2� 1 ��4325
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> ��ontinued} Page Z
<br /> En�ironmentaI Laws. Trustar au�h�rizes Lender and i�s agents t❑ enter upon the Property �o make such
<br /> inspec�ions and tests, at Trusto�'s expense, as Lender may deem apprapria�e �o determin� compliance af the
<br /> Property with this sectian o�the Deed ofi Trus�. Any inspec�ions or tests made by Lender shaIl be for Lend��'s
<br /> purposes only and shaII no�be constru�d�❑ create any responsibility or liabiiity on�he part of Lender to Trus�ar ar
<br /> �❑ any o�her person, The representations and warranties Gon�ained herein are based on Trus�or�'s due diIigence in
<br /> in�es�igafing �he Property for Hazardous 5ubs�ances. Trustor hereby {'I} �eleases and wai�es any future �Iaims
<br /> against Lender far �ndemnity or contributian in fhe e�en�Trustor becomes �iable for cleanup or ❑ther cosfs under
<br /> any such laws; and {2) agrees t❑ indemnifyr defend, and hvId harmless Lender against any and aII cIaims, iosses,
<br /> Iiabilities, damag�s, penalti�s, and expenses which L�nder may directly or indirec�iy sustain or su�fer resuIting�rom
<br /> a hreach af this sectian of�he ❑eed o�Trust or as a consequence af any use, generatian, manufac#ure, storage,
<br /> dispasal, r�l�as�or threatened release nccurring priar ta Trustor's ownership or infer�s�in�he Property,whether o�
<br /> na� the same was ot- should ha�e been known fo Trus�kor. Th� provisions D� fhl5 sec�ion ❑f �he ❑�ed of Trus�,
<br /> including the obliga�ion ta indemnify and de�end, shali survive the paymen�❑f the jndebtedness and the satisfaction
<br /> and recan�eyance ��the Iien o�this Deed of Trus�and sha11 not be a�fected by Lender's acquisi�i�n o�any interesf
<br /> in the Property,whe�her by fare�I�sure or oth�rw�se.
<br /> Nuis�nce, Wast�. Trustor shall not cause, conduc� or permit any nu�sance nor �ammit, permit, or su�fer any
<br /> stripping vf or was�e on or�o the Property or any partian o��he Property. Without limiting �he generality of the
<br /> �aregoing, Trust�r wi�I not remove, or gran��o any ❑�her party the r�ght�o remo�e, any timber, mine�-als {including
<br /> o�� and gas�, coal, c�ay,s�ariaf saiir gravel ar rock produ��s withou�Lender's pr-ior written consen�.
<br /> Remo�aI of Imprvvements. Trustvr sha11 n�f demaIish or r�m��e any Improvements f�om�he ReaI Properky withou�
<br /> Lender�s prior wri-��en �ansent. As a condition to the removal o�F any Impro�ements, Lender may �equire Trustar to
<br /> make arrangements sa�is�actory to Lender t❑ repIace such Improvements with Empra�ements ❑� at least �quai
<br /> value.
<br /> Lend�r's Right to Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and representati�es may enter upon the ReaE Prop�rty at all
<br /> reasonable times to attend #o Lender's in�eres�s and t❑ inspect the ReaI Praperty �o� purposes of Trusto�Ts
<br /> compliance with the�erms and conditians of this D�ed o�Trust.
<br /> Compliance with Gavernmental Requirements. Trus�or shall promp�ly ��mp1y with aII 1aws, o�dinances, and
<br /> r�gulations, now or hereaf-ker in ef�Fect, of all g��ernmenta� authori�ies appIicable ta �he use or occupancy of the
<br /> Prvperty, Trustar may con�es�in gaod faith�ny such Iaw, o�rdinan�e, o�-regulation and withhold compliance during
<br /> any praceeding, incIuding appropria�e appeaIs, s❑ lang as Trust�r has no�ified Lender in wri�ing pr�iar to doing so
<br /> and so long as, in Lender's sole opinianr LenderFs interests in fhe Praperty are not jeopardized. Lende�may require
<br /> Trustor to post adequate security or a surety bond, r�asonably satisfiactory to Lende�,fo pra�e�t Lenderfs interest.
<br /> ❑uty to Protect. Trustor ag�-ees n�ither to abandon or �ea�e una��ended the Proper-ty. Trustor sha11 do all other
<br /> acts, in addition to�hose acts se��orth abo�e in this section, whiGh �ram the charac�er and use o�the Pr-aperty are
<br /> reasanably necessary to prote�t and preserve the Proper�y.
<br /> DUE�N SALE-C�NSENT BY LENI]ER. Lender may, at Lender's op�ianr d��Iare immediately due and payable ali sums
<br /> secured by this Deed of Trus�up�n the sale or�rans�Fer, withou�L�nder's prior w�it�en �onsen�, of a�I or any part af the
<br /> Rea� Propertyr or any inferes�in the Rea� Property. A "sale or trans�er" m�ans�he con��yance o�Real Proper�y or any
<br /> right, title or inter-est in the ReaI Property; whether legal, ben��Ficial or equitable; wh�ther volun�ary or in�oluntary;
<br /> whe�her by ou���gh� sale, d�ed, installm�nt sale contract, Iand contrac�, cvn�ra�f �Far deed, Ieaseh�ld interes� with a
<br /> term greater�han �hree {3} years, lease-optian contract, ❑r by saIe, assignment, or transf�r❑�any benefi�ial interest in
<br /> or ta any Iand trust hoIding �itle to the Rea! Proper�y, or by any othet- method o� con�eyance af an in�eres� in �he Rea�
<br /> Prvperty. Hnwe�er, this aption shaII naf be exercised by Lender i� such exe�cise is prohibifed by �ederaI law or by
<br /> Nebraska 1aw.
<br /> TAXES AND LiENS. The -FaIlawing pravisians refafing to the �axes and i�ens on the Prop�rky a�e part ❑f this �eed o�
<br /> T�-us�:
<br /> Payment. Trustor shalI pay when due {and in all e�ents prior to delinqu�ncy} aI1 taxe�,special�axes, assessments�
<br /> charges �incIuding wa�er and sewer7, fines and impasi��ons Ie�ied agains�❑r❑n ac�o�nt ot th� Property, and shall
<br /> pay when due aII cIaims for work don� on or far se�-��ces rendered or materiaf furnished �o �he Pr�perty. Trustvr
<br /> shafi maintain the Property free of all liens ha�ing priority over ar equal to�he inferest of Lender under�his ❑eed o�F
<br /> Trus�, except for the lien of taxes and assessments na� due, �xcep� for �he Existing Indebtedness r�fe�red to
<br /> below, and except as otherwise pro�ided in this Deed o�F Trust,
<br /> Right t❑ Cantest. Trustnr may withhaEd paymen�of any �ax, assessment, ot-claim in conne�tion with a good fiaith
<br /> disput�v�er the ❑bligativn t❑ pay, s❑ lvng as Lende�'s intere�t in the Property is no�jeapardized, If a lien arises ❑r
<br /> is filed as a resul� af n�npaymen�, Trustor �hal� within fifteen {�5� days af�er �he �ien aris�s or, if a lien is filed,
<br /> within �ifite�n {�5� days after T�ustor has natice o-F the filing, secur� th� dis�harge of the lien, ❑r if requested by
<br /> Lender, deposit wi�h Lender cash vr a sufficien�carpora�e surety bond ❑r ather security satis�ac�ory to Lender in an
<br /> am�unt sufficien��❑ discharge�he Izen pIus any c�sts and atkorneys' fees, or-❑#h�r charges �ha�couId �ccrue as a
<br /> resuIt of a fareclosure or sale under th�Iien. In any cvntes�,Trus�or shaII de�end itself and Lender and shaIl sa�is�y
<br /> any ad�ers�ludgment before�enf�r�emenf a�ainst the Praperty. Trustor shall name Lender as an additionaI ohligee
<br /> under any su�ety bond furnished in�h�contest proceedings.
<br /> Evidence vf Paymenf. Trustor shali upan demand turnish�o Lender satisfact�ry evidence o�payment o��he taxes
<br /> or assessmen�s and sha!! autharize�he appropriate governmental official to deliver to Lender at any time a w�itten
<br /> statement of�he taxes and asses�m�n�s against the Prvperty.
<br /> Nat"rce vf Constructivn. Trus�ar sha1� na-�ify Lender a� Teast-��fteen {1�} days b�fore any vvork is commencedr any
<br /> ser�ices are fiurnished, or any materials are supplied �o the Pt'aper�yr if any mechanic's lien, mater�aimen's 1ien, ❑r
<br /> ather lien ��uId be asserted on a�coun� of �he work, senricesr or materials and �he cost exceeds $"I,��D,DD.
<br /> Trusfor will upon requesf of Lender�urnish to Lender advanc� assurances satis�actory to Lender that Tr-us�or can
<br /> and will pay the �ost o-F su�h impro�ements.
<br /> PRQPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The follawing pro�isEons relating to insuring the Prop�r�y are a pa�o�this Deed ❑f
<br /> Trus�.
<br /> Maintenance vf Insurance. Trustor shaCi procure and main�ain policies of fire insurance with standard extended
<br /> coverage �ndorsements an a replacemen� basis for�he full insurable �aCue co�ering aII lmprovements on �he Real
<br /> Property in an amoun� sufficien� �o avoid app�ication af any coinsurance c�ause, and �vi�h a s�andard martgage�
<br /> Glause in favar o�F Lender,�oge�her with su�h other-hazard and Iiat�ili�y insurance as Lender may reasonably requi�-e.
<br /> Palicies shail be written in �Form, amountsr coverages and basis reasonably ac�eptable �� Lender and issued by a
<br /> �ompany ❑r companies reasonably acceptable �o Lend�r. Trus�or, upan �'eques� of Lender, wi11 defi�er to Lender
<br /> trom time to time the poli�ies or certi�icates ❑f insuran�e in �orm sa�isfactory to Lenderr inc�uding stipulations that
<br /> coverages will no�be can�eEled ar diminished wi�hout a� leas�thirty �3�} days prior written notice�o Lender. Each
<br /> insurance policy afs❑ shal� zn�Iude an endorsement pro�iding �hat ca�erage in fa�o�of Lend�r wi�� not be impaired
<br /> in any way hy any ac�, �mission ❑r defauI�afi Trustor or any other person. ShauId�he F�eal Properky be lvcated in
<br /> an area designated by�khe Administrator of�he Federal Emergency Management Agency as a special fivvd hazard
<br /> ar�a, Trustar agrees �a ob�ain and maintain Federai Flood Insurance, if a�ailable, for the maximum amvunt of
<br /> Trustor�'s credit Iine and the full unpaid principaI bafance of any prior Iiens on�he property securing fhe loan, up to
<br /> ;
<br /> �
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