2� 1 ��4�41
<br /> Th�Fu�n.ds shall be he�d in an institutian wh�se deposits are insur�d by a�ede�al ag�nc�,i�s�r�enta,lit�,o�
<br /> entity(�ncluding Lender, if Le�.der�s an institution whase deposits are so insured)or in any Feder�.l Home
<br /> i.�an Ba�.�.ender s�a��app�y the Funds ta pay the Escro�It��s n�later than th�tim�speGified un��r
<br /> RESpA. Lender sha�l not charge Borrower for holdxng and applying th�Funds,annually ana�yzin�the
<br /> escrow account,or verifying the Escrow Items,unless Lend�r pays�orraw�r int�rest on�he Funds and
<br /> Applicable La�v perm�ts Lender to make such a charge. Un�ess an agreement�s made in�r�tiag ar
<br /> Appl�cable Law requires interest to b�paid on the Funds,Lender shal�not be required to pay Borrower any
<br /> i�terest or earnings an the Funds.B�rro�ver and�ender can a�ree in writing,however,that interest�ha�l be
<br /> paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borro�ex,without charge,an an.nual a�caunting�f th�Funds as
<br /> requir�d�y RESPA.
<br /> If there is a surplus of Funds held in escrow,as def�ned under RESPA,Lend�r shall aGcount to�orrawer for
<br /> th�excess funds in accordanc��vit�RESPA. If there is a shvrtage of Funds held in escrvvv,as defixxed under
<br /> RE SPA,Lender sha11 noti�Borrawer as required by RE SP�,and Barrower shall pay to Lender the amount
<br /> necessary to make up the shortage in accordan.c�tivith RESFA,but in no more than 12 mon�h��payments.If
<br /> there is a def�ciency of Funds held in escraw,as defined under RESPA,Lender sha11 notify Borrower a�
<br /> required by RESPA,and Barro�ver sha�I pay to Lender�he amount nece�sary to make up�the defici�ncy in
<br /> accordance with RE�PA,�ut in no more than �Z monthly payments.
<br /> Upon pa}�ment in fu11 of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender sha11 promptly refund�o
<br /> Borra�ver any Funt�s held by Lender.
<br /> 4. �h�rges;Li�ns,Borrawer shai�pay a�t taxes, assessments,char�es, fines, an�l impos�t��ns attributab�e to
<br /> the Property�hich can at�ai�priority over�his Securi�y Instrument, leasehald pa�rments or ground rents pn
<br /> the Property, if any,and C�mmunity Association.Dues,Fee�,and As�essmen.ts, if any.To the�xtent that
<br /> these items are Escrow Items,Borrovver shall pay them�n the man.n.er provided in Section 3.
<br /> Borrawer shall promptly discharge an�l�en which has priori�y over this Security Instrurr�ent u�less
<br /> Borro�er: (a}agrees in�riting to the payment of the obtigation secured by the lien in a rnanner accep�ab��
<br /> to Lender,but�nly so long as Borrower is p�rforming such agreement; �b}c�n�ests the lien in good faith by,
<br /> or defends against enforcement of�he l�en in, legal proceedings which in L�nder's opinion operate to prevent
<br /> the enfvrceme�t of the lien�hite those proceedings are p�nding,but only until such proceeding�ar�
<br /> conclud�d;ar�c�seGures from the holder of the��en an agreement s�.tisfa�tor�tn L�nder subard�nating the
<br /> ��en to this Security�nstrument. If Lernder determine�that any part af the Property is subject to a lien tivhich
<br /> can attain priority��er this Se�urity In�trument,Lender�a�y gi�e Bflrrov�er a notice�t�e�.tif�ing the�ien.
<br /> Within 1�days af�he date on which that no�ice is given,Borrower shatt sat�sfy the lien or take one or more
<br /> ��the aGtions set forth abave in�h�s Se�tion 4.
<br /> Lender may re�uu�Borro�ver to pay a one�time�ha�ge for a real esta.te tax�erification andlor reporting
<br /> service used by Lender in connect�on with this Loan.
<br /> �. Property In�uranc�.Barrawer sha11 keep the�rnprovem�nts now existing or hereaf�er erected on the
<br /> Property in.sured against lass by fire,ha2ards includ�d withi�the t�rm"ex�ended caverage,"and an�ather
<br /> hazar�s including,but no�lim��ed to, earthquakes and floods� for tivhich Lender requires insurance. This
<br /> insu.rance sha11 be ma�n�ained in the amoun�s�including deductible le�e�s}and for�he periods that Lender
<br /> re�uires. What Lender requires gursuant to the preceding sentenees can change during th�term of the Loan.
<br /> The insurance carri�r providing the insurance sha�l be chosen by Borro�ver subject to Lender's right to
<br /> disapprave Borrawer's chaice,which right sha�t not be exercised unrea�onably. Le�ader may require
<br /> Borrower to pay, in connection�vi�h�h�s Loan, either: [a}a�ne-tim�charge for flood zon�determ�nation.,
<br /> certification and tracking ser�ices;or�b)a�ne-tim�charge for flaod�one determination and certificati�n.
<br /> NEBRASKA-Singie Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac LINIFQRM INSTRUMENT V1�1TH MERS Form 3428 1141
<br /> VMP� VMRBA[ME}�1342}.44
<br /> Walt�rs 4Cluwer Financial5e�rvices Page B of 17
<br /> q�335?44$�4S �233 275 ��17
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