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2� 1 ��41 �7 <br /> �n�erest from �he date of d�sbursemen� a� t��e same ra�e assessed an ad�ances under �he Con�rac� and �hall be <br /> payable,v�xth in�erest,upon no�x�e fr�m Lender t�Borr�wer re�uest�ng payment. <br /> Inspect�an. Lender or ��s ag�n� may make reasonab�e entries upan and inspections �f�he Proper�y. Lender shall <br /> give Borrovver no��ce a�#:he t��ne af�r priar�a at�inspe��iQn spec�fy�ng reasonable�ause for���.e�nspec���n. <br /> Candemna�ion. The praceeds of any avvard ar cla�m for damages, dire��ar conse�ue���ial, in con��ec�ian���h any <br /> condemna�ian ar o�her�a�ing of any par� of the Praper�y, ar far ��n�eyance �n lieu�f candemna�ion, are here�y <br /> ass�gn�d and sha�l�e paid to Lender. <br /> In the ev�n� of a �o�a� �ak�n� �f�he Pr�perty, #��e proceeds shall be app�ied �� �he surns secured by �his Secur��y <br /> Ins�rumen�, �he�her �r not �l�en due, w��h an� excess pa�d to Barr�wer. In �he e�ent �f a part�a� �aking af�he <br /> Praperty �n w}��ch ���e fa�r marke� va�ue of�he Prflper�y �mmed�at��y before �he taking is e�ual �� or grea�er�han <br /> ti�e am�unt �f the sums secured by th�s S�curi�y �nstrumen� �m�ne��a�e�y before �he ta��ing, uniess Borrower and <br /> Lender o���erv��se agree in�vr��ix�g, th�sums secured by�his S��ur�tiy�z�s�rument shall be reduced by the amou��t of <br /> �he prflceeds mul�ip�ied by�l�e fo��ov��ng fractio�a: �a��he�o�a1 amount�f tl�e sums secured�m�ne��ately befare the <br /> �ak�ng, di��ded by �b} �he fa�r marke� va�ue �f the Propert�y ��nmed�ate�y bef�re t��e �ak�pg. Any ba�ance sha�� be <br /> pa�d to Barrovver. In �he event of a par��a� �aking of���e Proper�y in vvhi��a �he fair �narket �alue af the Property <br /> �mxned�a�ely befare �he ta�ing is �es� than the amount of�h� sums secured immedia�eIy before �he �aking, un�ess <br /> Borr��ver and Lender��herv�.r�se agr�e xn vvr���ng or u���ess Applicable Law o�herw�s�provi�es, �he proceeds sha�l <br /> b�appl�ed t��he sums secured by 1:h�s Security in�trumen�whether�r no��he sums are�hen du�. <br /> �f�he Prope�-�y is abandoned by Borrower, �r�f, after no�ice by Lender�a Borro�er�hat tMe �andemnor offers�o <br /> make an award or settIe a claim for damages, B�rrower fa�is��respond t� Lender���h�n�he minimum numher of <br /> days established by App�icab�e Lav�af�er�he date�he na��ce �s given, Len�er is au�l�orized�o�ailect and apply�he <br /> procee�s, a� �ts ap�xan, ei�her tfl restiarat�on or repair �f the Property or to �he sums secured by �his Secur�€y <br /> �ns�rument,whe�her�r n�t�l�en due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and .Sorrower a�herwise agree in �ri�ing, any appl�ca�ion of pr�ceeds�o principa� sha�l not ex�end <br /> ar postpone�he due date�f�he payxnen�s due under the�on�ract or�hange��e amoun�af such payments. <br /> �orrnw�r N�t Reteas�d; Farbearan�e By L�ender Not a Wa�v�r. Extiens�an af the time for payment �r <br /> modifca�ion af amo�-��za�ion of�he sums se�ured by �h�s Secur�ty �ns�rumen� gran�ed by Lender to Borrower or <br /> any suc�essor in �nteres� of Borrfl�ver sha�� na� opera�e �Q release �he �iab�li�y �f the origina� Sorro�ver ar <br /> Borro�er's succ�ssars in �n�er�s�. Lender sha�� no�be required t� �ommence pr�ceed�ngs agains�any successor in <br /> �nte�-es�or refuse to ex�er�d time fflr paymen�ar othervvise modify am.ort�za�ion�f the sums secured b��h�s Security <br /> �nstrurn.ent by reas�n of any demand made by the arig�na� F3orrower or Barro�ver's successors in i�nteres�. Any <br /> forbearance �y Lender in ��er�is�ng any righ� ar rem�dy sha�� n�t�e a wa��er flf or pr�cXude �he exe�-c�se af any <br /> r�ght or remedy. <br /> Successars and Assigns Bound; Joint and Se�era� L�abi��t�; Acc�mmoda��on Signers. The �o�enan�s and <br /> agreements af�his Security ��s�rumen�sha�� bind and beneft the suc��ssors and assigns of Lender and Barrower, <br /> subjec� �a �he pra�isions of secti�n ���Ied Transfer af th� Property or a Benef���a� �n�erest �n Borr�w�r. <br /> Bnrrov�rer's coven�.n�s and agreernents shall be�ain�and se�era�. Any person w���co-s�gns�h�s Secur�ty Ins�rument <br /> bu.� has na personal liabi�i�y under the �on�ract �"Acca�nm�dat�an S�gner"}: �a} xs �fl-sign�ng �his Secur�ty <br /> �nstrumen� an�y �o mor�gage, gran� and �an�ey �l�a� Accammoda�ion Signer's interes� in �he Proper-ty under ���e <br /> �erms of �he Secur�ty �ns�rument; �b� is nat pers�na�ly �b��gated to pay �he sums secured by this Se�urity <br /> Ins�rume�t; and (c} agrees�ha�Lender and any oth�r Bflrrower may agree�o e��end, mod�fy, for�ear or m�.ke any <br /> ac��mmoda�ions v���h regard�a�he�erms af�his Secur��y Instru�ner�t or the �on�ract w��h�u��ha�Ac�nmzn�datian <br /> Signer's c�nsen�. <br /> LQan Charges. If the ��an secured by �h�s Secur��y Instru�r�ent �s subject to a law v�hich sets maximum loan <br /> ch�.rges, and �ha� �avv �s fna�ly in�erpre�ed so�}la��he �nterest ar athez l�an charges co��ected or�o b�c���ected in <br /> connec��on with �he l�an exceed �he per�n�t�ed �im�ts, then: �a} any such �oan charge shal� be redu�ed by �he <br /> amoun�necessary�o reduce �he charge to the permit�ed limx�s az�d�b} any sums already ca�iected fram Borrower <br /> wh�ch ex�eeded perm�t�ed l�m��s �vili be refunded to Borrower. L�nde�r may chaose to make t���s refund by <br /> reduc�ng �he principa� ovved under �he C�n�ra�� �r by making a direct paymen� �o Borro�er. �f a refund redu�es <br /> pr�nc�pal,�h�redu��ion vvil�be�rea�ed as a par��al prep�y�nent under�he�an�rac�. <br /> Notiices. ,�ny na��ce to BorrQ�uer prov�ded far �n �h�s Securi�y �nstrument shall be g�ven by delivering �� �r by <br /> mail�ng��by frs�ciass ma�l unless App�iGab�e Law requires use of an�ther me�hod. The no�ice sha��be dire��ed t� <br /> the Property Address �r any other address B�rrflwer designates by not�ce to Lender: Barro�er agrees �o pr��ide <br /> Lepder w��h Borrawer's most curr�n� ma��ing addre�s, as �t may change fram time-�o-��ime. Any na�ice to Lender <br /> shal�be g��en by first class�nail to Lender's ad.dress s�a��d herein or any o�her address Lender designa�es by n��ic� <br /> ta Borr�wer. .A.ny na�ice pro�ided for�n th�s Secur�ty�nstrumen�shal� be deemed to�a�e been gi�en�� Barrov�er <br /> or Lender when g��en as pr��ided in�his paragraph. <br /> �overning Lavv; Severab�l��y. Th�s Secur�ty�nstrumen�shail be governed by federal�avv and the laws of the state <br /> af Nebraska. �n the e�en� tha� any pravi�ifln or G�ause of�his Security Ins�rumen� or �h� �on�ract �onf�ic�s �vith <br /> App��cable Lav�, such confl�ct shall no� affeGt �ther prav�s�ans of thzs �ecurity �n��rument or�he Cor�tract which <br /> can be g��en�ff�ct���hou�the conflicting pro�ision. Ta t�ris end�he prfl�is�ons of this Se�ur�ty�nstrument and the <br /> �antra��are de�lared to�e se�erab�e. <br /> BorrQwer's�apy. B�rr�wer shal�be gi�ep one ct�p�of this S�curity Ir�strumen�. <br /> Q ZQ44-20t 5 Complian�e Systems,Fnc.8C54-11�3B-2Q1 S.l t,3.�498 <br /> Cvnsurrier Real Esta#e�-Se��rity��strurnent DL2�36 Pa�e 3 of 5 VJWW.CDIIi�7Il�t]Ce5}�5t�11I5.Ci3TIi <br />