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<br /> : �EE� 4F TRLJ�T
<br /> [C�ntinued� p�� �
<br /> any such I�ws; �nd {�f �gree$t�indernnify, defend,snd hald harmleas Lender�gainst Sny�rrd all claims, la�ases,
<br /> li�bilities�ds�mages,pen�lties.�nd expenses which Len�ler m8y directly or indirecNy sust�in�r suffsr resulting fr�m
<br /> a bre��h af this $ecti�n a#the Deed o#Trust or a�a cons�qu�n�e of any uae, ger�eration, menufe�ture, stQ�sga,
<br /> disp�sal�re�e��e�r thre�tened release v�cur�ing�'ior to Tru�tar's own�rship�r intefast in the Rroper#p, vahethe�r or
<br /> not the sem� w�s �r shau�d hawe been knawn t� TrUstnr. Th� proWisions of this section of tha Deed of Tru$t,
<br /> including the al�lige#i�n to andemn��y�nd defend,sh�ll survi�e�he�ayment of the�nt�ebtedn�ss and ihe ast�s#ec#ion
<br /> and reconveyanc�o�the lien�f this Deed of Trust�nd shall no�be a#fected by Lencler's acquisition�f�ny in�erest
<br /> in the Pr�perty.whgthe��y foreclosure or otherwise.
<br /> Nuisance, W�sts. Tru�tar $hal! n�t csuse� condu�t �r p�rmit any nuis�nc� nar �omrnit. permit, or su#fer eny
<br /> atripping of or waste an or to #he Property ar Sny pa�#ion of tF�� Property. INithout limiting the generslity o�th�
<br /> ���egc�ing, Trus�or wi�l not remvWe, or gr$nt io�ny oYh$r p8rt�r the r�gh#to remove, �ny timber, miner�ls �inc�uding
<br /> ai4 and�8s1,caal,Glay,scoria,soil,+�rsv�l or tock prvducts with�ut Lender's prior writt�n conaent.
<br /> R�moval of linpr�ysmer�a. Trustor�h�ll not demal�sh or remQve an�Irnpr�vemen#s�rom the Re�l P�raperty without
<br /> Lender's p�io�w�ittsn c�nsen#. As a condi#ion t�the r�rn��►a!��any Improvem�n#s, L�nder may requir�Trust{v�to
<br /> mak� arrangement� satisfa�tory t� Lender t� repl�cs such Improuements with Irnpro�ements of st least equ�l
<br /> v�iue.
<br /> Lertder'$ Righ#ta�nt�rr. Lgnder end Lender'$agents�nd r�presente�iv$s may�nt�r upon the R�a# Rroperty at sll
<br /> reasonSale times to attend to Lender`s i�tarests and to inspe�t the Reel Praperty far purpases of T�ustor's
<br /> camp�ianc$with the terma�nd canditions af this D�ed of Trust.
<br /> Camp�sr�ce with C3o�emmsntal Requiremsnts. Trustar sh�ll pr�mptly camply with al� law8, orclinen�es. and
<br /> re+gu�ati�ns, n�w or h�ra8fter i� eff�Ct, �f ail gov�rnn�entei eutho�ities appli�able t� the use ar occupancy vf th�
<br /> Praperty, including withaut limi#�ti�n, the Amencans 1Nith ais�bi�ities Act. Ttustor rn�y cant�s#in�oa� feith�ny
<br /> such ta�w, ovdin�nce, or re�ulation en� w�thhoid complience during any �r�ce�ding, inc4uding �pprapriste sppeals,
<br /> sa I�rrg as Trustor has n�tifi�d Lender in writing prior t�do�ng so and so Eong as,in Lend�r's sale apini�n,Len�ler's
<br /> interests in the P��perty ere not j�op$rdi�ed. Lender may require Trust�r#o past edequate seGurity or a sure#y
<br /> bond.re�son�bly setisf�ctary to Lender,to protect Lender's intere�t.
<br /> �uty ta Pr�tect, Trustor agree� neither to �bandon ar 1ea�►e unattend�d th� Pra�e►�ty. Tru�tar ah�il do �!I ather
<br /> acts,irr ad�lition to thass a�ta�et fQrth�baWe in thi�sectinn,which from the chsr��ter an�use�f the Property�r�
<br /> reas�nably nacessary to pr�tect and pt�senre the Prapert�.
<br /> DUE�N SALE-C�NSENT BY LEND�R, Lender may,at Lender's Qption,dgcisre immed�etely due end peyable all surns
<br /> secured hy thi�Deed af Trust up�n tFr��ale or transfer, without Lender's priar written�on$ant,of ail or an�part�f the �f
<br /> Real Property,or��y intere�t in thQ Rs�l Property. A"�ale ar trarrsfer" me�ns the can�eyence of Re�l Property o��ny '
<br /> right, title ar interest in �he Ree! Pr�perty; whether lege�, beneficiel ar �qu�tabie; wh�ther uaiuntery �r inr�olt�ntery;
<br /> wi►�ther h� 8utri�h� s��e, deed, in�tellment sele contract, land �antra�t. cQntr��t far deed� E��sehokf inter�st w�th a
<br /> term gr�ater than tl�ree t�� years. lea$e-option�ontract,or by sal�. �ssignm�nt,ar trans#er o#sny be�►e�iciel in#er�st in
<br /> or to an��8r�tl trust halding titi�t�the Res� Prop�rty, nr by �ny a�1�r m��had of c�nvey�nce of en in#er�at�n #he Re�l
<br /> �raperty. Hvwe�er, this opti�n shall not be ex�rcised by Lender if such ex�rcise �s prahibited by federel i�w ar by
<br /> Nebrasks lew.
<br /> i
<br /> TA3CES AND LIENS. Th� ��Ilawing provisions rela�ing to the taxe$ and lians on the Praper#Y �re p�rt vf this Qeed vf
<br /> Trust:
<br /> �a�ym�r�t. Trustor shall pay when due tand in a�l e�ents priar i�delinquen�yl all taxes� special�axes.�.sessr�n�nts,
<br /> ch�rges �including water�nd s�werf,fin�s end Empa$itions levied eg�inst a�on ac�ount o�the�ropert�, and ahell
<br /> pay wh�n due atl claims#or v�ork done on or fvr ser�ices r�nd�red or material furni�h�d ta the Property. Truato�
<br /> shell maintain the Pr�perty nee of�II lien�har►ing pNarifi�a�er�r equa�to the�ntenest a�Lendetr under thls Da�d�f
<br /> Trus�, �x�ept �or the lien of taxes and �sses$ments not tiue an� �xcept �s othe�wis� pro�ided in this �eed of
<br /> Trust. � ;
<br /> Ri�ht t�Cont�st. Trustar may withhaid peyrn�nt at any tax,assessment.ar��aim in�onneGtlan wi�h��vad feith
<br /> dispute o�er the�blisa�ion to{�y.sa lon�as Lender's interest in the Rrap�rty is nat jeapardizad. If a lian eris�or
<br /> is filed �s � result of nanpaXment, Trustor shall withir�fifteen ��5� days after the iien arisea or. if � �ien ia fii�d,
<br /> within iffteen �1�y dsys after Trustor has notice of the filing. se�ure the d�scharg�of th� �ien. or i� rsqu�ated by
<br /> Lender.depoait w�th Lender cesh�r e suffi�ient carporata surety band ar other security sa#is#�ctory ta Lende��n�n
<br /> amQunt su�ficient to discherge the li�n plus�ny c�sts and sttarneys' feesr or other ch�rges the�t cauk!eccrue as a
<br /> result��a iareclosure ar sale under#he lien. ln anY�ontes#,TrUstor shsll d��end itsslf and Lend�r end ah�ll sat�sfy
<br /> eny adWarse judgmen�bafora enforcement ag�inst th�Property. Truatar shall name Lender as�n edditional obli9a�
<br /> und��any surety�ond furnish�in#h�cantest p��ceadirrgs.
<br /> E�idence of Paymsrrt. Tru�tnr shsll upon demand furnish to L�nder�atisfactor�eviden��o#aaym�nt o�tha texes
<br /> ar assessments�nd sh�ll�u#h�rize the�pprvpriate�overnmental offi�ial to dsliver to L�nd��at�ny time�written
<br /> s#atem�nt af the tax�s snd assesaments�gainst the Property.
<br /> Notice�f Cangtr�fan. Tfustor she�� no�iT�r Lend�r at�east fifteen i 15� de�� before any wark is Gor�'rm�nc��. any
<br /> ser�ices er$iurni�hed,or�ny mate�ials�►{e supp�ied to th� Pr�perty, if�ny rnechsnic's lien, m�t�ris�msn's lien�or
<br /> ather lien could be a�s�rted on�c�ount of the work� services, or materials. Trustar wal uaon reque�t oi Lendar
<br /> furnish t� Lend�r adv�nce �ssur�nces sstiafactory tQ Lender th�t Trus#or can �nd wil! pay the cost of auch
<br /> impro�rernent�.
<br /> PR�PERTY DAIIAA�E iNSURIINCE. The fa�lowing pro�isions re�eting to insuring the Property e��■part o�th�s Qeed af
<br /> Truat.
<br /> 11A��ntsnanc� af�nsurance. Trustor shall pro�ure end rr�air�tafn pvlicies of fir� insur�nce with standard �xtanda�
<br /> Car►erag�endorsement��n s r�pl�cernent basis for the full insura��e v$lue co�erin� a11 lmpro�ements on the Re�l
<br /> Property in �n �m�un# suif�i�ient t� e�aid applicstion a'F any coinaurence clsu�s, end with � standard mor#gegee
<br /> �lause�n�a�or o�Lender. Trustor shal181s�procur�snd maint�in co�'nprel�tensi�a+�er�e��l lisbi��ty i�eurence�n auch
<br /> �o►�erage amaunts �� L�nder may requeat with Trustee snd Lender being nemed �s eddition�l insu►a[is in su�h
<br /> ti�bility insur�n�e pa�icies. �#dditionally, Trustor shall meint�in such othe� insursn�e, �nc�udin� but nat lirnited to
<br /> h�za�d. �usiness interruptian. �nd bo�ler�naur�nce� es L�nder mey rsasonebfy requir�, Pvliclaa�he�i ba writtan in
<br /> farm. �mounts. co�e��ea and basi� �e�s�nab�y acceptabie to Len�er and i�aued by a compen�l or Campenies
<br /> re�sonebly eccept�ble to Lender. Trustor� upon r�quest Qf Lende�, w�ll delh►er t� Lan�er fram time t� tirne th�
<br /> poli�ies vr certifi�etes o#in�ur�nce in��rm�sti�#��tory to Lender, includin�atipul�tians ti�at c��ersgea will not be
<br /> ��nCelied ar d�rniniahed with�ut�t le�st thirty [3Q�d�ys prior written natice t�Lend�r. Ea�h insurence palicy also
<br /> sh�ll�nclur�e an endorsement�ro�id�ng that cov�r�gs in favor of Lender will not be imp�ired in any w�y by eny�ct,
<br /> omi�sion or de�ault�f TrUst�r ar any ather person. Should t�� Aeel Prope�t� be Ioceted in en ere� da�i�nated by
<br /> the Administrator of the Fede�el Emergency IIAan�geme�►t A�ncy sa s spe�ia�fiood haie�d sree�Trustor�g�e�s to
<br /> obtsin �nd maintsin Federe�F�ood �n�urance, if ar►eiiabl�a� for the '�ull un��d p��nc�Qe� I�al�nce of the lo�n sn�any
<br /> prior li�r� �n the p�operty se�uri�ng #h� la�n, c�p t� the maximum pnl�cy iimits set un��r the Nat��nai Ftaod
<br /> Insur�nc�s Progr�m, o��s othen�rise res�u�red by Lend�r,arr�to meintain such insuran��for the term of tl�e I�sn,
<br /> Application af Prac�eds. Tru$tor�hall promptly notify L$nder o�any I�s�ar dam�ge to th�f�aperty. Lender may
<br /> make proof af lass if TrustQr iails to da s� within fifteen �'�5f days of the casuelty. Vllhether ar not Lender's
<br /> I
<br />