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2� 1 ��4�87 <br /> 4.Charges; L�ens.Sorrawer sha�I pay all taxes,assessmen�s,charges,f nes,and impas�tians attributable�o the <br /> Proper�y which can atta�n pr�ar�ty over�his Secur�ty�nstrument,�easehoid payments ar ground rents on�he Propertyy if <br /> any,and�ommunity Associat�on Dues,Fees,and Assessments,if any.To�he�xten�that th�se items axe Escraw Items, <br /> Borrower shall pay them�n�he manner pro��d�d�n Sec��an 3. <br /> Bor�ower sha�� promp��y discharge any lien which has p�r�ar�ty over th�s Security Instrument unless Borrower: <br /> (a�agrees in writ�ng�o�he payment nf�he obliga�ion s�cured by�he Iien in a manner accep�able to Lender,bu�only so <br /> long as Borrower is performing su�h agreement;�b�con�es�s�h�Iien in�ood fai�h by,or defends aga�nst enforcement of <br /> the lien in, legal proceedings wh�ch�n Lender's op�nion aperate�o prevent�he enforcement of the iien wh�1e those <br /> proceedin�s are pending,but only until such pro�eedings ar�con�luded;or�c}se�ures from�he hold�r of the lien an <br /> agreement sa�isfactory�o Lender subordznating�he lien to�his Secu���y�nstrumen�.�f Lender determines�ha�any par�af <br /> the Praperty is su�ject to a���n which can a�tain priarity��er�h�s Secur�ty�ns�rument,Lender may gi�e Barrav�er a <br /> not�ce identify�ng�he lien.�U'ithin�fl days af�he date on wh�ch�hat notice is given,Bor�awer sha�l satisfy�he lien ar take <br /> one or m�re�f the ac��ans set farth abo�e in this Section 4. <br /> Lender may require B�rrov�rer to pay a one-t�me charg�for a rea�esta�e tax�e�if ca��an andJor reporting ser�v�ce <br /> used by Lender in connec�i�n w�th�his Loan. <br /> 5.Froperty In�uran�e.Borrovver shal�keep the�mp�ov�men�s naw exis��ng or hereafter er�cted an�he Property <br /> insured against loss by f re,hazards includ�d vvithin the terrn"ex�ended�overage,"and any other hazards includ�ng,but <br /> nQt limi�ed ta,ear�hquakes and floods,for which Lender requires insurance.This insurance sha1�b�maintained in�a.e <br /> amounts(including deductible Ie�e�s�and for the per�ods tha�Lender r�quires.�L1�hat Lender requires pursuan��o�he <br /> preced�ng sentences can change during�he�erm of the Loan.The insurance�arrier prov�ding the insurance sha�1 be <br /> ch�sen by Barra�er subject to Lend�r's righ�to disapprove B�rrower's choice, which right shall no�be exercised <br /> unreas�nably.Lender may require Borrower�a pay,in c�nnec�ion wi�h this L�an,ei�he�:�a�a one�-tim�charge far�.00d <br /> z�ne de�ermination, certification and �rack�ng services; or �b�a one-time chaxge far flood zone determina�ion and <br /> cert�fication ser�ices and subsequent charges each��me remappings ar simi�ar changes occur which reasonably m�gh� <br /> affec�such determ�na�ion or cer��fication.Barrawer shall a�so be responsible for the payment of any fees imposed by�he <br /> Fed�ral Emergency Managemen�Agency�n connect�on with the re�iew of any flood zone determination resul�ing from <br /> an ob�ec�ion by B orrawer. <br /> �f Barrower fa��s to ma�n�ain a.ny of the coverages described abo�e,L�nder ma� o��ain insurance ca�r�rage, at <br /> Lender's optian and Borrower's expense.Lender is under no obligation ta purchas�any particu�ar type or amaun�of <br /> co�era�e.Therefore,such c��erage shall cov�r Lender,bu�might or might not pro�ec�Borrower,Borrower's equity in <br /> the Properfiy, ar the con�ents of the Property, against any risk,hazard�r liabili�y and might provide greater ar lesser <br /> c�verage than v►ras pre�ious�y in efFect.B orrower acknow�ed��s tha�the cost of the insurance caverage so ob�a�n�d m�gh� <br /> signi�.cantly exceed th�c�st of insurance�hat Bar�ov�er could ha�e obtained.Any am�unts disbursed by Lender under <br /> this Sec��on 5 shall become addz��onal deb�of Borrower s�cur�d by this 5ecur�ty Instrumen�.These amounts shal�bear <br /> in�erest a�the No��rate from�he da�e of disbursement and sha�i be payable,wi�h such interes�,upon no�ice from Lender <br /> �o Borrawer reques�ing paymen�. <br /> AIl insurance po�icies requ�red by Lender and ren�wals of such policies sha�l be subj ect�o Lender's right to <br /> disapprove such palic�e�,shall inc�ude a s�andard mor�gage clause,and shall name Lender as mor�gagee andlor as a.� <br /> additi�na� loss payee. Lender shal� have�he right�o hold the po�icies and renewal cer�if ca�es. If Lender requires, <br /> Borrovver shal�prflmp�Iy give�o Lender al�receip�s of pa�d premiums and renevva�no�ices.If Borravver obtains any form <br /> of insurance co�erage,nat otherw�se requ�red by Lender,for damage to,ar destructran af,�he Praperty,such poliey shall <br /> inc�ud�a standard mar�gage clause and sha�i name Lender a�mar�gagee a.ndlor as an additionai loss payee. <br /> �n the even�af loss,Borrower shall gi�e pr�mp�notice�o the�nsurance Carrier and Lender.Lender ma�mak�proof <br /> af loss if na�made pr�mp��y by Borrower. Unless Lender and Borrower atherwise agree in wr��ing, any insurance <br /> proceeds,v�hether or not�he underlying insurance was required by Lender,shal�be applied�o res�oration or�epair of�he <br /> Pr�per�y,if the res�flratian or repair is economica�iy feasible and Lender's secur�ty�s not�essened.I3ur�ng such repa�r and <br /> res�oration period,L�nder sha��ha�e the right�o hald such insurance proceeds until Lender has had an oppartunity�o <br /> inspect such Praper�y to ensure the work has been c�mpleted to Lender's satisfac�ion,provided tha�such inspect�on sha11 <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Fann�e Mae�Freddie Mac�NIFQRM 1NSTRUMENT F��m 3��8 �1�� <br /> Page�o#�3 '— <br /> tos,��c.-3��3g B�rrower�s}�nitiais � <br /> w <br />