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2� 1 ��43�3 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: 'I�1293957 ��ontinu�d� Page 3 <br /> Paficies shafl be written in form, amaunts, co�erages and basis reasvna�ly acceptak�le ta Lender and issued by a <br /> company ❑r campanies reasonabiy ac�eptable to Lender. Trustor, upon request ❑f Lender, will deli�er t❑ Lender <br /> fr�m time to time the po�icies or ��r�ifi�ates of insurance in form satisfactory tv Lender, in�luding stipulations that <br /> �o�erages will n�t be can�eljed ❑r diminished wi�hout at least ten �1�y days pr�flr written notice to Lender. Each <br /> insurance policy alsv shall include an endorsement pro�iding that co�erage in fa�or of Lender wi�i nvt be impaired <br /> in any way by any a�t, amissian �r default of Trustor ❑r any other person. 5hould th� Real Praperty be Iacated in <br /> an a�ea designated by the Administrator �f the Fed�ra! Emergency Management Agency as a special flood hazard <br /> area, Trustor agrees t❑ obtain and maintain Federal Fiood lnsuran��, if a�ailable, far the maximum amount vf <br /> Trustor's credit line and the full unpaid prin�ipal balan�e of any pri�r liens an the property securing the 1aan, up ta <br /> the maximum poli�y limits set under the Nativnal Flaod Insurance Program, or as ❑therwise required by Lender, and <br /> ta maintain such insurance for the term af the lvan. <br /> LENDER'S EXPENDITURES. If Trustor fails �Ay to keep the Property free af aj� taxes, liens, se�urity interests, <br /> encumbrances, and other ciaims, {gy to pro�ide any required insurance on the Property, or �Cf to make repairs tv the <br /> Property then Lender may dv sv. If any acti�n ❑r proGeed3ng is �ommenced that would material�y affect Lender's <br /> interests in the Praperty, then Lender an Trustor's behalf may, but is nat requir�d ta, take any action that Lender <br /> belie�es to be appropriate tv protect Lender's interests. All expenses incurred vr paid by Lender for such purposes will <br /> then bear interest at the rate charged under the Cr�dit Agreement fram the date incurred ❑r paid by Lender ta the date <br /> ❑f repayment by Trustor, All such expenses will became a part a� the Indebtedness and, at Lender's vption, will �Ay <br /> he payable an demand; �B7 be added t❑ the balance �f the Credit Agreement and be apportianed amang and be <br /> payable with any installment paymen�s ta became due during either t�� the term vf any app[�cable insurance pfl�i�y; ❑r <br /> �2y the remaining term of the Credit Agreement; or {C7 be treated as a balloon payment wh�ch ►rvill be due and payable <br /> at the Credit Agreement's maturity. <br /> WARRANTY; DEFENSE�F T1TLE. The foliowing pra�isions relating ta awnership of the Property are a part of this ❑eed <br /> of Trust: <br /> Title. Trustar warrants that: ta} Trust�r halds gv�d and marketable �itle of recvrd to the Praperty in fee simple, <br /> free and clear af all liens and encumbrances other �than those set fvrth in the Real Prvp�rty descriptivn vr in any <br /> tEt�e insurance policy, tit�e report, or fina� title opinion issued in favor of, and accepted by, Lender in connectian <br /> with this Deed of Trust, and �b� Trustor has the full right, pow�r, and authority to sxecu�� and deii���this Deed of <br /> Trus#t� Lend�r. <br /> Defens� flf Title. Subject t❑ the exceptian in the paragraph abo�e, Trustor warrants and will fore�er defend the <br /> title t❑ the Property against the lawful claims ❑f all p�rsons. <br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Trustor will be in default under this Deed af Trust if any af the following happen: �A� Trustor <br /> commits fraud or makes a ma�erial misrepresentation at any time in connectian with the Credit Agreement. This can <br /> include, for examp�e, a false statement about Trustor's incvme, assets, liabilities, vr any ather aspects of Trustar's <br /> financial cvndition. �B} Trustvr does nat meet the repayment terms af the Credit Agreement. �Cy Trustvr's actian ar <br /> inactivn ad�ersely affects the collateral or L�nder's rights in the �ollateral. This can include, for example, failure ta <br /> maintain required insurance, waste ❑r destructive use o#the dwelling, failure to pay taxes, death of all persvns liable on <br /> the acc�unt, transfer af titie or sale ❑f the dwelling, creativn ❑f a senior Eien an th� dwelling without Lender's <br /> permiss�an, foreclasur� by the holder of anvther lisn, �r the use a�funds or the dwelling for prahihit�d purposes. <br /> R[GHTS AND REME�iES 4N DEFAULT. Upan �he occurrence ❑f any E�ent vf Default under any �ndebtedness, or <br /> should Trustor fail to comply with any of Trustor's obligations under this ❑eed of Trust, Truste� or Lender may exercise <br /> any one ❑r more af the follow�ng rights and r�medies: <br /> Acceieration Upvn De#ault; Additivnai Remedies. if any E�ent ❑f Default occurs as per the terms ❑f the Credit <br /> Agreement se�ured hereby, Lender may declare all Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust tv be due and <br /> payable and the same sha�i thereupan become due and payable withaut any presentment, demand, protest �r <br /> natice of any kind. Thereafter, Lender may: <br /> {a� Either in person or by agent, with ar without bring�ng any actian ar proceeding, vr by a recei�er <br /> appointed hy a court and without regard to the adequacy of its security, enter upon and take possession <br /> of the Property, or any part thereof, in its vwn name vr in the name af Trustee, and do any acts which it <br /> deems necessary or desirable ta preser�e the �a�ue, marketability ❑r rentability af the Praperty, ❑r part af <br /> the Property ❑r interest in the Proper#y; increase the incame frvm the Property ar pratect the security of <br /> the Prvperty; and, with or withaut taking possessi�n of the Property, sue for or atherwise co[Iect the <br /> r�nts, issues and profits of the Praperty, including those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, less <br /> costs and expens�s �f vperatian and co�lec�ion attorneys' fees, to any indebtedness secured by this ❑eed <br /> of Trust, ail in such order as Lender may determine. The entering upvn and taking pass�ssion of the <br /> Property, the colle�tion of such rents, issues and profits, and the application thereaf sha�i not cure ar <br /> wa��e any default or nvtice of default under this Deed af Trust ❑r in�alidate any act done in response to <br /> such default or pursuant to such nvtice of de�ault; and, notwithstanding the cantinuan�e in passession of <br /> the Property �r the collection, rec�ipt and application af rents, IS5Ll�5 or profits, Trust�e ❑r Lender shall <br /> be entitled to exerc�se e�ery right pro�id�d far in the �r�dit Agre�ment or the Related Dvcuments �r by <br /> law upon the occurrence ❑f any e�ent of default, including the right ta exercise the power of sale; <br /> tb) Commence an action ta forec��se this Deed ❑f Trust as a mortgage, appvint a recei��r or speci�i�a[!y <br />