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rn <br /> m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> o �� � � �rn � rn <br /> a� �o rn � �C p � <br /> o �z � C Z� � � <br /> o �c� � r �z �7 cn <br /> � �� � � �rn � z <br /> � <br /> . �� � �� � � <br /> rnm rn � _� � � <br /> c� o � y cn �7 C <br /> �� CI] r� � <br /> �� � rn <br /> d7 Q � �� <br /> p� � � � <br /> � � Z <br /> � <br /> WHEN REG�RDED MAIL T�: <br /> Exchange Bank <br /> GI-Al�en ❑ri�e Bran�h <br /> '1�04 Allen Dr <br /> P� Box 5793 <br /> Grand Is�and, NE 68802 F�R REC�RDER'S U5E�NLY <br /> DEED �]F TRUST <br /> TH15 DEED �F TRUST �s dated June �7, ��'!�� amang Frank Pa�amares and Nancy T <br /> Palvmares, Husband and �IVife� t"Trustor"}� Exchange Bankr whose address �s G� - Af�en Dr�ve <br /> Branch, '!��4 Al�en Dr, P� Box 5793, Grand �sIand� NE 6$8�2 �referred ta befow sametimes <br /> as "Lender" and somet�mes as "Benefi�iaryT'}; and Ex�hange Bank, whvse address �s P❑ Bax <br /> 397, �earney� NE �8848 �referred tv belaw as "Tru�teer'}. <br /> CONVEYANGE AND GRANT. For�aluab[e consideration,T�usfor �vn�eys�❑Trustee in trust, WITH P�WER �F SALE, <br /> for fhe beneft of Lender as Benefciary, alE v�Trustar's rightf ti�le, and int�res� in and to �he �al�owing described real <br /> praperty� t�gether with all exisfing or subsequen�iy erected o� affixed buildings, imp�a�ements and fix-tures; a�� <br /> easemen�s, ri�hfs of way, and appurtenances; aii waterf water r�ghts and di�ch rights {including stock in utilities with <br /> ditch or irri�a�ian rights}; and all other righ�s, royaIties, and profiifs rela�ing �o the real pr�perty, incIuding withou� <br /> I�mita�ion all minerals, oilr gasf ge�thermai and simiIar matters, �the "Real Prvpe�ty"� lo�at�d in Ha�! County, <br /> State of Net�raska: <br /> Lot Ten �'1�}, Black Ten ��Q}, �ilbertr5 A�dition ta the City of Grand lsland, Hall �vunty, <br /> Nebraska. <br /> Th� Real P�operty or its address �s �vmmonIy known as ��D4 W 'l�th 5t, Grand [siand� NE <br /> �88�'f--4��6. The Reai Property tax �dentificatian number is 4��'!337�5, <br /> REVaLVINC LiNE �F �RE�IT. This Deed ❑f Trust secures the �ndebtedness including, without Iimitat�on, a r'evolving <br /> �ine �f credit,which obligates Lender t❑ make advances to Barrower so ivng as Sorrower�omplies with�ti the t�rms of <br /> the Credit Agreement. 5uch ad�ances may be made, repaid, and remade from time to time, sutalect fo �he limitativn <br /> that#he#ofial ❑utstanding balance owing at any one t�me, not incIuding finance �harges on such bafance at a fixed or <br /> . variable rafie or sum as pravided in the Gredit Agreement, any temporary overages, other �harges, and any amoun�s <br /> expended or ad�an�ed as p�o�ided in either the Indebtedness paragraph vr this paragraph, shall not exceed the Credit <br /> Limit as prov�ded in the Cred�t Agreemenf. It is the intention ❑f Trustor�nd Lender that this Deed of Trust secur�s the <br /> halance ❑utstanding under fhe Credit Agreement-�rom time �❑time from zero up t❑the Credi� Limit as provided in the <br /> �redit Agreement and any infermediate balance, <br /> Trus�or presently assigns to Lender �also known as Benefic�ary in this Deed ofi Trus�} a!! ❑f Trusto�'s right{ �itler and <br /> in�eres� in and �o a!x presen� and fu�ure leases Q� the Property and a11 Rents fram �he Property. In addi�ian, Trus�ar <br /> granfs�o Lender a Unifarm Commercial Code securi�y in�erest in the Persanal Property and Rents, <br /> THIS �EED aF TRUST, 1NCLUD�NG THE ASSIGNMENT�F RENTS AND THE SEGUF�ITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND <br /> PERSDNAL PROPERTYr 15 GIVEN T❑ SECURE {Ay PAYMENT �F THE iNDEgTEDNESS AN❑ �B} PERF�RMANCE DF <br /> EA�H �F TRUST�R'S AGREEMENTS AN[3 ❑6LI�AT��NS UN�ER THE CRE[JIT AGREEMEIIfT, THE RELATE❑ <br /> ❑�CU1111ENTSx AND THiS DEE❑ �F TRUST. THIS DEED DF TRUST IS G1VEN AN❑ ACCEPTED DN THE F�LL�WIN� <br /> TERMS: <br /> TRl]ST�R'S REPRESENTAT�ONS AN❑ WARRANTIES. Trus�or warran�s that: {a} this ❑eed o� Trust is executed a� <br /> Borrawer's request and no� a�the request of Lender; �b} Trustor has the fulI power, right� and authority �o enter in�o <br /> this Deed of Trust and fo hypotheca�e �he Praperky; (c} the pro�isions o�this Deed af Trusf do no� con�Fiict with, or <br /> �esuit in a defaui�under any agreement❑r ather instrumen� binding upan Trustor and da nat result in a �iolation of any <br /> �aw, regulation, court decree or arder appl�cabie �ka Trusfor; �d� Trustor has es�ablished adequa�e means of ob�aining <br /> fram Borrower on a continuing basis information about Barrawer`s financial condi�ivn; and {e} Lende�- has made no <br /> represen�ation t�Trus�or about Barrower �including withaut limitation the creditworthiness�f gorrower}. <br /> TRUSTaR'S WAfVERS. Trus�or wai�es aIl righ�s o�defenses arising by reason of any "one actian" or"anti�deficienGy" <br /> law, or any other Iaw Wvhich may pre�ent Lender �ram bringing any action against Trustor, including a claim for <br /> deficiency�o the exten� Lender is otherwise en�itled �a a �laim for deticiency, befio�-e ar after Lender's commen�ement <br /> ar�ompletion o�any forecIosure ac�ion, eithe�judicially or by exercise o�a power af sale. <br /> PAYMENT AN❑ PERF�RMANCE. Except as atherwise provided in �his ❑eed ❑f Trust, Borrower shalj pay t❑ Lender atx <br /> Indeb�sdness secured by �Chis Deed o� Trust as it becomes due, and Barrower and Trustor shali perform afI their <br /> respec�i�e abligations under the Credit Agre�ment�fhis ❑eed af Trust, and�he Rela�ed Documents. <br /> P�SSESS��fI� AN❑ MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY. Borrowe� and Trus�or agr�e that Borrawer's and Trustor's <br /> possession and us�of the Praperty shall be gv�erned by the following pr-o�isions; <br /> Passession and Use. Un#ii the occurrence of an E�ent a� Default, Trus�ar may t1} remain in possession and <br /> cQntrol of�h� Property� {�} use, operate o�manage�he Property; and {3} coiie�t the Ren�s�rom the Praperty. <br /> Duty t❑ Main�ain. Trustor shall maintain the Property in good �andition and pr�mptly perfarm aI� repairs, <br /> replacements, and maintenance necessary to preserve i�s �alue. <br />