rty, the proceeds shal� be applied �o the sums se�ured by thzs Security <br /> �nstrument, v�rhether or r�o� �hen due, vvi�h any excess pa�d �o Borrawer. In �he event of a partxa� �aking of�he <br /> Proper�y in v�hi�h�he fa�r m.arke�value �f�he Praper�y zm�mediate�y before �he f.aking is equal �� or grea�er than <br /> �he am.oun� of�he �ums secured by th�s 5ecuriry �ns�rument �mmediate�y bef�re the taking, unless �.3orrov�er and <br /> Lender otherw�se agree in�ri�ing,�he sums se�ured by this 5ecuri�y Ins�rument�ha��be reduced by the amoun�of <br /> the pr�ceeds mul�iplied by�h.e fo��ovv�ng frac��on: �a��he�o�a� amaunt of�he sums secured zmmedia�ely before�he <br /> tak�ng, dzvided by �b} �h� fai.r marke�value af�he Fraperty�mmedia�ely before �he �ak�ng. An�r balance shal� be <br /> paid ta Barrov�er. �n�he event of a partial takzng of�he Praperty in which �i.e fair marke�va�ue of the Propexfiy <br /> immediate�y before �h� taki�g is less �han the amou�� af the sums secured �rz�.media�ely before the tak�ng, u.�.�ess <br /> Borro�v�r a�.d Lender otherwise agree �n wri�ing or un�ess A.ppl�cable Law��herv�ise prov�des, the praceeds shall <br /> be app��ed to the sums secured by#his Se�uri�y Ins�rum��.t whe�her or not�ie sums are then due. <br /> �f�he Praperty is abandoned by Borrau�er, flr if, after natice by Lender t� Borr�wer that#he candemnar affers �o <br /> make an award or settle a claim for damages, Borr�wer fa�Is to respond�� Lender�wi�h�n�he minimum number of <br /> da�rs es�ab�ished by Appl�cab�e Law after the date�he noti�e is g�ven,L�nder is authori2ed�o cal�ect and apply the <br /> proc�eds, afi its op��o�, eith�r �a restorat�on or repair of�he Property �r to the sums secur�d by th�s 5ecurity <br /> �nstrument,vt�h�ther�r not�hen due. <br /> Un�ess Le�.der and BorraWer��herwise agree zn wrxtin�, an�app��cat�on of pro��eds�o principal sha��nn�ex�end <br /> or postpon�th�du�date of�he paym.ents due under the�on�rac�or change the amoun#of such paymen�s. <br /> Borrower Not R���ased; Farbearan�e By L�nder Nnt a �a�ver. E�tenszon of �he t�rn.e for payment or <br /> modif catio�. af amartiza�zan Qf�he sums secured by th�s 5ecuri�y Instrument granted by Lender to Barrower or <br /> any successor in zntierest of Borrovt�er sha1� n�t apera�e �o release the ��ab�Iity of the original Barrovver or <br /> B�rr�wer's suc�essors in�n�erest. Lender shall no�be required to c�xnmence proceedzngs aga�ns�any successar�n <br /> zn�eres�or refus�tn ex�end tixne far payment or a�herwise rnod�fy amart�za��on of the surns se�ured by�his Secur�ty <br /> �nstrumen� �y r�ason af any demand made by the origina� Borrower or Borrov�er's successars �n �nterest. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender �n e�ercisix�g any righ� ar remedy shal� nat be a�ra�ver af or prec�ude �he exerc�se of any <br /> rzgh�or remedy. <br /> Succ��sors and Ass�gns Bound; Ja�nt and Several L�a��lity; Accammvdatifln Signers. The c�venan�s and <br /> agreemen�s of�his Security�shaZl�ind and benef t the successars and assigns of Lender and Borr�wer, <br /> sub j�c� �o �he provxszvns of s�c�zon t�t�ed Transfer of �he Property ar a Bene�c�a� Interest �n Borro�v�r. <br /> B�rrawer's cavenants and agreemen�s shall he j oin�and several. Any persan who co--signs�his Security Ins�rument <br /> but has no personal I�abi���y ur�der �h� ��n�ract �"Accommodatixon Signer"}: �a} �s co--szgning �h�s Security <br /> �ns�rument on�y to mor�gage, gran� and convey tha� Accommada�xon Signer's �n�eres� in the Property under the <br /> �erms of �he 5ecurity �ns�rument; (b� �s no� personal�y obl�ga�ed to pay the sums secured b� th�s 5ecur�ty <br /> �nstrument; and�c} agrees�hat Lender and any o#her Borrower may agree tv ex�end, modify, farbear or make any <br /> acc�mmodations vv��h regard���he terms of�his SeGurity�nstrument or the Con�rac�Wi�hou��ha�Accammodati�n <br /> Szgner's consenx. <br /> Loan �harg��. If the �oan secured by �h�s 5ecurity ��.strument is subj ect to a 1aw vt�h�ch se�s maxzmum �oan <br /> charges, and�ha��a,w is f�nal�y�nterpreted sa�ha�the in�erest or ather�nan charges collected�r�o be co�Iec�ed in <br /> cor.�aec��on wi�h �he Ioan exceed the permi�ted l�mi�s, �hen: �a� any such loan charge sha�� be reduced by �he <br /> amour�.t necessary t�reduce �he charge �o�he permit�ed lim�.�s and�b� an�sums already co�Iected from Borrawer <br /> ,which exceeded permitted ��m�ts vv��� be refunded �o Borravver. L��.der may ch�ose �o make this refund by <br /> reducing the princ�pal owed under�he Can#rac��r by making a direct payrnent�a Borr�vver. If a refund reduces <br /> princzpal,�he reductxon vvz��be�reated as a par��al prepayment under�he Con�ract. <br /> N�tices. Any za�tice ta Barrower pr�vided f�r in �his Security �nstrumen� shall b� given by delivering it �r by <br /> mazling i�by f rs�class rnail ur�less Applicab�e Law requ�res use af ano�her meth�d. The not�ce shal�be d�rec�.ed to <br /> the Property Address or any�ther address Borrower designates by no��ce to Le�der. Borrovver agrees �a provide <br /> Lender vvi�h Borro�ver's mos�currer��mailzng addaress, as �� may change from�o-��me. Any notice ta Lender <br /> shal�be gi�ren by f rst class ma���o Lender's address s�ated hereirz or any other address Lend�r designa�.es by na�ice <br /> to B orr�vver. Any notice provided f�r in�hzs Securzty Z�strume�t sha��be deemed�a have been gz�en to B arrov�er <br /> or Lender tivhen g�ven as prn�ided in this paragraph. <br /> �24�4-2dI5 CampIiance Systems,Inc.8C54-2B�3-2�I5.11.3.1098 <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Security Instrur�ent I]L2D36 Pa�e 3 af 5 www.cvmplian�esyst� <br />
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