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2� 1 ��4�87 <br /> Security Instrumen�.The proc�eds of any awaxd or claim for damages that are att�r��u�able�o the impairm�nt af Lender's <br /> interes�in the Proper�y are hereby assigned and sha�l be pa�d to Lender. <br /> AlI M�sce��aneaus Proceeds that are not app��ed�a res�ora�ian or repair of the Proper�y shal�be applied in�he order <br /> pra��ded for in Section 2. <br /> 12. B�rrower No� Re�eased; Forbearance By Lender No� a Wa��er. Extensian Qf the time for payment or <br /> madif ca�ion of amar�izatxon of the sums seGured by�his Security Ins�rumen�granted�y Lender to�3orroWer or any <br /> Successor in�n�erest of Barrower shall not operate�a release the lial�ility of Borrower or any Successors in�n�eres�af <br /> Borrower.L�nder shall not be required ta commen�e praceed�ngs agains�any Succ�ssor in�n�eres�of Borrawer or�o <br /> refuse to extend time for payment or o�herw�se madify am�rt�za�i�n of�he sums secured by�h�s Security Instrumen�by <br /> r�ason of any demand made by�he�rigina�Borrov�er or any Successors�n�n�eres�of Borravver.Any forbearance by <br /> Lender in�xercising a�ay right or�emedy including,w��haut limita�ion,L�nder's acceptance of paymen�s from third <br /> persons,en���ies ar Suc�essors in�nterest of Barrower o�in amounts less�han the amount then due,shall not be a waiver <br /> of or preciude the exercise of any righ�ar remedy. <br /> 13.Jo�nt and Se�eral Liability;�o-signers;Successors and As�igns Bound.Bar�row�r co�enants and agrees tha� <br /> Borrav�rer's abliga�i�ns and liability shal� be,�o�nt and se�eral. How��er, any Borrower who co-signs this Securi�y <br /> �ns�rument but does not execute the Note�a"cowsigner"}:�a�is ca-sign�na�h�s Securi�y Ins�rument on�y to mflr�gage, <br /> grant and con�ey the co-signer's interest in the Pr�per�y under�he terms ofth�s Se�ur��y Ins��umen�;�b}is not persflnally <br /> a�liga�ed to pay�he secured by this Securi�y�ns�rument;and�c�agrees that Lender and any o�th�r Barrower can <br /> a�ree to ext�nd,madify,forbear or make any accammoda��ons wrth regard t�the terms of this Security�ns�rument or fhe <br /> Nate wi�h�ut the co-signer's consen�. <br /> Subj ect�o�he pr�visions of Section�$,any Successor in Interes�of Borrower who assumes Barrov�er's obiigations <br /> under�his Securi�y�ns�rument in wr���ng,and is appro�ed by L�nder,sha�l abtain all of Borrovver's righ�s and b�nef ts <br /> under this Security �nstrurnen�. Borr�vver sha11 no�be released froxn Borrower's obliga�ians and liabi�ity under�his <br /> Security �nstrument unless Lender agrees�o such release in writing.The cavenants and agreements of�h�s Secur��y <br /> �ns�rument sha�i bind�except as provided�n Sec�ion Z��and benef t�he successors and assigns of Lender. <br /> 14.Loan Charges.L�nder may charge Borrower fees far ser�ices performed�n connectian wi�h Borrawer's defauit, <br /> for the purpose o�protecting Lender's�nterest in the Proper�y and rights under this Securi�y Ins�rument,including,but <br /> nat limited t�,attorneys'fees,property inspec�ion and�aluation fees.In r�gard to any other fees,the absence af express <br /> authori�y in�his Securi�y Instrument�o charge a specif c fee ta Borrower sha��nat be cans�rued as a proh�bi�ian on the <br /> chaxg�n� of such fee. Lender may no� �haxge fees tha� are exp�ressly prohibited by this Security Instrument or by <br /> App�icable Law. <br /> �f the Loan�s subj ect ta a lav�which se�s maximum ��an charges, and�ha��avW is final�y�n�erpre�ed so tha�the <br /> inter�s�or other Ioan chaxges callected o�r to be c���ect�d in connection wi�h the Loan exceed�he permit�e��imi�s,�hen: <br /> �a}any su�h Ioan charge shail be reduced by�he amount necessary�a redu�e the charge�o the perm��ted limit;and�b}any <br /> sums already collec�ed fr4m Borrawer vvhich e�ceeded permit�ed ��mits wi11 be refunded ta Barrower. Lender may <br /> choose�a make this refund by reducing�he principa�awed under�he Nfl��ar by making a direct payment�a Borrower.�f <br /> a refund reduces princ�pal,the reduct�on v�ri�I be�rea�ed as a partial prepayrnent wi�hout any prepaymen�charge(whe�her <br /> or nat a prepayment�harge is pravid�d for under the N�te}.Borrower's ac�ep�ance of a.ny such refund made by dir�ct <br /> paym�nt�o B�rroWe�wiil cons�itute a wa�ver af any r�ght of ac�ifln Barrawer mi�ht ha�e ar�s�n�ou�of such overcharge. <br /> 15.N�tices.Ali no�ices gi��n by�3orrawer or Lender�n�onnect��n w�th this Security�ns�rument must be�n wr��in�. <br /> Any no�ice to Borrower in connec�ion wi�h this Securi�y Ins�rument shall be deemed to have been gi�en��Barro�aver <br /> when maiied by first c�ass mail or when ac�ually del��ered�o Borr�vver'�notice address if sen�by other means.Not�ce ta <br /> any one Bor�ower sha�l c�ns�i�u�e not�c��a all Borrowers un�ess App�icable Lav�expressly requires atherwise.The no�ice <br /> address shail be the Prop�r�y Address unless Borrower has designated a substi�ute natice address by notice to Lender. <br /> B�rrower sha�l promp�ly notify Lender of Borrflwer's change of address.�f Lender sp���fies a procedure for repor�ing <br /> NEBRASKA-5ir�g��Fami�y-Fannie MaelF�eddie Mac UNIF4RM INSTRUNlENT Form 3�28 �IU� <br /> Page 9 of�3 '--- <br /> � <br /> ios,�n�.-��s�g Sarrowe��s}Ini�ials k <br />