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rn <br /> m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> o �� � � �rn � rn <br /> a� �o rn � �C p � <br /> o �z � C Z� � � <br /> W �c� � r �z �7 cn <br /> � �� � � �rn � z <br /> �� � � �� � � <br /> rn m rn y =y IV � <br /> rn c� o � y c n C� c <br /> . �� C� r � <br /> �� rn <br /> �� � r <br /> . r.,� 00 �� Z <br /> o� C�J � � <br /> � Z <br /> � <br /> VIlHEN RECDRDEi3 MA1L TD: <br /> Ex�hange gank <br /> G�-Alfen Dri�e Branch <br /> 'f 2�4 AIien Dr <br /> P� Box 5793 <br /> Grand Is[and, NE fi88�� F�R REC�R�ER'S USE�NLY <br /> �EE� aF TRus-r <br /> TH[S DEED DF TRUST �s dated July 5, ��'I�, among 5elena VIlardyn, A 5ingle Persvn <br /> �'rTrustor"}; Exchange Bank� whose address is �I - Aflen Dr��e Branch, 'I��4 Allen Dr, P� Ba� <br /> �793, Grand Is�andr NE �58�� �referred t� be�vw somefimes as r'Lender" and sometjmes as <br /> 'rBenefiGiaryT`}; and Exchange Bank, whose address is PD Bax 397, l�earney, NE 6�g48 <br /> �referr�d t� b elow as TT T�ustee r'�. <br /> GnNVEYANCE AND �RANT. Fvr vaivab[e �onsideration, Trustor con�eys to Trustee in trust, V1C1TH P�VIfER �F SALE, <br /> far the benefi� o� Lender as Benefi�iary, a�l of Trustor�s right, ti�le, and inferest in and to the fa�Eowing described real <br /> praperty, tog��her wi�h ali existing or subsequently erected or affixed buiidings, impro�ements and fExtures; ali <br /> easemen�s, righ�s of way, and appurtenanc�s; all water, water �ights and di�ch rights {including stock in utilities with <br /> ditch or irrigation righ�s�; and aIl o�her rightsr rvyalties, and p�ofi�s relating t� the real praperty, incIuding withau� <br /> iimitatian all minerals, oii, gas, geothermal and simiIar matfers, �the r'Real Property"} l�cated in Hall Gaunty, <br /> State vf Nehraska: <br /> Lot 5r B�vck 3, �llloadland Park F�rst Suk�d�v�sivn in the City vf Grand Island, Hall County, <br /> Nebraska. ' <br /> Th� Rea� Property ar �ts address �s cvmmvnly known as 4'1�3 Texas Ave, Grand island, NE <br /> ��8�3. The Real Property tax id�ntif��ation number is 4��4�3�9�. <br /> REV�LVING LINE QF CREDfT. This ❑eed of Trust secu�es the Indehtedne�s inciuding� without jimi�a��on, a revv�v�ng <br /> line af credit,which ❑bligates Lender to make advances to Trusfor s❑ lon� as Trustor�ompi��s with all the te�ms of�he <br /> Credit Agreement. Such advances may be made, repa;d� and remade from �ime to time� suhject to the jimitation fihat <br /> the tofal outstanding halan�e ❑wing at any one time� not in�luding finance �harges on such ba�an�e at a fixed or <br /> �ariable rate ❑r sum as provided in th� Credit Agreement, any tempvrary o�eragesr ❑fher �harges, and any amounts <br /> expended or ad�anced as pra�ided in either#he �ndeb#edness paragraph ❑r this paragraphr shaI� not exceed the Credit <br /> Limit as pro�ided in�he Credit Agreem�nt. It is the inf�n�ion vf Trustor and Lender that this Deed of Trus#secures the <br /> baianCe vutstanding under the Credit Agreemenfi fram time to time fram zero up to #he Credit Limit as pro�ided in the <br /> Credit Agreement and any intermed�ate baianc�. <br /> Trusfor presently assigns �o Lender {alsa known as Beneficiary in this Deed of Trus�] ai! of Trustor's right, �itle� and <br /> in�eres� in and to aII presen� and fu�ure Ieases o-F the Property and aII Ren�s �ram �he Property. !n addi�ion, Trustor <br /> grants fo Lender a Uniform Cammercial C�d�security inter�st in the Per�sana� Pr�operty and Ren�s. <br /> THIS ❑EE� �F TRUSTr 1NCLU�ING THE ASSIGNMENT�F RENTS AND THE SECURITY �NTEREST iN THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PR�PERTY, 15 �IVEN T❑ SECURE �A} PAYMENT ❑F THE INDEBTEaNESS AND {B} PERFDRMANCE QF <br /> EACH aF TRUST�R'S AGREEMENTS AN❑ �BL�GATI�NS UNDER THE CRE�1T AGREEMENT, THE RELATED <br /> D�CtJ[VIENTS, AND THIS ❑EE❑ �F TRUST. THlS DEED �F TRUST IS G�VEN AND A��EPTED �N THE F�LL�WING <br /> T ER IVI 5: , <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Except as otherwise pro�ided in this ❑eed of Trust, Trus�ar shall pay �❑ Lender all <br /> amounts se�ured by �his Deed a-�Trust as �hey become due, and shall strictly and in a timely manner per�orm aEj of <br /> Trustar`s❑blzgatians under the C�redi�agr-eement,this Deed of Trust, and�he Related Documen�s. <br /> PQSSESSI�N ANL� MAINTENAN�E �F THE PRQPERTY. Trustor agrees �ha� Trus�or`s possessian and use of th� <br /> Property shalI be go�erned by the foIlowing provisi�ns: <br /> Possession and Use. Unti� th� occur�ence of an E�ent of Default, Trust�r may {17 remain in possession and <br /> con�ro� a�the Praperfy; {2� use, apera�e or manage the Proper�yr and �3} coIlec�k the Ren�s from the Pr�p�rfiy. <br /> ❑uty t❑ Nfaintain. Trus�or shaII maintain the Prop�rty in g�od condition and promptiy pe�-�orm a!! �epairs� <br /> replacem�n�s, and maintenance necessary to preserve its�alue, <br /> Compfiance With En�irQnmental Laws. Trusta� represen�s and warran�s �o Lende�-tha�: �'l} ❑uring �he period o�F <br /> Trustor's ownership o�the Property, there has been n❑ usef g�neration, manufa��ure, stora�e, �reatmen�, disposal, <br /> release ar threaten�d release �� any Hazardous Substance by any p�rsvn vn, under� about or frQm the Pr�perty; <br /> {�� Trustor has no knvwledge ❑�, or �reason�ta b�l���e that there has been, exc�p� as pre�iausly disclased �o and <br /> acknowledged by Lender in wrf��ng, �a} any brea�h or �ioIatian ❑f any En�iranmen�kai Laws, �b} any use, <br /> gene�ration, manufac�ur-e, starage� tr�a�ment� disposaf� reCease or�hrea-kened release af any Hazardous Subs�ance <br /> ❑n, under, abou� ❑r �rom fhe Property by any pr�ar owners ❑r occupants ofi the Praperky, ❑r {c} any actuaf ar <br /> threa�kened litigation ar claims vf any kxnd by any person t�eIating �o such mat-�ers; and �3} Exc�p� as pre�iously <br /> disciosed to and acknawledged by Lender�n wr��ing, {a� nexther�Trusta�nor any��nanfi, contractor, agent or oth�r <br /> authori�ed user��f the Property shalI usef gene�ate, mariufac�ur�r s�ore, treat, dispose af ar r�lease any Hazardous <br /> Subs�anc�on, under� abau�or fram fhe Property; and {h� any such ac�xvity shall be condu��ed in �amplian�e with <br /> all appIicable fed�ral, s�at�, and loca� laws, re�ulatiQns and ordinances, inc�uding withoufi Iimitation �I! <br /> � <br /> . <br /> ., <br /> � <br /> � <br /> 1 <br />