2� 1 ��4241
<br /> ���T�A��
<br /> Laar� Nv: �'?€3�3���� ����1t��u��� �ag� �
<br /> acts, in addition�o#hose acts se��or�h aba�e in this sec�ion, which from the charac�er and use o�the Property are
<br /> reasonably necessary�o protec�and prese�ve the Prvperfiy.
<br /> DLIE�N SALE -C�3NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's opti�n, de�lar� immediately due and payable all sums
<br /> secured by this Mvrtgage upan th�sa[e or transfer,without Lender's prior wr�tten consen�, of all or any part af th�Real
<br /> Prvpe�ty, or any int�re�t in the Real Prvper�y. A"sale or�ransfer"means the cvn�eyance af Real Pr�perty or any right,
<br /> ti�le or interes�in�he Real Property; whe�her�egal, benefcial or equitab�e; whether�olunfary or in�aluntary; wh�#h�r by
<br /> oufirigh# sa�e, deed, instaliment sale c�ntrac�, land cantract, �on�rac� for deed, leaseh��d int�rest wi�h a te�-m gr�a�er
<br /> than three �3}years, lease-option cvntra�t, o�by sa�e, assignment, ar�ransfer��any benef�ial interest in or�o any land
<br /> �rust holding ti#le tv the Real Proper�y, or by any other methad of canveyance of an interest in the Real Prvpe�ty. If any
<br /> Gran�or is a corporatian, par�nersh�p or limited fiability company,�ransfe�-also includes any change in ownersh�p v�more
<br />�;
<br /> than twentywfi�e percent (�5°/0} of the �oting stock, par�nersh�p in�erests vr limit�d �iab�lity company interes�s, as the
<br /> case may be, af such Gran�nr. Howe�er, this ❑ptinn shall nat be ex�rcised by Lender if such exerc�se is prohibited by
<br /> �Federal law�r by Nebraska�aw.
<br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The ffl[[owing pro�isions relating�o the taxes and liens on�he Proper�y are pa�t of tnis Mor�gage:
<br /> Payrinen�. Grantar shall pay when due �and in all e�ents pr�or to delinquency}al� taxes, payroll taxes, special taxes,
<br /> assessments, water charges and sewer ser�ice charges le�ied agains�or on account of#he Property, and shali pay
<br />- wh�n due a�l claims far work done on or for ser�ices rendered ar ma�erial furnished to the Property. Gran�or shall
<br /> maintain the Prflpe�ty�ree v�any liens ha�ing privri�y o�er or equal �o the in�erest of Lender under this Mortgage,
<br /> except for fihe Ex�s�ing lndebtedness referred ta in this Mortgage or those I�ens specifically agreed tv in wr�ting by
<br /> Lender, and except for the lien vf taxes and assessments not due as fur�her specified in the Right to �ontesfi
<br /> paragraph.
<br /> R�gh�tQ Contest. Grantor may withhvld payment of any tax, assessmenfi, or claim in connection with a goad faith
<br /> d�spu�e ❑�er the ob�igation tv pay, sa long as Lende�-`s interest in �he Proper�y is no�jevpard�z�d. ��a lien arises or
<br /> is fled as a result vf nonpayment, Grantar shall within fifteen ('15} days after the fien ar�ses o�, if a li�n �s filed,
<br /> within fifteen �'i 5} days after Grantor has no#ice af the f�ling, secure the discharge o�F th� lien, or �f requ�sted by
<br /> Lender, dep�s��with Lender cash vr a suffcient�nrporate sure�y bond or other security satisfactory�o Lender�n an
<br /> amount suffici�n#fio discharge the lien plus any costs and attarneys'fees, or other charges that cvuld accrue as a
<br />,�, resuit af a foreclosur� or sale under the lien. In any contest, Gran#or sha�l defend i�s�:�f and Lender and shall
<br /> sa�isfy any adverse judgment be�or� enfor�ement against�he Property. Grantor shal� name Lender as an additional
<br /> ob��gee under any sure�y bond furnished in�he cvntest proceedings.
<br /> E�idence vf Payment. Grantor shall upon demand�urnish to L�nder satisfactory e�iden�e a�paym�nt of�he taxes
<br /> or assessments and shall au#hor�ze the apprvpria#e g��ernmental officia! to de�i�er tv Lender at any time a wri�ten
<br /> sta�ement af the taxes and assessm�nfis against the Proper�y.
<br /> Nvtice vf C9nstructi�n. Gran�or shall noti�y Lender at least fifteen �'�5} days before any work is cammen�ed, any
<br /> services are�urnished, o�-any ma�erials are suppl��d tv �he Prop�r�y, i�`any mechanic's 1ien, materialmen's lien, or
<br /> other �ien could be asse�ed an account ofi�he w�rk, services, or materials. Grant�r rrv�l� upon r�qu�st o� Lender
<br /> furnish �o Lender ad�ance assurances sat�sfactory tv Lende� �hat Grantor can and will pay th� cos� of such
<br /> impro��ments.
<br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE INSURAN�E. The following provisions relat�ng tv �nsuring �he Prvpe�ty are a par� of this
<br /> Mo�gage:
<br /> Main�enance af �nsurance. Gran�ar shall procure and main�ain po�i�ies vf fire �nsurance w��h standa�d ex�end�d
<br /> co�erage endarsemen�s on a replacement basis �vr the fu�1 [nsurab�e �a�ue co��ring all Impra�emen#s on the Real
<br /> Praperty in an amvun� suffcient to a�oid application vf any cvinsurance clause, and ►rv�th a standard mvrtgagee
<br /> clause in fa�or af Lender. Grantvr shal!a�sn procure and maintain c�mprehensi��general liability insurance in such
<br /> co�erage amounts as Lender may reques�with Lender being nam�d as additional insureds in such liabiiity insurance
<br /> palicies. Additionally, Granto�- shall maintain such �ther �nsuran�e, including but na# I�mited fo haza�d, business
<br /> �nterruption and boiler�nsurance as L�nder may requ�re. Pa�icies shal� be wri�ten by such insurance companies and
<br /> in such fvrm as may be reasonably accep�able tv Lender, Grantor shall deli�er ta Lender�er�i�ica�es of cv�erage
<br /> from each insurer con�aEning a stipulat�on thafi co�erage wil� r�o� be cancel�ed or diminished withvut a minimum af
<br /> ten �1 a}days' prior writ�en na#ice to Lender and n�t containing any disc�aim��-o��h� insur�r's liability for failure fio
<br /> gi�e such notice. Each insuranGe policy a�so shal€ include an endorsement pro�iding that co�erage �n fa�vr o�
<br /> Lender will not be impaired in any way by any ac�, omission or defau�t v�F Grantvr or any oth�r person. Shvuld the
<br /> Real Prvper�y be located in an area designated by the Administrator of fihe Federal Emergency Management Agency
<br /> as a spe�ia� flood hazard area, Gran�or agrees to abtain and maintain Federal Flond Insurance, if available, within
<br /> 45 days a�ter notice is gi�en k�y Lender tha� #he Proper�y is Iocated in a special flood hazard area, for the fuli
<br /> unpaid pr�ncipal balance vf�he loan and any prior liens on�he proper�y securing th�loan, up tv�h�maximum po�i�y
<br /> limits set under the Nat�onal Flood Insurance Program, or as �therwise required by Lender, and to maintain such
<br /> insurance for the t�rm ❑f the loan.
<br />: Applicat�vn of Proceeds. G�-an�vr sha�l promp�fy noti�y Lender a€ any loss ar damage tv the Pr�per�y if fihe
<br /> estimated cvst of repait-or replacemen�exceeds $5,���.D�. Lende�-may make proof of Ivss if Grantar fails to dv
<br /> so►nrithin fifteen ��15�days vf the casualty. Vllhether or not Lender's secur�ty is im�aired, Lender may, at Lender's
<br /> election, r�ceive and re�ain the proc�eds of any insu�ance and apply �he proceeds �o the reduGtion vf the
<br />