2� 1 ��4241
<br /> M�RT°�A�E
<br /> L�an N�: �?°������ �����i�u�d] �age �
<br /> �RA{VT�R'S REPRESENTAT'I[�N� AND ►Iv►4RR.ANT�ES. Grantor warrants that: �a} this Mortgage is executed a�
<br /> Borrawer`s request and nat at the requ�st o�L�nder; �b} Grantar has �he full power, right, and au#harity to en�e�inta
<br /> this Mortgage and tfl hypvthe�ate the Prvpe�ty; �c} the provisivns o��his Mortgag� do nvt canflict with, or resulfi in a
<br /> default under any agr�ement or o�her instrument binding upan �rantor and dv not r�sult in a �iolation o� any law,
<br /> regulativn, cour�decre� or flrder appli�able �o Grantar; �d} Grantor has es�abiished adequate means of obtaining from
<br /> Bvrrvw�r an a continuing basis informa�ivn about 6ar�awer's �inanGial cond�tion; and �e� Lend�� has made no
<br /> repr�sentafiian�o Gran�or abvut Bvrrow�r{inc�uding v►►i�haut l�mitation the credi#wvr�hiness of Bvrrower}.
<br /> PAYMENT AND PERFORMANC�. Excep� as o�herwise prv�ided in this Mv�tgage, Barrower and �ran�or shafl pay to
<br /> Lender all lndebtedness secured by th[s Mo�tgage as it becomes due, and Bv�-rvwer and Grantor shal�strictly per-form all
<br /> Borrower's and Grantor's ob�igativns under this Mvrtgage.
<br /> P��SESSI�N AND MAINTENAN�E �F THE PRC]PERTY. Borr�wer and Grantvr agree that Sorrower's and Grantor's
<br /> possession and us�of the Property shalf be go�erned by�he�vllowing provisions:
<br />:�
<br />? P�ssessivn and Use. Until the vccu�rence ❑f an Ewent a� C�efau�t, �rantor may ��} remain in p�ssessian and
<br /> contrvl vf�h� Prvperty; �2} use, operate or manage the Proper�y; and �3} callect the Rents from�he Property.
<br /> Du�y to Ma�ntain. Grantvr sha�l maintain the Prvper�y in tenantable condifiion and p�-vmptly perfa�-m al� �-epairs,
<br />� replac�ments, and maintenance necessary to preserve its�a�ue.
<br /> Compl�ance With En��ranmental Laws. Grantor represents and warrants �v L�nder that: �'�} During the period o�
<br /> G�-an�or's ownership afi'th�Property, there has been no use, generation, manufiacture, stvrage,trea�ment, d�sposal,
<br /> release or threatened releas� vf any Hazardou� Substance by any person vn, unde�-, about or from the Pr�per�y;
<br /> �2} Grantvr has na knowledge of, or reason tv belie�e that#here has been, except as previously disclosed tv and
<br /> acknowledged by Lender in writ�ng, �a} any b�-each or �ivlation o� any En�ironmen�al Laws, �b} any use,
<br /> genera�ion, manufacture, s�orage, treatment, dispvsai, release or�hreatened release of any Hazardvus Subs�ance
<br /> on, under, afnout or fram the Prvperty by any prior owners or occupants of the Proper�y, or �c} any actual vr
<br /> #hreatened f�tiga�ian or ciaims of any kind by any person relating tv such matt�rs; and �3} Except as pre�ivusiy
<br /> disclased to and acknowledg�d by Lender in wri�ing, �a} neith�r Grantor nor any tenant, contracfor, agent or o�her
<br /> authvr��ed user of the Property shail use, gen�rate, manufacture, store, trea�, dispvse of or re�eas� any Hazardvus
<br /> Substance on, unde�-, about ar fram the Prop�r�y;and �b} any such act��ity shall be conducted in compliance with
<br />= all applicab�e fede�al, sta��, and lacal faws, regula�ions and ard�nances, including without lim�tatian all
<br />, En�ironmen�al Laws. Grantor authori��s Lend�� and its agents tv en�er upon �h� Praper�y tv make such
<br /> inspec#ions and ��sts, at Grantor's expense, as Lender may deem apprvpria�e tv determine campfiance of the
<br />� Proper�y with this sec�ion v� �he Mvrtgage. Any inspectians v�- t�sts made by Lender shall be for Lend�r's
<br /> purposes only and sha�l not be consfirued fiv crea�e any�-esponsibil�ty or liability on the par�vf L�nd�r ta Grantor or
<br /> to any ath�r person. The representations and warran�ies confained herein are based vn Grantor's due diligence in
<br /> in�estigating the Prap�r�y for Ha�ardous Subs�ances. Grantor hereby �'I} releases and wai�es any future claims
<br /> aga[ns� Lender�vr indemnity vr cvntributivn in the event Grantor loe�vmes liab[� for cleanup vr o�her costs under
<br /> any such laws; and ��} agrees tv indemn�fy, defend, and hald harmless Lender against any and al! claims, Ioss�s,
<br /> liabilities, damages, penalties, and expenses whi�h Lender may d�rectiy or�ndir���ly sustain vr suf�er resulting from
<br /> a br�ach of th�s sectivn o� �h� Ma�tgag� or as a consequence af any use, generation, manufa�#ure, storage,
<br /> disposal, releas� or�hreat�ned �elease occurring pr�or tv Grantor's ownership or�n�eres� [n the Prvper�y, whe�her
<br /> or not the same was or should have been known �o Grantor. The pro�isions of this sec�i�n o� the Ma�tgage,
<br /> including the obl�gation ta indemnify and defend, shall survivs the payment of the Indeb�edness and the sa�isfactian
<br /> and recan�eyance of�he I��n of�his Mortgag� and s�tall nv� be af�ected by Lend�r's acquis�tivn of any �nterest in
<br /> the Prflp�r�y,whether by fareclosure ar oth�rw�s�.
<br /> Nu�sance, Waste. Grantor shall no� caus�, canduct or permit any nuisan�e nor commi�, permi�, or suffer any
<br /> stripp�ng v� or waste nn vr to the Pr�perty or any portian a� the Prvperty. Without limiting �he generality ❑f the
<br /> fnregoing, Gran�ar wil� not rema�e, �r granf to any��her par�y the right tv remv�e, any�imtaer, min�rals �including
<br /> oil and gas}, coaC, clay, sco�-ia, soil, graWe!or r�ck products w�thvut Lender`s pri�r written c�nsent,
<br /> Rem�►►al �� �mpro�emen�s. Gran�or shall no� demolish or rema�e any Impro�ements �rvm the R�al Proper#y
<br /> wi�hout Lender's priar writter� consent. As a condit�on tv the remo�al ofi any Imprv�ements, Lender may requir�
<br /> Grantvr tv make arrangements satisfac�ory tv Lend�r tv replace such �mpro�emen�s w�th fmprv�ements o�at least
<br /> �qual�alue.
<br /> Lender's Righ�to Enter. Lender and Lender's ag�nts and representatives may enter upan the Real Praper�y at al�
<br /> reasvnable times �� attend tv Lender's interes�s and to inspect the Real Prflp�rty for purposes ❑f �rantor's
<br /> complian��with the t�rms and cvnditians of this Martgage.
<br /> �omp�iance with Ga�ernmen#ai Requirernents. Grantor sha11 pramptly comply wi�h al1 laws, ordinances, and
<br /> r�gulativns, now or herea�ter in effec�, o�a11 gvve�-nmental au�hnrities applic�b�e fiv th� use ar vccupancy of the
<br /> Property, including withaut Iim�tation, the Americans With Disabili�ies Act. Gran�vr may cantest in good fa�th any
<br /> such law, vrdinance, or regulation and wi�hhvld cvmpliance during any proceeding, including appropria#e appeals,
<br /> so long as Gran�vr has nv�ified Lender in wri�ing prinr�o doing so and so�ong as, in Lender`s s�le opinivn, Lender's
<br /> int�rests in th� Prape�ty are no�jeopardi�ed. Lender may r�quire Gran�or to post adequate se�urity ar a surety
<br /> bvnd, reasonabfy sa�isfa�tvey tv Lender,to prot�c�Lender's in�erest.
<br /> Duty�o Pro�ect. Grantar agrees neither �o abandon or leave unattended �he Praperty. Grantor shal� dv aif o�her
<br />