2� 1 ��41 �7
<br /> Transfer of�he Prop�r�y or a 13�neficial In��r��t ir� I3�rr�`�vera �f ail�r any�ar�of�he Prtip�r�y or an�r interes�
<br /> in it is sold �r transferred ��r �f a benef�c�a� interest �n Bor-�-ower is sold or �ransferred and B�rr�w�r is n�� a
<br /> na�ural persan� �withaut Len�er's p�ior �rritten consent, Lende�r ma�, at its option, requ�re �mmed�ate paym�nt �n
<br /> ful� �f al� sums secur�d �y th�s S�curity �ns�rumen�. H�weW�r, �h�s a��ian shall not be exercised by Lender if
<br /> exerc�se is prohibi�ed by federal law as�f�he da�e af this Secur�ty Yns�ru�nen�.
<br /> If Lender exercises �hxs optxan, Lender shal� give Bo�-rower n�tzce of accelera�ion. The n�tice shall pr��ide a
<br /> period of not less �han �he m�n�mu��n number of days establis�ed by App��ca�ble Larnr from the date th�e notice Ys
<br /> d��ivered or mailed within which �orrov�er mus� pa� all su�r�s secL�red by this Se�urity Instrument. 7f'Barrov�er
<br /> fails to pa� these sums pr�or�o �he expira�ian �f this �eriac�, Lender may invoke any remedies pern-�it�ted by �h�s
<br /> Securi�Ins�rumen�wi���u�fur�he�notice�r den�and�n B�rr�wer.
<br /> Borr�wer'S Right t� Rei�sta�e. �f Borrov�er meets �erta�n car�di�ions, Borrower sha�1 have �che ri��ht �� have
<br /> enfor�ement of�his Security :�nstrument d�scont��ued at any��me pr�or t�the ear�ier of: �a} 5 days �or such o�her
<br /> period as Applicab�e Lav�m�.ay specify for reinsta�emen�}�before sale af the Property pursuan��t�any p��►�er of saie
<br /> con�ained in �his Securit� rnstru�nent; �r ��� entry af a ,�u+�gment enforcing �his Securi�y Instrum�n�. Those
<br /> conditi�ns are that Borrower: �a� pays Le�der al� sums �hic�� then �v�u�d be due under�his �ecurit� Tns�rument
<br /> and�he�ontract as if no acce:ler.ati�n had�ccurred;�b��ures a��y default flf any other covenants ar agre�;ments;�c�
<br /> pays a��e�penses incurred in�enfarcing this Securit�Instrum�nt, ��c�ud�n�,but no��imi�ed to,re�sonable at�arn�ys'
<br /> fees t��he extent permitted by Iav�; and�d}�ake� such ac��o� �s Lender may reasonab�y requ�r�ta assu�re�ha��he
<br /> Iien of this Se�ur�ty Ins�ru��nent, Le�der's righ�s in�he Propert}�and Barr�w�r's o�b��gati�m to pa�,�the su��.s secured
<br /> by �h�s Secur�ty �nstrumen� shal� cont�nue �nchanged. �LJ�p�n re�ns�a�ement by Borrflwer, th�s Se�ur�ty :[nstrumen�
<br /> and the abl�ga�ions secured her�b� shall remain fully eff�c�i��� as �f no a�ce�eratian�.ad occuri ed. I�o�ue�er, th�s
<br /> r�ght ta re�nstate shall n�t apply in�he case af a�ce�era�ion uncle��he section����ed Tran�fer af�he Pro��erty or a
<br /> Benef���al Interes��n�orrower.
<br /> Hazardous Sub�tances. B�rrovve�sha�l not cause or pe�rmit t��e�resence,use, disposa�, storage, or release af any
<br /> Hazardous Substances an or in�he Property.Borrower sha�l ncit d�,nor alio�an�one e�se�fl do,anythin.�affec�in�
<br /> the Pr�pert� tha� is in vio�ati�n �f any En�ironmen�al Law. r�`he pre�eding �wo sentences sha�l not a�,p�y �o �he
<br /> presence,use,or s�orage on�he Pr�perty�f sma11 quanti�i�s�f Hazardous Substances tha�are generall�r��agni2ed
<br /> to be appropriate�o nor�nal res�den�ial uses and�o main�enan���af the Property.
<br /> B�rrower shal�pr�mptl�g�ve Lender writ�en na�ic��F any�n���s�iga�ion, c�aim, demand,lawsuit or othe��ac�ion by
<br /> any governmenta� �r regula�ory agency or pr��a�e par�y in�ol�ing �he Praperty and any Hazar��us Substari�e or
<br /> Env�ronmenta� Lav� of wh�ch B�rrov�er has ac�ua� kr��wl+�dge. Zf Svrr�wer learns, ar �s no��f��d by any
<br /> ga�ernmen�al or regulatory au�horzty,tha�any re�noval or��her remediation of any Hazard�us Subs�ance affectxng
<br /> the Pr�perty �s necessary, Borrawer shal� promp��y take ai� nec�ssary remedial ac�i�ns ir� accardance wxth
<br /> E�a�ironmen�al La�v.
<br /> As used in�h�s paragraph, "Ha�ardous Substances" are�hose ;�ubstances defned as ta�ic or ha�ard�us substances
<br /> by Enviranmenta� Law and t�e following substances: gasoiine, k�rosene, other flammable �r taxic petroleum
<br /> produc�s, taxic pes�icides and herbicides, v�latile s�iwents, r�a�eri�.is contai�ing asbestas ar forma�d�;hyde, and
<br /> radi�ac�i�e ma�er�a�s. As used ir��his paragraph, "Environmen�:al La�v"mea�ns federa��a�s and�a�vs of�he s�ate af
<br /> Nebraska that relate�o hea�th,�afety or env�ronmen�al pr�te�t���n.
<br /> Accel�ratian; l��medi�s. Lender sha�l gi�e n�tice ta Borr�awer prior tv acc�lerati�n fo�lowing B�rrow�r's
<br /> br�ach of any co�enant or agreemen�i� t��is S��uri�y�nstrum�n�t ar the�on�ract under.►�h.�ch a�+ee�eration
<br /> is permitted (but n�t pri�r�o ��ce��rat�on under the sec��c�n t�t�ed Transfer af�he Pr�perty or� :B�n�fic�al
<br /> Interest in Borrower, un�e5s Appl�cable Law p�-���des oth�erwis��. The n�tice sha�� specif�: �a� th� default;
<br /> �b� t�e action requ�red t� cur� the defau�ty �c3 a dat�,, �r�ot ��ss than the m�r�imum num�e�� of days
<br /> established by App�icabie Lavv fra�n �he da�e the n��ice is�����n �a l3orrn�ver, by v+vhich th�defaul.t must be
<br /> cured; and [d� #ha� fai�ure �o cure the defau�t on or befare the date specif�ed in the notice may result in
<br /> acce�eration �f the sums sec��red by this S�c�rx�y Instr��ment and sale �f th� Pr�perty. Tfl the ex�ent
<br /> perrni�ted by law, �he no�i�e�hall further �nform �orrowe°�- of�Ih� right tn reinstate after acce��ration and
<br /> the ribht to bring a c�urt action tv asser�the�on-exis�ence of�d��fault ar any��her def�n�e af BorrawQr ta
<br /> acceleratian and sa�e. If�h� def���t �� n�� cur�d on �r hef��re �h� date spec�fied in the no�ice, Ler�der at its
<br /> opt�on may requ�re immedia�e payment in fu1� of al� suna5 secured by �h�s Secur�ty Instrur��n� wi�hout
<br /> furth�r demand and may �n��k� the pawer a�sat� a�d an�y ��h�r remed�es permitted by Applic�b�e Law.
<br /> Ta �he exten� permitted by lav�, L�nder shal� �e entit�ed to �n���c� a�l expenses incurred in pu�•suing the
<br /> rem�die� pra�ided i� this Sect�on, �ncluding, �u� n�� limite:d �o, ��eas�nable a��nrne�s' fees and cn,y�s af�itle
<br /> e�id�ncQ.
<br /> If the power o�sa�e is �n�oked, T'rus�ee sha�� recard a noti�;e�f d��fauit in ea�h coun�y in �vhich a��y pa�-� af
<br /> the Proper�y �s �oca��d and shall rx�aii copies�f such na��ce in th�manner pres�ribed �y App�i�able Law to
<br /> Borrower amd to the o�her �ersons pres�r�bed by Applicable La�v. After the time required by A�p�Iicable
<br /> Lavv, Trustee sha�l gi�e p�blic n�tic� �f sa�e �� the pe�so�ns and in �he manner prescrib�ed l�y A,p�licabie
<br /> Law. Truste�,r�vithout derx�an� �n �3nrrovver, �hall sel� the Pr�p�r�y a�pu��ic�uctian �o th� h�gh��st bidder
<br /> at the time and p�ace and und�r�]�e terms designa�ed in th�w no�ice of sale in on�or rn�re g�rcels and in any
<br /> order Trus�ee de��rmines. Trus�ee rnay p�s�p�ne sale af a�i or any parce� of �he ]Proper�y ]by publi�
<br /> announcement a��he time and pl�ce af a�y pr��v��us�y sch�:du�ed sa�e. Lender vr���d�sigriee m�y�urchase
<br /> the Property a�any sale,
<br /> iTpon receipt �f payment �f the pr�ce b�d, Trus�ee shal� de:�iv�r �to the purchaser 'I'rustee`s de�d c�an�eying
<br /> the Prnper�y. The recita�s in �h�Trus�ee's de�d sha�l b� prim� facie e�idence of�h�truth of the statQments
<br /> C�2da4-20i5 Comp]iance Systems,Inc.$C54-ID3B-2��5.11,3,1�98
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