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<br /> Home Federai Sa�rngs& Loan Association of Home Federa�Sar�ings& Loan Associa�ion of
<br /> Grand Island Grand I��and
<br /> 22�. Sou�h L�cuSt S�ree# 221 S�uth L�cus#Street
<br /> �RAND �SLAND, NE f 8801 GRAND ISLAND,NE 5SS�1
<br /> (Space Abo�e This Line�or Reeording Data}
<br /> Th�s ��MMER�IAL REAL ESTAT� I]EEI] �F TRUST` �"Security �nstrument"} is made on Ju�y I3, �416 by
<br /> �h� brantar�s} RZEF DEVELUPMENT, L.L.�., a Nebraska Limited Liab����ty �o�npany, whase address is 7�5
<br /> N 'V"�eb�a Rvad, �RAND ZSLAND, Nebraska 688U3 �"Grantor"}. The truste� is Ar�nd R. Baa�k� Af�orney
<br /> whose address is P.�. Bax 79�, Grand Is�and, Nebraska �88a2 �"Trus��e"�. The benef ciary is Home F�deral
<br /> Sa��ngs & Loan Association of �rand �s�and whase address �s 22�. Sau�h I�ocus� S�ree�, Grand IS�and,
<br /> Nebraska 688U1 �"Lender"�, which is �rgani2ed and �xistin�, under �he laws af the Uni�ed ��ate� of Arnerica.
<br /> Gran��r in cansidera�ion of laans extended by L�nder up ta a ma�imum principai am�unt af Nin� 1�Iundred
<br /> Twen�y-s�x Thausand and ��I1�4 Do�lars (U.S. $926y�UU.4�� �"Maximum Principal �ndebtedness"}, and for
<br /> o�h�r valuable consideratian, �he receip� af vvhich is acknowled�ed, irre�ocably bran�s, con�eys and assigns t�
<br /> Trust�e, in trust, with pav�er of sale, �h� f�l�ow�ng des�r�bed property lacated �n �he County of Hail, Sta�e af
<br /> Nebraska:
<br /> Address: 7�5 N�Vebb Rd AND 741 N Webb Rd,GRAND �SLAND,Nebraska G$8�3
<br /> Le�al Description: See Exhibit A
<br /> Ta�e�h�r with all easemen�s, appur�enances abut�in� s�reets and al�eys, impro�emen�s, build�ngs, fixtures,
<br /> �enements, heredi�aments, eQu�pm�n�, ren�s, incame, prof��s and roya��i�s, persona� goods of whate�er des�ript�on
<br /> and alI other ribhts and pri�i�eges including all mrnerals, oil, �as, water �r�hether broundwater, subterranean ar
<br /> otherwise), wat�r ri�h�s �v�he�her riparian, appropriate or otherwise, and vvhether or not appurtenant�� th� above-
<br /> d�scr�b�d real praperty�, wells, wel� permits, ditch�s, d�tch riahts, r�s�rvoirs, reser�oir righ�s, reser�oir si�es,
<br /> storaae righ�s, dams and water s�ock �hat ma� now, or at ar�y time in the fu�ure, be �ocated on andlor used in
<br /> cannecti�n �ith the a�o�e-d�scribed real properCy, paym�nt awards, amoun�s receiv�d from eminen� domain,
<br /> amounts re�ei�ed fr�m any and al1 insuran�e pay�nents, and�im�aer whi�h may nav►r or�a�er be Iocated, si�uated, or
<br /> aff xed on and us�d in conne����n ther�vvi�h�her�inafter�called�he "Proper�y"}
<br /> RELATED Q�CUMENTS. The words "Related Da�uments" mean a�l promissory notes, securi�y a�r�ements,
<br /> prior mor��abes, pri�r deeds af�rust, p�r�or de�ds ta secure deb�, business �oan abreements, �anstruction Iaan
<br /> a�r�e7men�s, resolu�ians, guaranties, en�ir�nmenta� a�reements, sub�rd�na�ian a�reemen�s, ass��nments �f ieases
<br /> anc� rents and any other documents ar agreeme��s ex�cu�ed �n connec���n with this Indebtedness and S�curi�y
<br /> Ins�rurnent,whether naw ar hereaft�r exist�nb, znc�udinb any modifca�ians,ex�ensians,subst�tutions or ren�wa�s of
<br /> any of�he fore�ain�. The R��ated Dacum�nts are hereby made a part �f this Securi�y Instrum�n� �y reference
<br /> �her�to,with�h�sam�for�e and�ffect as �f fuliy se�for�h herein,
<br /> �NDEBTEDNESS.This Securi�y�nstrument secures�he prin�ipal amoun�shown abave as n�.ay be e�idenced by a
<br /> pr�missary note or no�es of e�en, priar or subs�quent date hereto, includina future advanc�s and e�ery ather
<br /> indebtedness af any and ev�ry kind now ar her�after ow�n� from RIEF DEV�L�PMENT, L.L.C. to Home
<br /> �ederai S�vings & Laan Ass�cia�ion of Grand Is�and, hows�e�er created or arisin�, whether primary,
<br /> secnndary or �ontin;ent, tage�her wi�h any in�erest or charbes pro�ided in or ar�sin� nu� of such indebtedness, as
<br /> we�I as th� abreem�nts and ca�enan�s Qf this S�curi�y Znstrun�ent and all Related Documents �hereinafter all
<br /> referred to as�he "Indeb�edness"�.
<br /> FUTURE ADVAN'CES. To the extent permi�ed by law, �his Se�urity Ins�rument wi�I secure future advan�es as �f
<br /> such ad�ances were made on�he date of�his Securi�y �nstrument re�ardless of�he fact that fr�m��me to time there
<br /> may be no baian�e due under the note and re�ardless of whether L�nder is abli�ated to make such fu�ur�ad�ar�ces.
<br /> CR�SS �C3LLATERALIZAT��N. �t is the exp�essed �n�en� of Gran�or �o �ross �ollateralize all of its
<br /> I�debtedn�ss and abl�gatians to Lender, howso�ver ar�s�ng and whensae�er incurred, �xc�p� �ny obl�gati�n
<br /> exis�ina or ar�sin�a�a�nst the principal dwe�lin�of any Gran�or.
<br /> Cc�2��4-?�15 Compliance 5yyter�s,lnc.68�'9-FDDa-2015.l 1.3.I025
<br /> Commer�ia3 Real Estate Sectirity Instr�.3ment-DL�007 Pa�e l af5 tivww,cvmpliancesystems.com
<br />