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� � � 2� 1 ��417� <br /> � . <br /> WHEN REC�RDED MAIL T�: <br /> Exchan�Bank <br /> L�ibbon B�nch <br /> 14 LsBarr�St�r�t <br /> P�Q�ox 7d� <br /> F �iDER' V�E O L <br /> vE�� �F Tau�� <br /> THIS �EED �F TRVST is dated July 1. �Q'16, arr�on� Jerr�n M �uck and Lindsa� M Su�k. <br /> Husbenc� and Wife �"Tru�tor"y: Ex�hang� Bank. whosa addre�s is Gibban Br�nch, 'I 4 LsBarr� <br /> �treet. P� Bax ?��. G�b1�on. NE 688� �re#�rred to �ow s��et�rnss a� "Lender" and <br /> sametim�s as "�enefic�ary"�: and Ex�han�� B�nlc. whose address �s P�B 7�. �ibbon. NE <br /> �88�trs�erred�o below as "Truste�"y. <br /> C�NVEYAwCE 1411ID QRANT. For raluabl�con�idsraRi�n,Trust�r c�om���s to Tru�te�in truat.VI�ITH P�WER aF �ALE, <br /> Ta�ths ben�iit af L�r�dsr as Bs�ficisry, ell o�Tnastar's ri�ht. title� snd interest in and tQ #he #allawing describec� reel <br /> praperty. tagether w�th ��! existin� or subsequent#y erected �r affi�€ed b�ti�dings, improu�m�rrts �nd fixtures; a!I <br /> easem�nts. ri�hts af way� and appurt�nen�es; �!I wat�r, water righ�s �nd t�itch ri�ht� {including s�o�k in utilities with <br /> cl�tch ar i�rigat�an rightsf; �nd all other rights, ray�lties� Snd pro#i#s rel8ti ta the real prape�t , includ�ng without <br /> I+mixetian all minera�s, �il, as, �eoth�rmai snd sirnilar rnstters, tthe "Re�l�a "} I���t�in Ha�� �aun , <br /> � �$�Y �Y <br /> Statr�of Nebraska: <br /> � '�l�e S�uthe�st �uarter �SE114�: Se�tion Tw�nty-Fi►►e ��5}, Township Nine �9y North. Range <br /> Twe��e {1��Vl�est af#h�Sth P.11I1.. Ha�l �vunty, Ne�r�ska. <br /> Ths R��I Property�r it� a�drs�ss is �orr�rr�anly kn�wn as Rural H�dl County. NE. <br /> FI,lTURE ADVAlIIC�S. In sdditiar�t�the Nvte.this Dee�d of Trus�secures al�tt�u�a���nces mede by L�nde�to'Fr�sior <br /> whethar ar n�t the advanc�s�re mad� pu�suant to � commitrn�nt. 5pecif+c�lly, with4ut limitatior�� this De�d�f Tfust <br /> securQs. in sdtl�qan t� the smQunt� $pecifi��f in the Note. all futur� amounts L�nd�r in its discretian may loan to <br /> Trustor,together rnrith�11 inter�$t there�n. <br /> Trustar pr�sent�y assigns to Ler�iert talsa knawn as Bsneficiar� �n this Deed o# Trus� ali af Trustor's rigt�t, titte! and <br /> interest in and ta �II present ��d rtutur� leeses af the P�ro�erty and a!I Rents f�am #he Prop��t�r. In �ddition, Trustor <br /> grsnts ta Lender a Uni�arm Carnmsr�ial C�de se�urity inter�st tn the��rs�nel Property and Rent�. <br /> THIS DEED�F TRUST.INCLUDIN�3 THE ASSIL3NlIAENT QF RENT�AiIID THE SECURlTY INTEREST IN THE RENT�ANO <br /> PER&�NAL�RL�PERTI�.IS GIYEN T�SEC�JAE tA� RAYMENT�F THE�NQEBTEDNESS AND �B� PERF�AMANCE�F <br /> ANY AND ALL �6LIGATIQNS LINDER THE II�OTE, THE F�LATE� DQCUNIEIIITS, ANa THiS �EED �F TRUST. THlS <br /> DEE���TRUST IS�ilVEN AND A�CEPTEa�N THE F�LLQVItlNC�TER�i1S: <br /> �AY�IIENT AMD PERF�RlIAAI�lCE. Exc�pt as otheru�rise pravided in this �eed of Tr�st, Trustar sh�ll pey ta ��nder el� <br /> �mounts s�Gu�ed by this aeed o#Trust�� �hey becorr�e �lu�, arrd sh�ll s#ri�tly and in a timel� mann�r perfo�m ali vf <br /> Tru�tv�'s abligatians under the Note,�his D�et!of Trust,and the R$I�ted D�cuments. <br /> R�SSESSI�NN Allfa IIAAINTENANGE �F THE PRO�ERTY. 7rustor a�r�e� t�rat Trust�r's possessivn and use of the <br /> P�ro�per#y sh���be gawsmed by#he f�llawing proW�s�on$: <br /> P�ass��sian and U�a. Until the occurr�nce of �n E�ent of �e#suh, Trustar m�� �1 f r�main in possessi�n �nd <br /> control�f the Praperty; ��� use,oper�te ar man�g�the Prop�rty;and {3� col�ect the Rent�#rom the Property. <br /> auty tQ Mah�sin. T�ustor ah�ll mein�in the Pnoperty �r� ten�nt�bfe canditi�n ar�d pr�mptly perforrn ��� r�pairs, <br /> r�pl�cements,an�!mainten�n�e nece�sary to pra�erve it�ualus. <br /> G�mpfisnca Widt En�irQr�rr�en�al Laws. Trustor repres�nts �nd warr�nts to Lend�r th��: �1� Durir�g th�period of <br /> Trust�r's awn�rshi�of th��rap�rty,there��s been na us�, gene�ation,rnanu�acture,$#ar�ge,trestmen�,disp�sal, <br /> r�lees� or threat�ne� relesss af eny H��erdous Subat�r��e by any persan on, under. about ar frQm the Pra�erty; <br /> {2f Trustor hss no knowled�e of. ar r��son t�believe that therg he�b$err, except a� previaus�y disclos�d ta�nd <br /> e�knowledged by L�nder in writing, �a� any brea�h or W�olstion o# any En�ir�nmental Law�. �b� any use, <br /> gener�tion. msnufactur�. star��e. tr�atrn�nt, dispasal, relesse or thr�atened rsle�� �f$ny Hazard�ua 5ubst�nc� <br /> on, under. sbou# or from #he Pra�erty by any prior owners �r 4ccupants of the Pro�erty. or {�} any �ct�al ar <br /> threatened I�t4g�tion or��aims af any kind by any person relating to auch m�#ters; �nd �3� Ex�ept as pr�vi�usly <br /> di$closed to a�nd ecknowledg�d by Lender in writing� {a1 neither Tru$t�r nar any ten�nt, �ontractor.a��nt or�#her <br /> autharized user af the Prvperty shall use,g�ner�te. menufac#ure,store, treat�di�pos�of Qr rel�ase�ny Hsa��dau� <br /> Subst�nc�an,und�r,�bout or from#he Praperty;and �b} any such�ctiaity sh�ll be conducted in compli�nce with <br /> alt appficable federel, st�te, snd lo��l laws, re�u#etions and ��din�nces, includin� without limitetion �I� <br /> Environrn�ntal Laws. Trus#ar autfrorizes Lender �nd its agents to enter upon the Property to maks such <br /> inspecti�ns and t�sts. at Trustor`s ex�ense, ss Lender m�y deerxw apprapria#e ta deterrnine camplience af the <br /> Prvp��ty with thi� sectian af the a�ed of Trust. Any inspe�tians �r tests made by Lgnd�r sha�l b� far Lender's <br /> purposee or�ly 8r�sh�l�not be c�st��ted to creats�n�1 r�sp�nsibility or�iabilit�on#he pert o�Lender ta Trust�r�r <br /> to any other person. The r�preser�tatiQns and w�rr�nti�a��r�t�ined h�rain�fe b�sad an Trustor`s due diligence in <br /> �n��stigatin+� th� pr�part�for Hazardous Subst�n��e. Trustar hereby �1 f rel�ases �nd waives any futur� �laims <br /> ag�in�t Lendar for ind�mnity�r contributian in th�event Trustor becomes lisble for cleanUp�r�ther casts under <br />