2� 1 ��4�41
<br /> �'I. Hazardous5ut�stan�es.As used in this�ection�1: �a� "�uzarc�ou.s,Su�i.star�ce.s"are thos�substances
<br /> defined as tvxi�or ha�ardaus subst�.nces,�o�1ut�.��ts,ar�astes h�En.�ironmental Lav�r and the follawing
<br /> substa.nces: gasoline,kerosene,other flammabte or toxic petr�leum products,toxic pesticides and herbicides,
<br /> valati�e solvents, materials contain�ng asbestos or formaldehyde, and ra.d�aact�ve materia�s; [b)
<br /> "En�ironme�ta�,�,a�"means�ederal laws an�llaws of the jur�sd��tion tivhere the Property is�ocated that
<br /> relate to�.eal�h, safety or enviranmental proteGtian; �c) "Er�wiror�mer�tal ClQar�r�p"includes any respon�e
<br /> a�tion, remedial action, or remo�a�action, as defined in Environmental Law; and�d)an "�rcvi�onrrterttal
<br /> Conc�itior�"means a condition that can.cause, contribute to, �r otherwise trigger an Envi.ronmenta���eanup.
<br /> B�rrower shal�no�cause ar permit the presence,use,drsposa�, s�orage,or release af any Hazardous
<br /> Substa.nces,or thr�a�en t�release an�Hazaft�o�.s��bstances,on�r in th�Property.�orrower sha11 n�t do,
<br /> nor a11ow an�rone e1s�to do,a�ything affecting th�Property�a}that is in v�alati�n of any En�iron.mental
<br /> Law,(�)which Gr�ates an Env�.ronmental�ondition,or�c�which,due tv the presence,use,or release of a
<br /> I�azar�ou�Su�stanc�,creates a�onditian that adver�ely affec�s the vaiue of the Pr�perty.The precedi�g two
<br /> sentences shal�not apply to the presence,use,ar storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardaus
<br /> Substan�es�hat are g�nerally recognized to be appropriate tn normal residential uses and to main�enance of
<br /> the Property�including,but not limi�ed ta,hazardous substa.nces in consurner products).
<br /> Borro�er shal�promptly give Lender written notice af(a}any in�est�gation,claim,demand, lawsuit or other
<br /> action�y an}r gfl�e�xnental or regulatory ag�n�y o�private party involving the Prapert�and any Hazardous
<br /> Substa.nce or En�ironmenta.l Law of whi�h�orrower has actual knowledge,�b}any Environmental
<br /> Candition, including but nat��mi�ed to,any spilling� 1eak�ng,dischar,ge,release or threat of release�f any
<br /> Ha��rdou��ubstance,and�c)any condition caused b�th�presence,use�r release of a Hazardaus Substance
<br /> which ad�erse�y affects the value af the Proper�y. �f Bvrrower learn�,or is notified b�any govez-�am�ntal Qr
<br /> regulatory au�hority,or any private party,t�.at any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance
<br /> affec�ing�he Property is necessa.ry,Borrower shall prompt�y ta.ke all nec�ssa�ry remedxal action�in
<br /> accord�nce with Envi.ronmental Law.No�hing herein sha11 c��at�an�obligation on Lender for an
<br /> Environmental�leanup.
<br /> Non-�niform Covenants.Borro�rer and Lender covenant and agree as fatlo�s:
<br /> �2. Acceleratian;Remedies.Lender shall give noti�e to BarrQwer�rior tv acceleration foll�wing
<br /> Borr��er's breaGh�f any cv�enant ar agr�ement in this Secur�ty Instrument�but nat prior to
<br /> a�celeration under Sectifln 18 unless Applic�bie I.�aw provides otherwise}.The noti�e shall specify: ��}
<br /> #he defau�t;�b�the a�ti�n required to�ur�the default;�c�a date,r�ot less#h.an 3�days fram t��date
<br /> �he n�tice is given to Borrower,b�vvhich the defau�t must be cured; and�d}that failure to cure the
<br /> defau��an or before the date specified in the n�ti�e may result in acceleration vf the sums�ecured by
<br /> this Sec�rity�I�.stru.��ent and sale�f th�Prop�r�y.The nntice shall further infarm Borrvwer�f the
<br /> r�ght ta rein�tate after aCcelerat�an and the right to br�ng a court acti�n ta assert the nan�existence vf a
<br /> default�r any other defens�of�orro�ver to accelerati�n and sale.If the defau�t is not cured on ar
<br /> befo�e tl�e date specif ed in the n�tice,Lender at xts uptian may require imme�liate payrnent in full of
<br /> a�l sums secured b�this Security Instrument�.th�ut further demand and may inv�ke the pawer af sale
<br /> and any v�her rem�dies permitted b�Appli�abl�Law.Lender shall be ent�tled to cvlle�t all expen�ses
<br /> incurred in pursuing the remedies pr�vided in this Sec�i�n��,inGluding,but nat limited�o,reas�nable
<br /> atto rn�ys'fe�s and c�sts af title evidenc�.
<br /> q�335?�48�4�5 �3 33 ��5 �4�?
<br /> hIEBRASKA-Singl�Famify-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNiFtiRM INSTRLIMENT WITH MERS Form 3428 9JD1
<br /> VMP[7 VMPfiA(NE}�'�3a2}.44
<br /> Vl�olters Kl�wer Financial Servi�es Page't4 0#'!7
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