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2� 1 ��4448 <br /> connec�ion w�th the �oan �xceed the permx�tecl �xrnx�s, �hen: �a� any such Ioan charge shal� be reduced by �:he <br /> amoun�necessary�o reduce the �harge to the p��rmi�ted l�m��s and�b� any sums a�ready�ollec�ed fram Borrov�er <br /> vvh�ch exceeded p�rmit�ed limi�s w�X� be refu�lded ta Borraw�r. Lender ma� choose ta rnake �his refund by <br /> reducing �he pr�nczpa� owed und�r �he N��e or by makzng a dir�ct :paym�nt to Borrc�u�er. �f a refund <br /> prin��pa�,th�reduction wrl�be�reated as a par����.�prepaymen�wi�h�u��ny prepaymen�c��ar�e under�he No�e. <br /> Not�c�s. Any no�ice �o Borrower provided far i�a �his Se�u�rxty �nstrum�n� shall be giv�n by de��verin.g xt ar by <br /> ma��xng�t by f rst c�ass mazl t�a.�ess Applicable L,aw rec�uires use of another me�hod. The n�ti�e sha���e direct�d ta <br /> �he Propezrty Address or any �ther address Bor�•ower desYgnates by n�tx�e �a Lender. Bca�ower agrees t� prav�de <br /> Lender vW�th Barra�ver`s mos� currer�t ma��xng ac�dress, as it�.ay change firox�a.��r�e. Any not�ce ta Lender <br /> sha1�be g�ven by fzrs�class ma�I to L�nder's addres�stated herezn�r an���her address L��nder des�gnates by natice <br /> �a Barrower. Any r�otzce provided for�n�h�s S��vurit��nstrun�en�sha��be deemed t�hav�been given to Borrnv�jer <br /> or Lender vvhen g��en as pr�vided xn�hzs paragr��.p�. <br /> Gover�ning Law; Sever�biii�ye Thxs Security�n_str�ment sha��b�ga�e�-ned�y federa��a��v and the Iaws of the state <br /> of Nebraska. In the even� that any provis�on or c�ause of�hrs Secu.rzty �nstrum�nt or �he No�e c�nfl�c�s w��h <br /> Appiicab�e Law,such confl�ct sha��no�affect ot:�er pr���s�ons of�his Security Zns�rum�nt:�r�h�N�te wh�ch can be <br /> g��en effect wi�h���the c�nflxc�ing provisr�n. T`o�his end tn�pra�xs��ns af this �ecurit���ns�rumen�and�he N�te <br /> are de�lared to b�se�erable. <br /> Borra�ver's�opy.Borrovver sha�X be given one co�y of this Secu.rr�y��Zstrument. <br /> Transfer of the Property or a Benef�cial Interes��n Earr�v�ere �f a�X or any par�of t�a�e Property or any���rest <br /> i.n it is sold or transferred �or �f a beneficial i���erest in Borrower �s so�d or transferr��d and Borrawer is na� a <br /> natural p�rsaza} unless �h� Note showvs tha� Barr�wer's loan zs assumal�le, Lender may, a� ��s option, r�qu�re <br /> immed�a�e pa�ment in fu�� of al1 sums securec� by �h�s Security �ns�rum�n�. Howe�er., th�s �ptian sha�� zaot be <br /> ex�r�xsed by Lender �f e�ercise is proh.xb��ed by f�dera� �avv as o�the date of this �ecurrt��nstrument. �f th�Nr��e <br /> shows that Borrower's �oan is assumab�e,Borro�uer mus�abtain Lendez•'s�r�tten perm�ss:�on for ax�assump�ion and <br /> fo��ow any o�her requireme�ats of Lender related ta an assump�x�n. Zf B�rrower does not c�o so,Lender may require <br /> �n�media�e payrnen�in fu��of aI1 sums secured b:��his Se�urity�nstrum�n�t. <br /> �f Lender �x�rcises th�s opt��n, L�nder shal� �;ive Borr��er no�ice �f acce�era�ion. The n�tic� sha�l pr�v�de a <br /> per�od of x�ot less �han the minimum number a f d�.ys establ�shed �y ,�.pplic�ble Law fir�om the da�e the nat�ce �s <br /> de�r�ered or maiied v��thin v�h��h Borro�er mL�st pay alI sums secured by thi� Securit�� Ins�rumen�. �f Borr�v�rer <br /> far�s to pay these s�xm.s pr�or�a the expiratian af this period, L.�z�der may ir�.voke any r��medies perm�t�ed by�:his <br /> S e curity Instrumen�vvithou�further nflt�ce�r dernand on B orrower. <br /> Borrow�r's R�ght �a Re�n�tate. �f�orraw�r n�eets certazn conditians, Borrower shal� ha�e th� right �a have <br /> enforcenlent of�h�s Se�urity �nstrumen� d�scan�inued a� any tinr�e prr�r�a th� earl�er of �a� 5 days �or such other <br /> periad as App�zcab�e Law�r�.ay specify for reinst:ate�m.�nt}�ef�re sa�e o�'the Property pur��uant�� any p�wer af s�.�e <br /> �nntaiz�ed in thxs Securxty �nstrurr�ent; or �b} entiy of a judg�nent �nforcing �hxs Security Instrumen�. Thase <br /> cond�tions are tha� Borraw�r: �a� pays Lender all sums whi�h ther� w►�uld be due un.de7� �his S�curzty Znstrum�n� <br /> and the Notie as if r�o ac�eleration had occurrec[; �b} cures any defaul� �f any �ther covenan�s or agreem�n�s; ��c� <br /> pays a��exp�nses xncurred in enfarcing thzs Secl�rit��nstrument, znc�ud:�ng,bu�not limite+�.�o,reas�nable a�torneys' <br /> fees ta�he ex�ent p�rmit�ed�y Xaw; and�d��ak��s such ac�ian as Lender may reasonably�-�quire�a a.ssure�hat�he <br /> Ii�n af�hxs Secur�ty�nstrumen�, L�nder's r�gh�s :in�he Property ar�d Bo�raw�r's ob�zga�io�z�o pay th� sums secur�d <br /> by �hzs Security Instrument shall can�xn.ue unch,an�ed. Upon re�.ns�a�e�nen� by Borrovver, �h�s Secur�ty �nstru�n�n� <br /> and�he obliga��ons secured hereby sh�.I� r�mair� fu.��y effect�ve �s �f n� acceieratzon hacl occurred. ��wever, th�s <br /> right t�r��nstate sha�l nat apply�n the case of ac;ce�eration und�r the s�c�xon txtled Trans�f�r of�h��rope�ty QY•a <br /> Bene���al In�erest in�3arrower. <br /> Sale o�No�e Change of�nan Ser���er. The �Na�e or a paz-t�aI int�r�st zxz �h� Note �tc�bether w��h �hzs Secur�t� <br /> �nstrument}may be s��d o�ae or mare t�mes wztr:�u�prxor no�ice�o Bor�rav�er. A sale ma��result in a change �n�he <br /> en�ity �known as the "L�an Serv�cer°°� �ha� c���Ie��s per�adic pa�m.ents due under �h�� Na�� ar�d �h�s Se�ur��y <br /> �nstrument.Ther�a�s�may be flne or m�re chan.ges of the Loan Servxc�r unre�ated�a a s��.�e of the Note.�f there xs <br /> a change of the Laan Servicer, Barrower wzl�bE: gi�en v�rrit�en na�zce of�he �hange�n accardance w�th th� sec�xon <br /> t�t��d I�ot�ces and App��cable Law. The no�i�e tv�i�I s�ate the nax�.e and addr�ss flf the n���v Loan Servicer ar�d the <br /> address ta whzch paym.en�s shauld �e made. `The no�ice ���xX� also can�tain any ather �nfor�.ation requ�red by <br /> AppX�ca�Ie Law. <br /> I3azardous Substance5.Borrower sha1�no� �r permit�he preser�ce,use, dispasal, starage, or releas��f any <br /> Hazardous Substances on���n the Propexfiy.Bo��ro�ver sha1�not d�,nax�allow anyone e�s��to do,anything affect�ng <br /> the Pr�per�y tha� �s in. ��alat�on af any Env�ranmental Law. Th� pre�eding �wo sentenc�es sha11 no� app�y to the <br /> presence,use, or s�arage on the ProperCy of sm.all quant�t�es Q�Hazard�us Subs�arices tha1:are genera��y recognized <br /> �o�e appropria�e�o normaX r�sident�al uses and�:o mai�zter�an�e of�he p'roperty. <br /> Borrower shall prompt�y gi�re Lender writ�en no�.ice of any invest�gation, claim, demand, �a�wsui�or other a�t��n by <br /> any govern�menta� Qr regula�ary agency or prxv��te party �nvo�v�g th� Prapez-�y and any Ha2ardaus Subs�a�.ce or <br /> Env�rnnmenta� Law af v�h�ch Barrov�er has actua� knaw�edg�. If Borrov�er �earns, or �s notifed �y ar�y <br /> ga�ernm�n�al or r��ulatar�autharzty,tha�any r�;moval or o�h�r r�med�at�an of any Haza:rd�us Substance affect�ng <br /> the Property is ne��ssary, Borr�wer sha�X pr��mp��y �ake a�� necessary remed�al actions in acc�rdance w:��h <br /> Env�r�nmental Law. <br /> As used zn�his paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�anc�s'° are�hose sub�tanc�s defined as toxic� �r hazardous substances <br /> by Envzranmental i�aw and �he fallo�v�ng sub�}tar�ces: gasa��ne, kerasene, �ther f�amnzable or tox�� petro�euxn <br /> ��fl�4-2��5 Com�tiance Systems,Inc.8C54-C657-20�5.11.3.�498 <br /> Cansumer Reat Estate-Security Instrurnen#DL2�36 Pa�e 4 af 5�liancesysterr:s.carn <br />