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2� 1 ��4�87 <br /> _ <br /> NQN�I�NIF�RM��VENANTS.Barrower and Lender further covenan�and agree as f���aws: <br /> �2.Accelerati�n;Remed�es.Lender shall give notice to Barrower prior to accelerat�on fol�awing Borrawer's <br /> breach of an�co�enant ar agreement in this Security Instrument�but not prior ta acce�eration under Section 18 <br /> unless Applicable Law pr��ides otherwise}.The no�i�e Sha�l specify:�a�the defau�t;�b}the action required to�ure <br /> the defau�t;�c}a date,not less than 3U days from the date the nat�ce is given to Barrower,by which the defauit <br /> must be cured;and�d}that failure to cure the defaul�on or before the dat�spe�if ed in the no�Yce may resuit�n <br /> accelerati�n of the sums secured by thf�Security Instrument and sa�e of the Proper-ty.The no�i�e shall further <br /> inform Borr�wer of the right to re�nstate after ac�eleration and the right to bring a court action to assert the n�nW <br /> ex�stence af a default or any other defense of Borrower t4 acceleration and saie.If the defaul�i�not cured on or <br /> before�he date specified in the notice,Lender at its�ption may requ�re immediate payment in full of al�sums <br /> secured by this Se�urity Instrument without further demand and may in�oke the p�w�r af sa�e and any other <br /> remedies perm�tted by Applicab�e Law.Lender shall be entitled to co��ect all expenses incurr�d in pursuing the <br /> remedies pro�vided in this Sectian�2,including,but n�t��mf�ed to,reasona�ie a�.torneys'fees and costs of t�t�e <br /> ev�dence. <br /> If#he power of sa�e is invoked,Trustee sba��recard a no�ice�f default in each county�n which any part of the <br /> Property is�acated and sha��ma�i copie�of such n�tice in tbe rnanner prescribed hy Applica��e Law to Sorrower <br /> and to the o�her persons pre�cr�bed by App��cab�e Law.After the time requ�red by Applica�Ie Law,Trustee sha�� <br /> give public na�i�e flf sa�e �o the persons and �n �he manner prescribed by Applicable Law. Trustee, without <br /> demand on B�rrower,shall sell the Property at public auc�ian t4 the h�ghest bidder at the time and p�ace and <br /> under�he terms des�gnated in the notice of sale�n on�or more parcels and�n any�rder Tru�tee determines. <br /> Trustee may postpone�ale�f ali or any parcei of the Property by pub�ic announcement a�the time and piace of <br /> any pre�iously scheduled�ale.Lender ar��s designee may purchase the Property a�any 5a�e. <br /> Upon receip�af payment of the pr�ce bid,Trustee sha�l del�Wer�o the pur�haser Trustee's deed con�eying the <br /> Froperty.The recitais in the Trustee's deed sha11 be prima fac�e evidence of�he truth of the statements made <br /> �herein. Trustee sha�l apply the proceeds nf the sate in the fol�owing ord�r: (a} to all cos�s and expenses of <br /> exercising the power of sale, and the sale, inc�ud�ng tbe payment of the Trus�ee's fees actual�y �ncurred and <br /> reasonable attorneys'fees as perm�tted by Applica��e�aw;€b}�o a�l sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrument; <br /> and[c}any exc�ss to the person or persons�ega�ly entit�ed to i�. <br /> 23.Reconveyance.Upon paymen�of a��sums secured by�his Security Instrument,Lender sha��r��uest Trustee�o <br /> re�con�ey the Proper�y and shall surrend�r this Security Znstru.rnent and all no�es e��dencing debt secured by this Security <br /> Ins�rurnent�o Trustee.Trus�ee sha�I recon�ey�he Praper�y v�ithout warran�y ta the persan or persons l�ga�ly�ntit�ed to i�. <br /> Such person or pe�sons shall pay any recordation costs.Le�der may ehaxg�such person or persons a fee far recon�eying <br /> �he Praperty,�ut only if the f�e is paid to a�h�rd party�such as the Trus�ee�fflr ser��ces rendered and�he charging of the <br /> fee is permitted under Applicable Law <br /> �4.Subst��ute Trust�e.Lender,at��s op�ion,may from�ime to time remo�e Trustee and appflin�a su�cessar trus�ee <br /> �o any Trus�ee app�in�ed hereunder by an ins�rumen� rec�rded in the county in which this Security �nstrument is <br /> rec�rded. �Vi�hou�conveyance of the Property,the successor trus�e� shall succeed to all the title, power and duti�s <br /> conferred upon T�ustee her�in and by Applicab�e Law. <br /> �5. Request for Notices.Borrower requests that copies of�he notice of defaul�and sale be sen��o Borrov�er's <br /> address vvhich�s the Praperty Address.� <br /> NEBRASKA-Singie Fam��y-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN�F�RM 1NSTRUMENT Farm 3�28 �ID� <br /> Page�2of�3 <br /> �o�,[n�,-3��3s Borrower�s}lnit�als <br /> r <br />