2� 1 ��4�87
<br /> fu�ly effecti�e as if no accelera��on had accur�red. Howev�r, this right �o reinstate shall not apply in the case of
<br /> acce�erat�on under Section 18.
<br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; NQtice of Grie�ance.The Note or a part�ai interest rn�he Nfl�e
<br /> ��oge�her with�his Security Ins�rument�can be sold�ne or more times with�ut prior notice�o Barrower.A sa�e might
<br /> r�sul�in a change in the en�ity�known as�he"Loan Ser�icer'y}�hat coi�ec�s Periadic Payments due under�he No�e and
<br /> th�s Securi�ty�ns�rument and p�rforms o�her mortgage��an servic�n��bligations under the Note,this Security�ns�rumen�,
<br /> and Applicable Law.There also might be one or more chan�es af�he Loan Servicer unreiated ta a saie ofthe Na�e.If
<br /> �here is a chan�e of the Loan Ser�ricer,Borrower wi�1 be g�ven wr�t�en no�ice of the change vvhich vW�11 s�a�e th�nanae ax�d
<br /> address of�he new Laan Ser�icer,�he address�o which paymen�s shou�d be made and any other informa�ion RESPA
<br /> requi�res�n connec�ion with a not�ce of trax�sfer of serv�cing.�f�the Na�e is so�d and thereafter�he Loan�s serviced by a
<br /> Loan Servicer o�her than the purchaser of�he Nate,the martgage l�an ser�icYng obliga�ions ta Borrower vviil r�main with
<br /> the Loan Ser�ice�ar b�transferred�o a successor Loan Servicer and are na�assumed by the Note pu�chaser un�ess
<br /> o�herwise pro�ided by�he Nflte pur�haser.
<br /> Ne�ther B arr��wer nor Lender may commence,�o�n,or be j oined to any j ud�cia�ac�ion�as�i�her an indiv�dual Iit�gan�
<br /> or the member of a class�tha�arises from the other par�y's actions pursuan�to th�s Secur��y Ins�rument or�hat a��eges that
<br /> the other party has breached any provis�on of, or any duty ovved by reason af, �his Security �nstrumen�, unt�� such
<br /> Bo�rrower or Lender has notif ed the a�h�r par�y(v►rith such no��ce given in compliance with the requirements of Sectian
<br /> �.5}�f such alleged breach and afforded the o�her par�y here�o a reasonab�e per�od after the giving�f such notice�o take
<br /> cflrrec�ive ac��on.If Applicable Lavv pro�ides a�ime periad which mus�e�aps�before certain ac��on can b��aken,that
<br /> time period will be deemed to be reas�nab�e for purpo��s of this paragraph.The nat�ce of accelera�ion and appartunifiy to
<br /> cure given to Borrower pursuant�o Section 22 and�he no��ce of acceleratian g��en to Borrower pursuant to Section�.S
<br /> shall be deemed ta sa�isfy�he no�ice and oppor�unity ta take correcti�e act�on pro�isions of�his Section 2�.
<br /> 21.Hazardous Substances.As used in�h�s Sec�ion 2�:�a}"Hazaxdous Substances"are�hase substanGes def ned as
<br /> tox�� ar ha.zardous subs�ances, pollutan�s, or was�es by Enviranm�ntal Law and the follflwing subs�ances: gaso�ine,
<br /> kerosene, o�her flammable �r to�ic pe�roleum pr�ducts,toxic pes�icides and herbic�des, �ola��ie sol�ents, materials
<br /> containing asbes�as or farmaldehyd�,and radioactive mater�als;�b}"Environmen�al Law"means federal laws and laws
<br /> of �he �ur�sdic��on vWh�re �he Pr�perty is located tha� rela�e to heai�h, safety or env�ronmental pro�ec�ion;
<br /> �c�"En�ironm�n�ai Cleanup" �ncludes any response ac�ion, remedial ac�ion, or remova� action, as defned in
<br /> Enviranmen�al Law;and�d}an"En�ironmen�al Conditi�n"mea.ns a condi�ion tha�can cause,con�ribute ta,or otherwise
<br /> ��rigger an En�ironmen�al C�eanup.
<br /> Borrovv�r shall not cause fl�r permit the p�esence,use,disposa�,starage,or xelease af any Hazaxdous Substances,ar
<br /> thr�aten ta r�lease ar�y Hazard�us Subs�ances,�n or in the Property.Barrowe�shail no�da,nor allovv anyon�else to do,
<br /> any�hing affectin�the Froper�y�a}tha�is in vialation of any Environmen�ai Law,�b�which�rea�es an Environmentai
<br /> �ondit�on,or�c�which,due�o�he presence,use,or release of a Hazardous Substance,creates a�ond���on tha�adversely
<br /> affe�ts the�alue�f the Proper�y.The preceding�wo sentences sha�l rio�apply to�h�presence,use,or storage on the
<br /> Pr�perty of smali quantities af Hazardous Subs�tances that axe genera.�ly recogni2ed to be appropria�e�n normal residen�ial
<br /> uses and to maintenan�e of the Property�inc�uding,but not l�mi�ed to,ha2ardous substances in consumer products}.
<br /> �orra�e�sha��prampt�y gi�e Lender vvritt�n no��ce of(a)any in�estig;ati�n,ciaim,demand,lawsu�t or a�her action
<br /> by any go�ernmen�a�ar regu�a�ory agency or pri�a�e par�y in�ai�ing the Proper�y and any Hazardaus Subs�ance or
<br /> En�ironmentai La� of which Borr�wer has actual knavviedge, �b� any En�ironmen�ai Condit�on, including but not
<br /> l�mi�ed to,any spilling,�ea�ing,d�s�haxge,release or threat of release of any Hazardous Subs�ance,and�c}any condition
<br /> caused by�he presence,use or reiease af a Ha�axdaus Substance which ad�ersely affec�s the�alue of�he P�rop�rty.�f
<br /> Barrower learns,or is not�fied by any governmental or regulatary authority,ar any priva�e par�y,tha�any remaval aar
<br /> fl�her remedia�ion af any Hazaxdaus Su�s�ance affe�ting�e Property is necessary, Boarrovver shal�promp�Iy ta.��all
<br /> necessary remedial ac��ons in accordance w�th Enviranmental La�.No�hing herein shal�create any abl�gat�an on L�nder
<br /> for an Environmen�ai Cleanup.
<br /> NEBRASKA-Singie FamilywFannie MaelFredd�e N4ac UNIFQRM lNSTRUMENT - Farm 3428 �ID1
<br /> Page��of�3
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<br /> �os,ir�c.-����� Borrower�s}ir�i�ia�s
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