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2� 1 ��4325 <br /> DEE❑ �F TRUST <br /> t�vntinued� Pag�: � <br /> and elec�ian to cause Trustar`s interest in�he Pr'operty to be s�ld, which notice Truste�shal! cause to be <br /> du�y tiied �or reGord in the appropriate offi�es o�fhe County in which the Property is loca�ed; and <br /> (d} With respe�t to aII ar an�' part afi�he PersanaI Pt-operty, Lender shafi ha�e al!the rights and remedies <br /> af a se�ured party under�he Nebraska Unifarm �ommercia� C�de, <br /> Foreclosure hy Power o�Sai�. !f L�nd�r eIects fo fareclos�by exer�ise of the Power of�ale herein con�ained, <br /> Lend�r shall notify Trustee and shall deposit wi�h Trustee �hfs Deed o�Trust and the �redi� Agreemen� and <br /> such receipts and e�idence of expendi�ur�s ma�e and sscured by this Deed of Trus�as Trus�ee may require. <br /> {a� L1pon re�eipt of such not�ce firom Lender,Truste�sha�l cause�o be racord�d, pubiished an� delivere�I <br /> to Trust�r such Notice af De�ault and Natice vf 5a1e as �hen required by law �nd by �his L3eed o�Trust. <br /> Trus�ee shall, withaut demand ❑n Trus��r, after such time as may �hen be required by law and after <br /> recordation a�such Na�ice of [�efauit and after �ioti�e of 5aie ha�ing been gi�en as requi�-ed by 1aw, sell <br /> the Praper�y a� the �ime and place a� saie fixed by it in such Na�ice o� SaI�, ei�her as a whaler or in <br /> separa�e Iots or par�eIs or items as Trust�e shalf deem expedient, and in such ❑rder as it may de�erminer <br /> at publ�c au��ion to �he highest bidd�r for cash in fawful money of the United States payable a�t the t�me <br /> af saie, Trustee shall deli�er tv such pur�haser or purchasers fiherea� its goad and su��icient deed or <br /> deeds conveying the pr�perty so sa1d� but without any covenant ❑r warranty, express ar implied. The <br /> recitals in such deed of any matters ❑r �ac�s sha�i be can�lusive pr�of ❑�F�he truthfuIness thereo�F, Any <br /> pers�n, incIuding wi�hout limitation Trustarf Trus�ee, ❑r Lender, may pur�hase a�such sale. <br /> �b� As may be p�rmitted by iaw, afte� deducting a�� costs� fees and expenses ofi Trustee and.of this <br /> Trus�, including cos��a�F e�idence a��i�le in �annec�ion wi�h sale,Trustee shali apply the proceeds of sale <br /> ta payment o�F �i} all sums expended under �he terms of this De�d of Trust �r und�� the t�rms of the <br /> Credit Agreemen� na�th�n repaid, including bu� not limi�ed �o a�a�ued interest and la�e charges, {ii} all <br /> o�her sums then secured hereby, and ��ii} the r�mainderr if any, t� the person ❑r per�sons Iegally �nti�led <br /> �hereto, <br /> {c} Trustee may in th� manner pro�ided by �aw p�stpone sale of a�i or any portion a��he Praper�y. <br /> Remedies Nvt Exclusi�e. Trustee and Lender, and each ofi themf shall be entitled �o enfar�e paymen� and <br /> pe�fiarmance❑f any indebtedness o�r obiigations secured by�his Deed of Trust and�a exercise aIl rights and powers <br /> under this Deed af Trustr under �khe Credit Agreemenft under any ofi �he Re�afed Documents, o� under any ❑�he� <br /> agreemen� or any Iaws now or h�reaft�r in �orcer natwiths�anding, some or aI! ❑f such �ndebtedness and <br /> ❑bliga�ions secured by this ❑e�d of Trust may now ❑r hereafter be a-therwise secured, whether by mortga�e, deed <br /> fl��rust, p�edge, li�n, assignment ar atherwise. Nei�her the acceptance of this Deed ❑f Trust no�i�s en�orcement, <br /> wh�ther- by cou�� ac�ian or pursuan� to fhe power �fi sale or other powers cantained in �his Deed of Trus�, shall <br /> prejudice o� in any manner a�fect Trustee's ❑r Lend�r's right t❑ realize upon or enfarce any o�her security naw ar <br /> hereaf-�er he�d by Trustee or Lender, it being agreed that Trus�ee and Lender� and each ❑f themr shai� be entitled t❑ <br /> enf�rce �his Deed v�F Trus� and any o�her security now ❑r- he�eaft�r held by Lender ar Trus�kee in suGh ❑rder and <br /> manner as they ❑r eifher �f �hem may in their absolu�e discre�ion determine. No remedy conferred upan o� <br /> reserv�d �a Trus�ee ❑r Lender, is intended to be exclusi�e ❑f any o�her remedy in this ❑eed of Trus� or by !aw <br /> pro�ided or permitted, bu-� each shall be cumulati�e and sha�i be in add�tion to ��ery �#her remedy grrren in th�s <br /> Deed of Trust or now or he��aft�r exis#ing at law ❑r tin equity or 1�y s�atute. �very p�wer or remedy gi�en by the <br /> �redit Agreemen� or any of the Related Documenfs �a Trus�ee ar Lender or t� which e��her of �hem may be <br /> otherwise entifled, may be �xercised� cancurren�ly or independenfily� fr�m t�me to time and as of�en as may be <br /> deemed expedien� by Trus�ee o� Lender, and either �f them may pursue inconsis�ent remedies. Nothing in this <br /> Deed vf Trust shaii be �onstrued as prahibiting Lender fram seeking a d�ficiency judgmen� against the Trustar to <br /> the exfient such a�tian is p�rmitted by Iaw. <br /> Ele�ti�n of R�med;es. AII o� Lender`s rights and remedies will be cumulati�e and may b� exercised alane ❑r� <br /> toge�her. !f Lender decides to spend money �r to perform any of Trustor's obIiga�ions unde�this Qeed Q�F Trust, <br /> atter Trus�o�'s failure t❑ do sa, �hat decision by Lender will nat a�Ffec� Lender-'s right�o de�lare Trusto� in default <br /> and�o exercis� Lend�r's remedie�. <br /> Request for No�i�e. Trusta�, ❑n beha�f❑�Trustor and Lendsr, hereby reques�s�hat a copy��any Notice a�DefauI� <br /> and a copy o�F any Na�ice af SaEe under this Deed ❑fi Trus�be mailed to them a�fhe addresses se�for�h in fhe �irs� <br /> paragraph❑f this De�d af Trust. <br /> At�orneys' Fees; Expenses. !f Lender institutes any suit or action to enfvrce any of the terms o� this ❑eed ❑� <br /> Trust, Lender shall be en�itled to recov�r such sum as fihe court may adjudge r�asonable as attorneys` �ees at trial <br /> and upon any appeal. 11Vhetrer ar nat any cour� ac�ion is in�olWed, and t❑ the ex�enfi not prohibited by �aw, a�I <br /> reasonable expenses L�nder incurs �ha� in Lender's �pinion are necessary a�k any �ime for the pr�fecti�� �� i�s <br /> intsres�❑r�he �n�o�c�men�o�F its rights shall b�come a part❑��he Indebtedness payable❑n demand and shali bear <br /> inter�st at the Credi� Agreement rate �rom the date o� the expenditure until repaid. Expens�s co�ered by �his <br /> paragraph include, without limitation� howev�r subject�a any Iimits under appIicab�e Iaw, Lender's atkorn�ys' fees <br /> and Lend�r's I�9aI expenses, whether ❑r not ther� is a 4awsuit, including a��orn�ys' fees and expenses for <br /> bankrup�cy pro�eedings {includ�ng efforts to madify or�acate any au�oma�ic s�ay �r injuncfion}, appeals, and any <br /> an�icipated post judgment coliec�ion ser�ices� the c�s� o� searching re�ards, a��aining �itle r�parts {in�luding <br /> fore�losur� reports}. sur�eyors` reports, and appraisal fees, tit�e insuran�e, and �ees for the 7rustee, ta the exten� <br /> permitted by applicable law. Trus�ar also wiI! pay any evurt costs, in addition ta all ��her sums pro�ided fay law. <br /> Rsghts vf Trustee. Trus-tee sha�� ha�e ajj of�he rights and duties o�Lender as set forth in this se�tian. <br /> PDWERS AND OBLIGAT�ONS �F TRUSTEE. The f�lla�rving pr�a�isions rela�ing�a�he pawers and abligati�ns of Trusfee <br /> ar� part❑f this Deed of Trus�; <br /> Powers of Trustee. ln addition fo a1� pawers o�Trustee arising as a matter of law,Trus��e shall ha�e the power to <br /> �ak�fhe f�!lawing ac�ions with r�espect fo the Property up�n the written reques�of Lender and Trustar: {a} �oin in <br /> preparing and fiIing a map or plat of �he Reai Property, inGiuding the dedica-�ian of stree�s or other rights �o the <br /> public; {b} ja�n in g�an�ing any easement ar creafing any resfricfiian on the ReaI P�aperty; and �c� �oin in any <br /> subot-dination or�oth�r agreemen�affecting this Deed af Trust or the interest of Lender under�his Deed of Trust. <br /> Trust�e. Trus�ee shaIl meet aii qualificati�ns required �ar Trustee under appli�abl� law. in addition fio the rights <br /> and remedies set forth abo�e, with respect t❑ aII ar any part at�he Property, the Trustee shall ha�e the �ighf t� <br /> fore�lvse by nati�e and s�ls, and Lend�r wiE! ha�e the right to fioreclose by judiciai fare�losur�� in eifiher case in <br /> aGGardance with and ta�khe fuII exten�pro�ided by appIicable 1aw. <br /> 5uccessor Trustee. tender, at Lender's option, may frvm�ime t❑time appoint a successor Trustee to any T�-us�ee <br /> appointed under�his Deed ❑f Trus� by an ins�rumen� exe�uted and acknowledged by Lender and recorded rn ��e <br /> office of �he �e�order of HaII County, S�at� ❑t Nebraska. The �nstrument shal( �ontainr in addition ta a�� �ther <br /> matters required by state Iaw, �he names o� �he a�iginal Lender, Trustee, and Trustar, the b�ak and pag� �ar <br /> comput�r system ref�rence} where this ❑eed ❑� �f'rus� is recordedr and �he name and address a� the suGcessor <br /> trustee, and the instrumenfi shal� fae executed and acknowledged by ajj the beneficiaries under this D�ed ❑�r Trust or <br /> th�ir suc�essors �n in�e�-est. The suc�essor-�rustee, wifhout con�eyan�e o��he Prvperty, shall succeed �❑ aII the <br /> title, powe�, and duties canferred upan the T�usfee in this Deed ❑f Trus�and hy appIicabC� Iaw. This pra�edure f�r <br /> substitu�tion a�F Trus�ee shalI go�ern t❑the exclusion of a2� oth�r pr��isions for substitutivn. <br />