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2� 1 ��4451 <br /> �EED �F TRUST <br /> €Continued} Pag� � <br /> gran�s t�Lend�r a Un�form Comm�r��al Gade securi�y interest in the Personal Property and Rents. <br /> TH�S DEED UF TRUST, INCLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT�F RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PR�PERTY, IS GIVEN T�SECURE �A� PAYMENT�F THE lNDEBTEI]NESS AND �B} PERF�RNfANCE �F <br /> EACH OF TRUST�R'S AGREEMENTS AND UBLIGATIQNS �NDER THE �RED�T A�REEMENT, THE RELATED <br /> DQCl1�1ENTS, AND THIS DEED aF TR�ST. THIS DEE� flF TRUST IS �1VEN AND ACCEPTED UN THE F�LL�V111NG � <br /> TERMS: <br /> TR�ST�R"S REPRESENTAT[4N5 AN D INARRANTIES. Trustor warran�s �hat: �a} �h is Deed �f Trus� is execut�d at <br /> Bor�ower's request and not at �h� requesf o�Lender; �h} Trustor has the fu�l paw�r, right, and auth�rity to enter in�a <br /> this Deed �f T�us� and t� hypo�hecate the P�operty; �c} �he pro�isions of this Deed of T�us�do not cnnflic� with, or <br /> resul��n a defaul� under any agreement or fl�her instrument b�nding upan Trustor an�do not result�n a�iola�ian of any <br /> iaw, regulation, court decree or order applicable t� Trustor; �d} Trustor has estabfished adequate means af a�taining <br /> f�om Borrow�r on a con�inuing basis information abflu� Borrawer's financiaf candition; and (e} Lender has made no <br /> rep�esenta�ion to Trus�or about Barr�irver��nc�ud�ng wifhoufi limi�ation th��reditwor�hiness o�Borrower}. <br /> TRUSTDR'S VIrA1VERS. Trustor wai�es all rights or def�nses ar�sing by reas�n of any"one action"or"�nti�deficiency" <br /> law, or any ❑�her �aw whieh may prevent Lender from bringing any acfi�on against Trustor, including a claim f�r <br /> deficiency to �he ex�ent Lender is o�herwise en�itled to a c�aim for deficiency, bef�re or after Lender's commencement <br /> a�comple�ian❑f any fore�losure actifln,either judicia�ly or by exercise❑f a power af sale. <br /> PAYMENT AN D PERF�RMANCE. Except as othenNise provided in �h is Deed of Trust, Bo�rower shall pa�y to Lender al� <br /> ind��tedness secured by �his Deed ofi Trust as it hecomes due, and Borrawer and Trustor shall perf�rm a�� their <br /> respecti�e obliga�ion�under the Credit Agreemen�, this Deed of Trust, and the Rela�ed Do�uments. <br /> P�SSESSI�N AND MAINTENAN�E QF THE PRQPERTY. Barrower and Trustar agree that Borrawer's and Trustor's <br /> p�ssession and use of the Property shaf[be governed by the foifawing provisions: <br /> Possessivn and Use. Until the occurr�n�e af an Event of Default, Trustor may �1} remain in possession and <br /> con�rol of the Proper�y; �2} use, operate ar manage the Proper�y; and t3} �aflec�th� Rents fram the Praperty. <br /> Duty ta Maintain. Trustor shall main�ain �he Prope�y in good condit�on and p�ompt[y perform all repairs, <br /> rep�acements, and maintenan�e necessary to preserve i#s�alue. <br />. Complian�e Vlri#h En�ironmen�al Laws. Trus�ar represen�s and warran�s �o Lender that: �'1) During the period of <br /> Trus�or's ownership of the Property, there has been no use,genera�ion, m�nu�acture,storage, �rea�ment, disposal, <br /> re�ease ar threa�ened re�ease of any Hazardous Substance by any person on, under, about ar�rom �he Property; <br /> �2} Trus�or has no knawledge of, or reas�n �o believ�that there has been, except as previously disclosed to and <br /> acknowfedged by Lender in wri��ng, �a} any breach or viofatian of any Env�ronmental Laws, �b� any use, <br /> generat�on, manufacture, storage, tr�a�ment, disposal, release or threa�ened releas� a�any Hazardous Subs�anc� <br /> on, unde�, about o�from the Property by any p�iar owners ar occupanfs of the Property, or �c} any actual ar <br /> threa�ened I�tigatian or claims of�ny kind by any person re�ating ta such matters; and �3} Except as pre�iously <br /> d�sc�osed�a and acknawledged by Lender in wri�ing, �a} n�i�he�Trus��r nor any tenan�, can�ractor, ag�nt or❑ther <br /> authorized user o�the Property shal� use, generate, manufac�ure, s�ore, trea�, dispose of or release any Ha�ardaus <br /> Subs�ance on, under, about ar from�he Prope�ty; and (b} any such acti�ity shal!be condu�ted in compliance with <br /> a�l applicable federal, s�ate, and local laws, regulations and ordin�nc�s, including withvu� limitatian afl <br /> Environmental Laws. Trustor auth�rizes Lende� and i�s agen�s to enter upan the Property �� make such <br /> inspections and �ests, a� Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate to determine compliance of the <br /> Property w�th �h�s section af the Deed o�Trust. Any inspectians or tests mad� by Lender shal� be far Lender's <br /> purposes only and shafl no��e constru�d fio create any responsibi��ty❑r liability❑n the par�af Lender�o Trus�ar or <br /> to any other person. The representa�ions and warran�ies contained herein are hased an Trus�or's due diligence in <br /> in�est�ga�ing the Pr�perty for Hazardous Substances. Trustar hereby �1} releases and wai�es any future claims <br /> against Lender for indemnity or contributian in �he e�ent Trustor becames lia��e for cleanup or ather�osts under <br /> any such laws; and (�) agrees to indemnify, defend, and ho�d harmfess Lender against any and al� claims, iosses, <br /> [iabiEi�ies, damages, penaities, and expenses whi�h Lender may di�e�t[y or indirectfy sustain or suffer resulting fr�m <br /> a breach �f this se�tion of#he Deed �f Trust or as a consequence �f any use, generatian, manufacture, s�arage, <br /> disposa[, release or threatened release occu�ring prior to Trustor's ownership or interest in�he Prope�ty,whether or <br /> not the same was or should haWe been known to Trustor. The prov�sions o�F �his s�ction of�he Deed of Trust, <br /> including the obligation fo indemnify and de�end, sha{L survive the paymenf of the�ndebtedness and the satis�ac��on <br /> and reconveyance of�he �ien af this Deed of Trust and sha�l not�e affected by Lender's acqu�s�tion ❑f any interest <br /> in�he Property,whether by forec[osu�e ar o�henNise, <br /> Nuisanc�, 1Naste. Trusto� shall no� �ause, conduct or permi� any nuisan�e nor comm��, permi�, ❑r suffer any <br /> s�ripping o�or waste on or�o the Proper�y or any pv�tion o�the Property. VIlithout I�miting �he �enerality of the <br /> foregoing, Trustor wi[I no�remo�e, or grant�o any�ther par�y the right�o remave, any timber, minera�s �inc�uding <br /> oil and gas}, coal, clay, scor�a, soil,gra�el or rock products without Lende�'s prior w�i���n consent. <br /> Remo�a� v��mprovem�n�s. Trus�ar shafl no�demolish or remove any fmpravemen�s t�rom �he Rea�Property without <br /> Lender's priar wr�tt�n consent. As a�ond�tion to the removaf of any (mprovemen�s, Lender may require Trus�or ta <br /> make arrangements sa�isfactory to Lend�r to replace such Improvemen�s vuith fmpravements o�F at least equal <br /> va[ue. <br />