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2� 1 ��438� <br /> 'V4rART�.A�IT��S. �ra�atar, for itse�f, its heirs, personal represen�ati�ves, suc�essors, artd assi�ns, represent�, <br /> warran�s, co��z�ants and agrees with Lendery 1�5 SLI�Cf;55Q�5�n�.a551.�n5,as foliows: � <br /> Perfvrman�e of Qbliga�ions. Grantor promises to perfor�n a�l term�s, cti�.ditions, and co�enan�s of �h�s <br /> Security rnstrum�nt and R�la�ed�]ocuxnents�n a�cordance with�he�er�ms con�azned therein. <br /> Defen�e and Ti�Ie t� Praper�y. A��he time af execution and d�l��ery of this instrument, Granto� is lawfuily <br /> seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has �he exclus�ue ribht t� mor�gabe, grant, con��y and assibn �he <br /> Proper�y. �rantor cQvenants that the Proper�y is unencum�bered and free�f al� �iens, except for en�umbrances <br /> of r�cord ac�eptable to Lender, Fur�her, Gran��r �avenan�s �ha� �ran�or w�ll vwarrant and defend gen�rally <br /> the title ta the Property a�ainst any and a1l claims and demands ��ha�soever, subj ect �o the ea5�men�s, <br /> res�rictions, �r �ther encumbrances of r-ecord aece�table t� Lend�r, as may be Iis�ed in �he schedule of <br /> exc�p�ions �o co�e�rage �n any abstract of �i�le or �i��e insuran�e poiicy insur€n� Lender's in�erest �n the <br /> Property. <br /> Condition af Property. Granto� promises at all �im�s to preser�e and to mainta�n the Properry afld every <br /> par� �hereof in �ood repair, v,rorking arder, and �onditi�n and wili from �ime to t�me, make all ne�dful and <br /> praper repairs sa that the value af�he Proper�y shall no�in any way be impaXred. <br /> Removal of any Par� of���e Praper�y. �rantor promises not to remove any part of the Proper�y fram its <br /> presen��ocation,excep�for r�pla�emen�,maintenance and re�oca�iaz� in the ord�nary eours�of business. <br /> A,Iterati�ns to the Prop�rfy. Gran�or pr�mises �o abstain from �he commiss�an af any waste on o�- in <br /> �onne�ti�n with�h� Prap�r�y. Fur�her, �ran�or sha�l make no ma�er�al aite�-a��o�s, additions ar improvements <br /> of an� type �vhatsoever �o �he P�operty, re�ardl�ss �f v�he���er such al��rati�ns, a�ditians or improvements <br /> would increase the �alu� of the Pr�perty, nor perrnit anyone �o do s� exc�pt for tenant FmproW�men�s and <br /> carr�p�e�ion af items pursuan� to appro�ed plans and spe��fica�i�ns, v�ri�hau� Lender's pr�or v�ri�en cons�n�, <br /> wh��h consent may �e vvithheld �y Lender �n i�s sole discr��ian. Gran�or v�il� c�mply wi�h aIi �aws and <br /> regu�ations of a�� pubiic authori�ies having�urisdictian a�er�he Propert�y includ�n�, wi�hou� limi�a��on, �hose <br /> re�a�zn� �o �he use, o�cupancy and main�enance ��ereof and shall upon reque�� promp��y submi� �o Lender <br /> ev�denc�of such compl�ance, <br /> Due on Sale- Lender's�onsent. Gran�or sha1� no�seil, fur�her encumber or��her��se dispose of, except as <br /> here�n provid�d, any or al� of its �n�eres� in any par� of ar a�� flf the Property wz�hou� f rs� obtainin� �he <br /> wr���en c�nsen� af L�nder. �f any en�umbran�e, �ien, transfer or sale or abre�men� far �hese is created, <br /> Lender inay declare �mmedia�ely due and payable,�he en�ire balance of the�ndeb�edness. <br /> Insurane�. �ranto�promises ta keep�he Proper�y znsured aba�nst such risks and in such form as may�vithin <br /> the sol� discretion of Lender be ac�eptab��, causinb Lender to be named as loss paye� or if reques�ed by <br /> Lendez-, as martaag�e. The insurance company shall be �hosen by �ran�or subjec� t� Lender's appro���, <br /> which shall not be un.reasonably vvi�hheld. AI1 znsurance poli�ies must provide that Lender wi�� get a <br /> minimum of�0 days not�Ge prior�o cancellafiion. At Lender's dis�r�tion, Gran�or may be requ�red�o prflduce <br /> receipts of paid premiums and�en�wa� policies. If�rantor fai�s�o �btain the requ�red�o�erage, Lend�r may <br /> do sa a��rantor's expens�. Grantar here�y dire�ts each and e�ery insurer�f�he Prop�rty to make payment of <br /> lass tQ Lender wi�h the proceeds to be appl�ed, flnly at Lender's option, to the r�pair and replacem�nt of the <br /> damage or loss flr to be applied to the �ndeb�edness w��h the surplus, if any,�Q be paid by Lend�r�o�ran�or. <br /> Paymen# of Taxes and �ther AppliCab�� C'harges. Gran�or pramises to pay and �a discharge liens, <br /> encumbrances,taxes,assessmen�s, Ieas�paymen�s and any o�her charges r�Ia��n;�o�h�Prope���y w��en �evied <br /> or ass�ssed against�rrantor or�he Property. <br /> Environmenta� La�vs and �azardous or Tax�c Ma�erials. Grantar an�. �very tenant ha�e been, are <br /> presen�iy and sha�� continue ta be �n s�ric� comp�iance with any appl�cable Iocal, s�ate and federal <br /> en��ronmental �aws and re�u�ations. Fur�her, neit��r�rantor nor any tenan�sha��manufac�ure, stor�,hand�e, <br /> discharae ar dispose of hazardaus or �ox�c ma�erials as may b� def ned by any sta�e or federal Iaw on the <br /> Frflper�y, except to the �x�en� �he �xistence of such ma�erials has been presen�Iy disclased in wri�ing �o <br /> Lender. Grant�r will imxnedia�ely no��fy Lender in wri�ing�f any asser�ion or c�a�m xnad�by any parfiy as�o <br /> the p�ssib�e viala�ion af applicable s�a�e and federa� environ�m.�ntal �aws inc�ud�nb �h� Ioca�ian of any <br /> hazardous �r tox�c rnaterials on or abou�the Prope�-fiy. Grantor indemnifies and ho�ds Lel�der harmless fram, <br /> vv�thou� l�mita�ion, any Iiabilxty or ��pense af whatsflever na�ur� incurred d�rec�ly ar ind�rec�Iy aut af�r in <br /> connection w��h: �a�any env�rnnmen�al �aws affect�ng al�or�ny par�of�he Prop�r�or Grantor; �b}the past, <br /> present ar fu�ur� existenc� af any hazardaus ma��rials in, on, under, abaut, or emana�in� from or passina <br /> �hrou�h the Praper�y ar any part there�f ar any proper�y adjacen� �hereto; tc� any past, present or fu�ure <br /> hazardous ac�r�i�y a� ar in connec�ion vv�th �h� Proper� or any par� thereof; and �d� the noncompliance by <br /> Grantor ar�rrantor's failure ta c�mply fully and timely Uv��h�n�iranmental laws. <br /> Fxnancial �nfarmation. Grantor agre�s�o supply Lender such fnancia� and o�hez-informatian con�erning its <br /> affairs and �he s�atus of any of �ts asse�s as Lender, from ti�-n� ta ���ne, may r�asonab�� reques�. Grantor <br /> further abr�es to perm�t L�nder to verify accounts as we�l as to inspe�t, copy and ta examine the books, <br /> re�ords and files of Gran�or. <br /> Lender's�t�gh�#a Entier. Lender ar Lender's agents shalI ha�e the r��ht and access�o inspect the Property at <br /> al� reasonab�e times in order to attend �o Lend�r's interests and ensure compliance �ith the terms of this <br /> 5ecurity Ins��-ument. If the Properry, or an� par� thereof, sha�l require inspec�ion, repair or main�enance <br /> which �rant�r has fai led to pro�ide, Lender, after reasonab�e n���ce, may enter upon the Proper-�y �a effect <br /> �]2��4-Za i 5 Carnpliance Systems,Inc.b8F9-FDDB-�O l 5.l].3.14�5 <br /> C�rnmer�ial ReaI Estate Se�ur�ty ir�srrumeryt-DL4007 Pa�e 2 of S �v���w.caE�ipliar�cesyste� <br />