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2� 1 ��4448 <br /> regu�at�ons}, th�n Lender may do and pay for �vha�ever �s necessary to pro�e�t �he value of�he Proper�y and <br /> Lender's rights in�he Pr�perry.Lender's act�ons may include paying any sums s�cured hy a�ien wh�ch has pr�orx�y <br /> over�his Secur�ty Znstrument, appear�ng�n cour�,paying reas�nable at�orn�ys'fees and entering on the Froper�y to <br /> mak�repairs.A��hough Lender may�ake action under�his sec��an,Lender does not hav��o do so. <br /> Any amaunts d�sbur�ed by Lender under �his se��xon shall become addi�ional deb� of Borrower secured �y this <br /> Securi�y �nstrumen�. Unl�ss B�rrower and Lender agree to other terms of paym�nt, �hese amoun�s shall bear <br /> �n�erest froxn�he da�e of dis�ursem�n�a��he No�e ra�e and sha��be payab�e,v�i�h interes�,upon not�ce fr�m Lender <br /> to Borrower reques�ing paym�n�. <br /> Mortgag� Insuranc�. �f Lender requ�red mor�gage insurance as a cond�tian of makin.g �he l�an secured by this <br /> Security�nstrumen�,Borrov�er sha��pay�he premiums requ�red ta maintain th�mor�gage�nsurance in effect. �f,f�r <br /> any reason, �he mor�gage �nsuranc� �overage required by Lender laps�s or ceas�s to be �n effect, Borro�ver sha�1 <br /> pay �he pr�m�ums required to obtain co��rage substant�ally equi�alent to the m�rtgage �nsurance previausly in <br /> effect, at a cost substan�ially equ��a�en� �o �h� cos� �o Borrower af the martgage insurance pre��ous�y i�r�. effec�, <br /> fram an al�ernate mortgage insurer appr���d by Lender. �f substantial�y equ�va��n�mor�gage�nsurance�o�erage is <br /> n�� available, Borrower sha�� pay to Lend�r each mon�h a sum �qua� �o ane-twelfth af the yearly mor�gage <br /> insurar��e prem�um beir�g paid by B�rrovver�vhen the insurance coverage Iapsed or ceased�a be �n effect. Lender <br /> w�l� accep�, use and re�ain these payments as a loss r�serve �n l�eu of mor�gage �nsurance. Loss reserve paymen�s <br /> may no long�r be requ�red, at the op��an of Lend�r, if mor�gag� �n�urance co�erage �in �he amount and for the <br /> period�hat Lender requires}prov�ded by an insurer approyed by Lender aga�n becames a�a��ab�e and�s abta�.ned. <br /> Barro�ver sha11 pay�he premiums required�o main�ain m�r�gage �nsuranc� in effect, or to pro�ide a�oss reserve, <br /> un�il the requ�rement for mortgage insurance �nds in accordance with any v�ritten agre�men� between Borr�wer <br /> and L�nder or Applicable Law. <br /> Inspectxon. Lender or i�s agent may make r�a�onab�e entr�es upon and �.x�spec�ions af the Proper�y. Lender shall <br /> give Borrovver no�ic�a�the t�me of or prior t�an inspec�io�specifying r�as�nable caus�for�he inspec��on. <br /> Condemnat�on. The proceeds of any a�uard or c�axm for damages, direc�or consequen�ial, in connectzon wi�h any <br /> condemna�i�n ar other�ak�ng af any part of the Praper�y, or for con�eyance zn �ieu of condemnat�on, are here�y <br /> assigned and shal�be paid to Lender. <br /> 7n�he even� of a�o�a1 �a��ng of�he Prflperry, the pr��eeds sha�1 be applied to the sums secured by this Se�urity <br /> Ins�rumen�, wh�ther or no� �hen due, vvifih any �xcess pa�d to Borrower. �n �he e�en� of a par�ial taking nf�he <br /> Property in which the fair mark�t value of�h� Property immediately before �he �ak�ng is �qua�to ar gr�a�er�han <br /> the amount of�he sums secured by �h�s Secur�ty �nstrument �mrnedia��ly before �he �aking, unless Barrower and <br /> Lender o�herwise agree in wri�ing,the sums secured by�h�s Securx�y�ns�rument shail be reduced by�he amoun�of <br /> �he proceeds mu�t�plie�by the fa��flw�ng fra���an: �a��he���al amau.nt of�he sums secured immedrately before�he <br /> �ak�ng, di�ided by ��} �he fa�r marke� valu� of the Proper�y �mmed�ate�y before �he �a.king. Any baiance sha1� be <br /> paid�o Barrawer. In�h� e�en� of a partial �aking of�he Properfiy in wh�ch the fa�r marke��alue of the Properry <br /> imm�d�a�ely bef�r� �he �aking is �ess than the amoun� of�he sums secured inlmediately before the taking, unless <br /> Borrower and Lender otherwis� agree i.n wri� or un�ess App��cable Law a�herwrse pravides, �he proc�eds shal� <br /> be applied ta the sums secured by this Secur��y�nstrument whe�her or n��the sums are�hen due. <br /> If the Property is aband�ned by Borrower, or if, after not�ce by Lender�o Borro�er�ha�the �ondemnar offers to <br /> mak� an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrow�r fails to r�spand to Lender�nri�hin�he m�nimum number of <br /> days estab�ished by Applicable Law after the date�he no�ice is given,Lender�s aufihor�zed to co��ect and apply the <br /> proceeds, at �ts opt�on, e�ther �o restoration or r�pair of the Praperty or to �he sums secured by �his Securi�y <br /> Instrumen�,whether or no��h�n due. <br /> UnXess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wri�ing, any app�ication of pr��eeds to princ�pal shall no� extend <br /> or postpon� �he due da�e of�he paymen�s referred to in �he sec�ion titled Payment af Pr�nc�pa� and Interest; <br /> Prepayment and Lat��harges�r change the amoun�of such paymen�s. <br /> Borrower No� Re�eaSed; Farbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. �x�ension of the t�me far payment or <br /> madifica��an af am�r-�iza�ion of the sums s�cured by �h�s Security Instrument grant�d by L�nder ta Borrower or <br /> any success�r in in�eres� of Borra�ver shall not ap�rate ta r��eas� �he l�ability of the origina� Borrov�er or <br /> Borraw�r's successors i.n�n�erest. Lender shall no�be r�qu�red�o commence proceedings against any successor in <br /> �n�eres�or refuse�a extend��m.e for paymen�or o�herw�se modify amor�ization of the sums secured by this Security <br /> �ns�rument by reasan of any demand made by the �r�gina� Borrower or Borrower's successors �n in��res�. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender i.n.�xerc�sing any right or remedy sha��no�be a v�a�ver of ar pre�lude�he ex�rc�se of any <br /> righ�or rem�dy. <br /> Su�cessors and Assigns Baund; Joint and Se�era� Liabi���y; Accommadafian Sxgners. The c�venan�s and <br /> agreemen�s of�h�s Securi�y�nstrument sha�I bind and b�nefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br /> sub�ec� �o the provisions of sect�on �i�Ied Transfer of the Proper�y or a Ben��cial Interes� in Borrower. <br /> Borr�wer's covenants and agreemen�s shal�be�aint and se�era�. Any person vvha co-signs�his Security�nstrumen� <br /> bu� does not execute the No�e �"Ac�ommodation Signer"�: �a} �s co-signing th�s Security �nstrumen� on�y �o <br /> mor�gage, gran� and convey�ha�Accommoda��on S�gner's inter�s� �n the Praper�y under the terms �f�he 5ecuri�y <br /> �nstrumen�; �b� �s na�pers�na�ly obligated�o pay�he sums secured by th�s 5ecurity�ns�rumen�; and�c� agrees that <br /> Lender a.nd any a�her Barrower may agree to ex�end,mod�fy,forbear or make any accommflda��ons w�th regard to <br /> �he terms of this Security�ns�rument or�he Note withnut that Ac��i�n Signer's cansent. <br /> Laan �harges. rf th� Ioan secur�d by �h�s Security Ins�rumen� is subjec� �o a �avv �vhich se�s maximum loan <br /> charges, and that lavv is f naX�y �n�erpre�ed so�ha�the in�eres�ar��her loan charges callec��d or�o be collec�ed in <br /> Cc�2404-20I5 Campliance Systems,Tn�.SC5�-0557-2a15.I 1.3.1�9$ <br /> Consumer Rea3 Estate-Security Instniment DL2436 Page 3 of 6 wwv� <br />