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<br /> th�payment zs appZ�ed�o the fu�l payment of on�ar xnore Periad`zc Paym�n�s,such excess ma�be app�zed�o any lafe
<br /> charges due.Valuntary prepayments sha�i�e ap�xie�fzz-st to any prepaym�nt charges ar�d�hen as descnbed.zn fhe l�a�e.
<br /> A�ny ap�lxca�ion of paymenf5,insurance p�-aceeds,or M�s�el�aneous Proceeds t�pri�cipa�due under fhe No#e shall
<br /> nat e��end�r pos�p�ne�he due date,�r chang���e am4u�z�,of the PenodYc p�ymen�s.
<br /> 3.Funds far��cx���Zfems,�arra�ver shax�pa�r�o Lender an th�day Periodi�paymen�s axe dt��ur�de�t��Nate,
<br /> untzl th�l�o��is paid zn fui],a sum�the`��`unds"}to pxo�zde for paymen�n�am�unts�due fax;�a}�ax��and�asses�xx�en�s
<br /> and a�her Ytem.s t�vhie� �an a��ain pn�ri�y r��er�h�s 5�curi�y Instrumen�as a lten a�encumbrance on the prc�gerty;
<br /> �b}Ieaseho�d�aymenfs or graund ren�s an fha Prope�rty,zf ar�y;(c}prem�ums fgr�ny and al�znsurance r�quired by Lender
<br /> under Se�f�fln 5;and{d�M��gag��nsura�ce premiums,xf any,or any sum�payabXe b�Barrower to Lender zn lieu of�he
<br /> �ayment of tV�artga�e Xnsuraxice pz-emiums in ac�ordance wz�.h.�he provi�ions �f SeG�ion �.�.Thes�zfi�ms are called
<br /> "Escrow It�ms�"At �ngina�ion c�r a� any t�me during f.he �erm af fhe L�oan, I�endex may requx�re�haf Cammunity
<br /> As��ciati�n Z]ues,���5y and Asses�menfs,zf any,b���crawed�y Barrnwer,and such dues,f��s and assessm�nts shal�be
<br /> an Es�row�tem, Barrovsr�r s�a�� pr�mp�Zy furnish ta Lender a�l na�ice� of amQunf�to be�ax�und�r thi� �ectian_
<br /> Barrtiwe�shaXl pay Lender�ie Funds f�r�scr�w X�em�unless Lender��aives Barrawer's c�I�ligatza�.�v pa�the Funds far
<br /> any nr aIl Escrc�w I�ems,Lender ma��vai�e Borraw�r's abligati4n�o pay to��nder Funds for any�r a��Escro���ztems a�
<br /> any�zme.Any such waiver may on�y be�n wri�ing,rn th�even�vf such wa�ver,Borraw�r shalZ pay direct�y,�vhen and
<br /> where payable,�he amvunts due far any Escr�w Xtems far which paymen��f Funds has l��en wa�v�d h�Lend�r anc�,zf �
<br /> Len�.er requires, shall furnish�o Lender receip�s evzden�ing such paymen�wzthin such�ime periad as L�nder may
<br /> require.B vrrau+er's obliga�ian to make such�aymen�s and to pravzde xeceip�s shaYl far alI purpos�s be deemed ta be a �
<br /> cavenant and agre�ment cantain�d in this Secunty�nstrument,as the phrase"cavenant and agreement"is�sed in 5ec�ian
<br /> 9,If B�rrower is ob�xgated to pay Escr�w�tems dire�fly,pursuan�to a waave�r,and�arrvwer faxls�o pay�he am�unt du�
<br /> far an Esc�av�Z�em,Lender may exer�ise z�s arights und�r Sec�ian 9 and pay such amaun�and�arra�vex sha�l fhen be
<br /> flbliga�ed unde�-Section 9 f�repay ta Lender any such amount.Lendez may revo�e�e waiver as to any or�lI Escraw
<br /> ltems at any��me by a natice giverz in accordance wz�h Sec�zon �5 and,upfln such revaca�ian,Borro�.�te�r sha11 pay fo
<br /> Lender aIl Funds,and in such amounts,that are then requzz-ed under�his 5e�t�c�n 3.
<br /> �ender ma�,at an�t�me,cr�llec�and hold Funds zn an am�un��a}sufficient�o p�rmYt L�nde�r�o apply fhe�'un�.s at
<br /> �he ti,me spec�fi�d un�er RESPA,and�b�naf fa exc�ed����nax.�mum amoun�a lender�a�require under RESPA"Lender
<br /> sha�1 estxrnat��ae am�unt o�`Fund�due�n fhe bas�s af curren�dafa and reasonabie eslcx�nafes of exp�ndiiures�f future
<br /> Escraw I�ems nr�fhez-w�se�n accordanc�with Appl�c.able�.aw.
<br /> The Funds shall be he�d in an.ins�tutzon�vhose�eposx��are insured by a fede�al ag�nc�,instrumenta�ity,a�-�ntity
<br /> �including Lender,if L�ender is ata instift��zon�h4se�ieposits are sfl insured}or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lend.er '
<br /> �hal�apply the Funds fa pay�he.Escraw�tems n�la��r��an fhe time specified und�x R.ESPA.L�nder�ha�I no�charge
<br /> B�r�-aw�r fv�-hold,ing and applying#he Funds,annually anal.yzing�he�scrow account,�r�erifyin��he Escrav�Item�,
<br /> un7ess Lender pa�s Borro�,rer interest an the Funds and Applica�b�e Law pezmi.f�Lendex 1ta mak�such a ch�rg�,Un�ess axi
<br /> agree�nen�is made zn u�r�.�ing arA.ppiicab�e Law r�qu�res in�erest�o be paid fln the Funds,Lend�r sha��n�t be z-equire��a
<br /> pay$orrower any ix��eres�or earnzngs an the Fun�.s.Sflrrower and Lender can agree zn wri.��ng,hawever,�ha�in�erest
<br /> shall b�paid an fhe Fund�.L�nd�r shal�g�ve�o Borro�er,�a.thou�c�arge,an anr�.uai aGcaun�ing of�the Funds as requ�r�d
<br /> by RESPA.
<br /> If th�re is a surp�us❑f Funds he7d in escxow,as def ner�under.1�E5PA,L�nd�r shall acc�unt�a Barrower far the
<br /> excess funds in accordanc�ti�i�h RESPEL.�f tk��re is a shartag�of�unds helc�in escrow,as d�fined under RE�FA,L�nde�
<br /> shalZ notzfy Boxrower as xequxred�r�RESPA,and Borr�u�er s�.�ll pay to L,�z�der�he amoun�neeessary fo mak�up the
<br /> shartage in accordance w�th RESPA,bu�in no m.or�fhan�2 month�y pa�znen�s.Zf ther��s a defi�iency❑f Funds k��ld in
<br /> �serow,�s defined undex RESP�,�.,end�r shal�nafify�3orra�.�er as zequ�red b�RESP�,and�vrra�vershall�ay 1�a Lender _
<br /> the am�unf necessary�Q ma�e up�he defzczen�y zn accardance with R.ESP�.,bu�in�na mor�thax��.�mon�h].�pa�rnen�s.
<br /> Upon paymen�in fu��of a�l sums secur�d by f�ais�eeunty�nstrr�ment,Lend�r�ha�I pramp�ly r�fund ts�Bcrrrower any
<br /> Fund.s held by Lender.
<br /> NEBRASKA-SingIe Family-Fannie MaelFred�di�Mac L1NlF�Rh�1N�TR�MENT Fa�m 3�28 1t0�
<br /> Page 4 0�13
<br /> �os,ir,c,-��s� goRower�s}l�itial$ �
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