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2� 1 ��4�41 <br /> serv�ces and subsequent charges ea�h time remapp�ngs or s�m�lar chan�es occur which reasonably migh� <br /> affect s�ch determina��o�or certifi�atian.�orrav�e�shal�also b�r�esponsible for th�pa�yn�ent of any fees <br /> imposed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in conn�ction with the review of any flood zone <br /> deterrriination resulting fram an ob,�ectian by Bonawer. <br /> If Borrower fails�o maintain any oF the coverages described above,Len.der may obta�n insurance cover�ge, <br /> at Lender's option�nd Borrower's�xpense. Lender is under no ab��gatx�n to purchase any par�icular type�r <br /> amount of coverage. Theref�re, such co�erage sha11 cover Lend�r,but might or might not prat�ct Borrower, <br /> B�rrow�r's equity in the Pro��rt�,or the con�ents of the Property,against any ris1�,hazard ar liabil�t�and <br /> might pravide greater or lesser coverage than was previously�n�ffec�. Borrower acknowledges that the cost <br /> of the �nsurance c��erage so obtained might signif cantly exceed the cost of insurance that Bano�er cauld <br /> have ob�ained.Any amaunts disbursed by Lender unde�this Sectian 5 shall become additianal debt�f <br /> Borrower seeured by this Security Instrumen�.These amaunts sha11 bear interest at the 1�T�te rate from the <br /> date Qf disbursement and sh���be payabl�,with such�nt�rest,upon notice frvm Lender t���nvwer <br /> requesting payment. <br /> All in�urance policies required by Lender and renewals of such policies sha11 be subj ect to Lender's rig�t to <br /> disapprove such polici�s, shall incl�de a standa.rd mortgage clause,a�nd shall name Lender as mar�gagee <br /> andlor as an�dditi�nal loss pa�ree. Lend�r�hall have the r�ght to hald�he policies aad r�newal certificates. <br /> If Lender requires,Borrov�rer shall promptly give to Lender all rece€pts of paid premiums and renewal <br /> notices. If Borr�wer obtains any form of insurance Goverage�not otherwise required by Lender, for damage <br /> to,or de�truction of,the Praperty, such po�ic�shall include a sta.ndar�m�rtgag�clause and shall name <br /> Lender as mortga�ee andlar as an additionalloss payee. <br /> In the e�e�t of loss,Banow�r sha11 give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may <br /> make proof of lass if not made promptly by B�rrower.Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in <br /> �vriting,any insurance procee�s,w��th�r or nat the und.�rlyi�g insuran�e�vas required by Lender, shal��be <br /> app�ied to restoration or repair of the Property, if the restora�ion or repair is econ�mically feasib�e and <br /> Lender's security is not Iessened. During su�h repair and restoration period,Lender sha11 have the right to <br /> hold such in�urance proeeeds until Lender has had an oppartunity to inspect such Property to�nsure the <br /> work has beea completed to Lender's satisfaction,provided that such�n�pection sha��be undertaken <br /> pramptly. Lender may dis�urse pr�ceeds for the r�pairs and a single paymen�or in a series�f <br /> progress payments as the work is comp�eted.Unle�s an agreement is made in vvriting or Applicable Law <br /> r�quire�interes�ta be pa�d on such insurance proceeds,Lender sha�l not be requ�red to pay Borro�ver any <br /> interes�or earnings on such proceeds. Fees for public adjust�rs,or oth�r third parties,�retained by Barrower <br /> sha11 not be paid out of the in�urance proceeds and shall be the sole obligation af Borrower. If the restaration <br /> or repair is not�conomically feas�b�e or Lender's securi�y wou�d be lessened,�he�nsurance proceeds�ha11 be <br /> applied to the sum�secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due,with the excess, if any, <br /> paid to Borrow�r. Such insurance proceeds sha11 be applied in the order provided for in Secti�n 2. <br /> If Borrower abandons the Property,Lender may fi1e,negotiate and sett�e any a�ailab��insurance�1�im and <br /> related matters.If�orrov��r d.oes not respond wi�hin�34 d.ays�a a notice�ro�rn Lender that the insurance <br /> carri�r ha�off�red fio set��e a claim,then Lender may neg�tiate an.d settle the claim. The 3�-day period will <br /> begin when the notice is given. In either��en�,or if Lender acquires the Property under�ection 22 or <br /> Qtherwise,Borra�er hereby ass��ns to Len�er�aj F3on�wer'�rights to a���nsuranc�proceeds in an arrYaunt <br /> not to exceed the amoun#.�un.paid un.der the Note or this Security Instrument,and�b}any vther of <br /> Bonovv�r's righ�s(o�her than the r��ht to any refund of unearned premiums paid by��rrower)under all <br />�ance poiicies covering the Froperty,insofar as such rights axe applicable to the cov�rage nf th� <br /> Property. Lender may use the insurance proceeds either to repai.r or res�ore th�Proper�y vr to pay amounts <br /> unpaid under the Note or this Se�urity�n.strument,vvhether or n��then due. <br /> NEBF�SKA-Single Fami�y-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT W1TH MERS Form 3428 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMPBA(NE}{1342}.4Q <br /> Wo�ter�Kluw�r Financial Senrices Page 7 of 1� <br /> q�335�44824� 4233 275 �717 <br />
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