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rn <br /> m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> o �� � � �rn � rn <br /> a� �o rn � �C p � <br /> o �z � C Z� � � <br /> o �c� � r �z �7 cn <br /> oO°o C,�j� � � �rn � Z <br /> � <br /> �� � �� � � <br /> rnm rn � _� � � <br /> c� o � y cn oo � <br /> �� CI] r� � <br /> �� � rn <br /> �� � �� <br /> p� C.�l � � <br /> � � Z <br /> � <br /> VI�HEN �E���DE� MA�L T�: <br /> Exchange Bank <br /> GI-Allsn Dr�ve Bran�h <br /> '!��4 Al�e�t D� <br /> PD Box 5793 <br /> �rand Is�and, NE 688�2 F�R RE��RDERrS USE�NLY <br /> vEE� �F TRusT <br /> THiS ❑EED �F TR[J5T is dated June �7, ��'I S, am�ng Ryan Steffen and Michelle St�fF�n, <br /> Hus#aand and V1Jife; �T'Trustar"}; Exchang� Bank, whose address is �[ -- A!!en Qrive g�anch, <br /> 'l��4 A[len Dr, P❑ Bax 579�, Grand lsland, NE ��8�2 �referred to heIow sometimes as <br /> "Lender" and sometim�s as "Beneficiaryr'}; and Exchange Bank, whvse address is P� Bax �97, <br /> �earney. NE 68848 treferred tv below as "TrusteeT'}, <br /> CDNVEYANCE AND GRANT. Far valuable cansiderati�n,Trustor conveys tv Trustee in trust, WITH PaWER ❑F SALE, <br /> for the bene�fit o� Lender as �eneficiary� all afi Trustor's right, �itje, and interest in and to the fallowing described real <br /> properky, tage�her with aII exis-king or subsequently erected or affixed buiidings, impro�ements and fixtures; a!I <br /> easemen�s, rights of wayf and appurfenances; aii water� wa��r rights and di�ch rights {in�Iuding s�ack in utilities with <br /> ditch or irriga�ion rights}; and a11 o-ther rights, royal�iesr and prof�ts relating to the reaI proper�Cy, inciuding without <br /> limi�a�ion aii mine�-alsr oilf gaS� geothermaI and similar ma��ersr �th� "Rea� Prvperty"� lo�at�d in Hall Gvunty, <br /> Stat� af Nehraska: <br /> Pa�cel 'I: Part of the Nartheast Quarter vf the Sautheast �uarter �NE 714SE�14� af Se�tion <br /> Th�rteen �'!3}, �n Township E�sven �"l'13 No�th, Rang�Ten �'��}, VIlest Qf th� �th P.M., in Ha[I <br /> �vunty, Nebraska more particularly described �n Vlrar�anty Deed recardsd as [3vcument No. <br /> ��'1 D�'�4��. <br /> Pa�cel �: Part of the Nvrtheast Quart�r of the Southeast Quar��r �NE'i 14SF'i 14� Sectivn <br /> Thi�~teen t'!3}, �n Taw�sh�p E�even f'!'1} N��th, Rangg Ten ����, West of the fit� P.M.r in H a�I <br /> �ounty, Nebraska more particularly descr�b�d in Warranty De�d recorded as ❑o�ument Na; <br /> ���6�179� excepting a tract mvre pa�t�Gu[arly descrihed in Warranty Deed recarded as <br /> Do�ument Nv. 94-'I�S��4. <br /> The Rea� Property ❑r its address �s �vmm�n[y knvwn as 4�� N Vllehb Road and ��6 N V1�ehb <br /> F�oad, �rand [siand, NE 688�3. The Real Property tax identificatian number is 4��7 54��5 and <br /> 4��'�a�'l 2�. � <br /> REV�LVING LINE ❑F CRE�[T. This Deed vf Trust secures the indeh#edn�ss inciuding, withou� l�m�ta�ion, a revolving <br /> �ine of credrt, which ❑bl�gates Lender to make ad�ances ta Trusfar so [ong as Trus�or compl"res with ali the terms of the <br /> Credit Agre�men#. Such advances may be mader repaid, and remade frvm time to time, suhject t❑ �he �imitation th�t <br /> the tot�l ❑u�standing halance owing at any one time, not including finance charge$ an such halanGe afi a fixed ar <br /> �ariable rat� ❑r sum as pro�ided in the Credrt A�reement, any �empvrary overages� ❑�her charges, and .any amvunts <br /> expended or advanced as provided in either fihe fndebtedness para�raph or�h�s paragraph� shafl not exceed the Credit <br /> Lim�t as pro�ided in the Credit Agreement. lt is the intention ❑f Trustor and Lender that this �3eed of Trust seeures the <br /> balanGe outstanding under�he Credif Ag�eem�ni�from time t❑time frvm zero up ta the Credit Limit�s pro�ided �n fhe <br /> Credit Agreemenfi and any intermediate halance. <br /> Tt-ustar p�esen�ly assigns ta Lende� {aisa known as Ber�e#iciary in this Deed of Trust} aii of Trustor's right, �itler and <br /> in�erest in and to aII present and fiuture l�ases �f the Property and a�l Ren�s firom -�he Property. In addition, Trustor <br /> grants tv Lender a Uniform Camm�rc�al Cade se�urity infieres�in�he Personal Property and Rents. <br /> THlS DEED �F TRUST, 1NGLU�IN� THE ASS�GNMENT �F RENTS AN❑THE SECUR�TY 1NTEREST fN THE RENTS AN❑ <br /> PERS�NAL PR�PERTYx [S G�VEN TD S�CURE {A} PAYMENT �F THE iNDEBTEDNESS �4ND �B} PERF�RMANCE �F <br /> EACH ❑F TRUSTaR'S AGREEN[ENTS ANa dBLl�ATI�N� l]N�]ER 1"HE CREDCT AGRE�MENT, THE F�ELATE� <br /> F.]��UMENTS, AND TH�S DEE❑ QF TRUST. THlS DEED �F TRUST 1S GIVEN AN❑ ACCEPTE[] �N THE FDLLQWING <br /> TERMS: <br /> PAYME[�T AND PERF�RMA�IiCE. Except as otherwise pt��vid�d 3n �h�s Deed nf Trust, Trustar sk�al� pay to Lend�r all <br /> amounts se�ured by �his ��ed of Trust as they become due, and shaII stri��ly and in a �imely manner perform all af <br /> Trus�ar's❑bfiga�ion� under the Credi�Agreemen�r �his ❑ged af Trust, and the Related ❑o�uments. <br /> PaSSESSjDN AND MA�NTENANCE �F THE PROPERTY, Tt'ustar ag�ees �ha� Trustor's possession and use of the <br /> Property shaI� be ga�erned by the foIIowing pro�is�ons� <br /> P�ssessian and Use. L1n�i! the occurrence of a� E��nt �f Default, T�usto� may {1] r�ma�n �n possession anci <br /> con�rol of the Property; (2} use, opera�e or manage t��=� Property; and {3} ca!lect the Rents from the Property. <br /> Duty ta Maintain. Trus�or shal� maintain �he Pro�.�rry in gaod cvndition and promp�Iy perform aII repairs, <br /> repla�emen�s, and main�enanc�necessary to preserve ft��alue. <br /> � <br /> 4 <br />