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<br /> �C�ntinued} Page 6
<br /> N�T�CES. Any natice required �❑ be given under this Deed of Trust{ inciuding withou� limitation any no�ice o�de�auit
<br /> and any notice of sale shall be gi�en in writing, and shaIl be e-�fectz�e when actually deli�eredr when actuaiiy recei�ed
<br /> by teIefacsimile (unless otherwise required by law�, when d�posi�ed with a natiana��y recognized ov�rnigh�caurier, or, ��
<br /> mai�ed, when deposit�d in th� United 5�a�es mail, as firs� �Iass, cer�ified or regist�red mail postage prepaid, directed to
<br /> �he addresses shnwn near�he beginning o�this ❑eed of Trust. A�f copies o� na�ices of fareclosure �rom the holder ❑f
<br /> any lien which has priority o�er-this �eed of Trust shall be sen�ta Lender's address, as shawn near�he beginning ❑�
<br /> this De�d o�F Trus�. Any person may change his or her address for natices under this Deed of Trus� by gi�ing formal
<br /> written notic� to th� other person or persansr specifying fhat the purpase o-F the no�ice is �o change the persan's
<br /> address. For notice purp�sest Trustor agrees ta keep Lendet- informed a�ali times af Trustor's �urrent address. LJnless
<br /> otherwise pro�ided or required by law, if there is more than one Trusto�-, any no�ice gi�en by Lender�� any Trusfor is
<br /> deemed to be na�ice gi�en�a a��Trustors. !t will be Trustar's respansibility�o teII�he others o�the notice from Lender.
<br /> M�SCELLANEOUS PR�VISIaNS, The fallowing miscellaneaus pro�isians a�e a par�o�F fhis Deed o�Trust:
<br /> Amendmen�s. Wha� is wri�ten in �his �eed of Trus� and in the ReIa�ed Da�uments is Trustor's �ntire agreemen�
<br /> with Lender cancerning the matters cov�red by�his Deed o�Trust. T❑ be effec�i�e, any �hange ❑�-amendmen�k�a
<br /> this De�d of Trust mus�be in wri�ing and must be signed by whoever will be bound or vbliga�ed by�he change or
<br /> amendment.
<br /> Capfivn He�dings. Cap�ion headings in this D��d of Trus� are far c�n�enience purpases onEy and are not �o be
<br /> used ta int�rpr�t or defin��he pra�isions❑f this Deed❑f Trust,
<br /> Merger. There shall be no me�-ger❑�F�he interest ar es�a�e crea�ed by�his Deed a�F Trusf wi�h any a�her interes�or
<br /> es�ate in the Praper�y a�any time held by❑r for the benefit of L�nder in any capa�xty, withou�the wri�fen c�nsent
<br /> o�Lender.
<br /> Governing Law. Th�s Deed of Trust wilf be gv�e�rned by federal iaw app�i�able tv Lender and, to fhe extent not
<br /> preempted hy f�deral iaw,the laws ❑f#he State of Nebraska without reg�rd to its conflicts v�F Iaw provisions. Th�s
<br /> Deed ❑f Trus�has been a�cepted by Len�ler in the State ❑f Nehraska.
<br /> Choi�e of Venue. I�there is a Iawsui�� Trustor agre�s upan Lender's r�qu�s�ta submi�fo �he jurisdi�tian o�the
<br /> courts o�F HaII County, Sta�e of N�braska.
<br /> No Waiver by Lender. Trus�ar unde�sfands Lender will not give up any af L�nder's righ�s und�r this De�d ❑�Trusf
<br /> unless Lender does so in writ�ng. Th� �act tha� Lender delays or omi�s �v �xercise any right wil� not m�an �hat
<br /> Lender- has given up that righ�. If Lender does agree in wrifing �a gi�e up one of Lender's rights, �ha� daes not
<br /> mean T�ustor wiII not have to comply with the vther pravisions ❑�this �eed o�F Trust. Trus�o� also understands
<br /> that i� Lender doe� consen��a a reques�, that does na� mean tha�Trustor wilI not ha�e �o ge� Lender's cansent
<br /> again if the situation happens agaEn. Trusf�r further unders�ands�ha�jus�becaus� Lender consents�v one ar mare
<br /> ❑�Trustot-'s r�quests, �hat daes not mean Lender wilf be required �o consen��a any �f Trustor's fiuture requests.
<br /> Trus�or waives presen�men�, demand�For payment, pro�es�, and noti�e o�dishonor.
<br /> Sev�rabiixty, 1� a court �inds �ha� any pro�ision o��his Deed v�Trust is nof �alid or shauld not be en�ar-ced, �hat
<br /> fac� by i�self will no� mean that�he rest❑f this Deed of Trust will no�be vafid or enfor�ed. Therefore, a cour�wiIl
<br /> enfor�e fihe resf ofi fhe prn�isions a�this �eed af Trus�even i�F a p�-o��si�n o�F this D�ed a�Trust may be found�o be
<br /> invalid a�unen�arceable.
<br /> Suc�essors and Assigns. Subjec�to any �imita�ions stated in this Deed of Tr�ust on �ransfer o�Trustor's interest,
<br /> �his Deed ❑f Trust sha�I be binding upon and inure to the b�ne�it ❑f the parties, their success�rs and assigns. !�
<br /> ownership a��he Praperty becomes�ested in a person other�han Trus�ar, Lendert withoufi n�tice to Trustor, may
<br /> dea! with Trustor�s successors with reference t❑this �e�d ❑fi Trust and the lndebtedness by way of forbearance or
<br /> extension withou�releasing T�us�ar from�he obfigations of�his❑eed af Trus�or Iiability under the lndebtedness,
<br /> Time is of the Essence. Time is of�he essence in the performance of thi� ❑eed of Trust,
<br /> Waiver vf Homestead Exempfion, Trustor hereby releases and wai�es aII rights and benefi�s ot �he homest�ad
<br /> exempfiion laws o�F th�State of Nebraska as fa aII lndebfedn�ss se�ured by this Deed of Trus�.
<br /> DEFiNITI�N�. The foj�owzng wards sha!! ha�e�he fo��owing meanings when used in�his D��d of Trust:
<br /> Ben�ficia�y. The ward "Bene�iciary" means Exchange Bank, and its successors and assigns.
<br /> B�rrawer. The ward "garrower" means 5efena Vllardyn and includes aII co�signers and ca�makers signing the
<br /> Credit Agreement and a��their successors and assigns.
<br /> Cred�t Agreement. The words tt�redit Ag�-eementtt mean �he credi� agreemen� dat�d July 5, �0�5, with Gt`ed�t
<br /> I�m�t vf $4�,���.�� from Trustor to Lender, �ogether with all renewals of, e�tensions a�, modifications ❑f�
<br /> refinancings of. consolida�ions a�F, and substitutions for�he promissory note or agreemen�. N�TICE T� TRLJST�R:
<br /> Deed of Trust. The wards nDeed o� Trusf" m�an this De�d of Trust amon� Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br /> includes wi�hou� Iimifatian all assignment and secur-ity interest pravisions rela�ing �o the PersonaI Property and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> Environm�ntal Laws. The words "EnWironmental Laws" mean any and a�1 state, federaf and local s�atutes,
<br /> regulations and ordinances refating �o �h� protection of human heal�h ❑r the en�iranment, including wi�hou�
<br /> Iimitation the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liabi�ity Act of �98�, as amsnded, 42
<br /> U.S.C. Sec�ian 96D"I, et seq. �"CERGLA"�, the 5uperfund Amendments and Reaufhori�ation Act o� �985r Pub. L.
<br /> No. 95-499 {"SARA�},�he Hazardous Materials Transparkation Ac�, 49 U.S.C. Sec�ion 18D'�, et seq,,�he Resource
<br /> Conserva�ion and Recavery A�t, �� IJ.S.C. Se��ian �9a1, et seq., or other app�icable state c�r federal Iaws, rulest
<br /> ❑r reguIations adopted pursuant therefa,
<br /> Even�vf DefauIt. The vvards "E�en�of De�aulfi" mean any of�he events of default se�forth in fihis Deed of Trus�in
<br /> the e�ents o�de�au��sec�zon o��his Deed �f Trus�.
<br /> Existing Indebtedness. The wo�ds "Existing Indebtedness" mean the indebtedness described in th� Existing Liens
<br /> pravision of this ��ed o�Trus�.
<br /> Hazardous Substan�es. The wards "Hazardous Subs�ances" mean materials that, because ot their quantity,
<br /> �oncenfra�ion or physical, chemicaI ❑r in�e�tious characteristics, may cause ar pase a present or potential hazard
<br /> to human hea�th or�he en�iranment when impraperly used, treated, stored, disposed of, generated, manu�actured,
<br /> �ransport�d or �therwise handled. The wot-ds "Hazardous Substances" are used in �h�ir�ery broades�sense and
<br /> include withau� Iimi�a�ion any and all hazardous ❑r �axi� subsfanc�s, materials or waste as de�ined by or iis�ed
<br /> under�khe Environmental Laws. The term "Hazardaus 5ubsfances" a�so in�ludes� wi�hout�imitation, petroleum and
<br /> petr�leum by-products ar any fracti�n the�ea�and asbestos.
<br /> lmpro�ements. The word "jmpravements" means a�i existing and �uture impro�ementsr buildings, structures,
<br /> mobife homes affixed on the Real Proper�y, facilities� additions, repIacements and other constructian on �he Rea!
<br /> Property.
<br /> Indeb�edness. The word "Indebtedness" means aIl principal, interest, and other amounts, �vsts and expenses
<br /> payabfe und�r- the Credi� Agreement ar Related Documen�s, �oge�her with all renewais vfr extensians o�,
<br />