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2� 1 ��4�41 <br /> �f Lender exercise�this option,Lender sha�l give�orrQ�v�r notice of acceleration. The natice shall provide a <br /> p�r�ad af not less than 3D days from th��.ate th�notice is given i�accordance�vith Section 15 w�thin which <br /> Borrotiver must pay a11 sums secured by this Security Instrum�nt. If Barrower fails to pay these sums prior to <br /> the expiration.of this per�od,Lender may invoke any r�medi�s permitted by this Security Ins�.ment without <br /> furth�r no��ce or demand on Borr�wer. <br /> '19. Borrower'�Right to ReinstateAfter A�celeration.If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borro�rer <br /> sha11 have the right to have enforcement of this Security Instrument di�continued at an�time prior to the <br /> ear�iest of: (a}five days before sale�f the Property pursuant to any po�ver of sale�on�a�ned in this Security <br /> Instrument;(b}such o�her p�riod as Agp�icable Law migh�spec�fy for the term�nat�on af Sorrawer's right to <br /> reinstate;o��c)en�of a judgment enfarcing this Security Instrument.'�hose canditions are that Borrower; <br /> �a}pays Len�.er a11�un�s which then would be due under this Security Instrum.ent and the Note as�f no <br /> acceleration had occurreda (b}cures any def�.u�t af any other covenants or agreements;(c}pays a1�expen�es <br /> incuned in enfarcing this Se�urity Instrumeat, including,but not lirriit�d to,reasonab�e attorneys'fees, <br /> property inspe�tion and valuatian f�es,and other fees incurred for the purpose of protecting Lend�r's interest <br /> in the Property and rights under this Security Instrurnent;and(d}ta.kes such aCti�n as Lender may <br /> reasonably require t4 assure that Lender's interest in th�Property a�d rights under this Security In�trun�ent, <br /> and Borro�er's obligation�o pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument, sha11 continue unchanged. <br /> � Lender m�.y require that Borrower pay such reinsta.tement sums and expenses in one or more of the following <br /> fvrms,as selected by Lender: (a)cash;(b}money order;�c}certifi�d check,bank check,treasu�rer's check or <br /> cashier's checl�,provi�led any such check is drawn upon an.institution�uhvse deposits are insured by a <br /> federal agency, ins�rurnen�ality or entity;or(d)Electronic Funds Transf�r.Upfln r�instatement�ay Borro�vve�r, <br /> this Secur�t�Instrument and obligations secured hereby sha11 remain fu11y�ffective as if no acceleration had <br /> occurred. Ho�vev�r,this right to reinstate shall not apply in the case of accel�ration under SeGtion 18. <br /> �0. Sal�of N�te; �hange of Laan Servicer;Not�c�of Gr�evance.The Not�or a partial intere�t in the <br /> Note��ageth�r vir�th this Security Instrument}can be sold one or more times without prior notice to <br /> B�rro�ver, A sale might resul�in a cha�ge in the entity�known as�he "Loan Servicer"}that callects Periodic <br /> Payrnents due under the Note and this Security Instrument and performs oth�r m�rtgage loan s�rvicing <br /> obligations under the Note,this Security Instrument,an�d Applicable Law. There also might be ane or more <br /> changes of the Loan Ser�icer unrelated t�a sale af the Note. If there is a change of�h�Loan Servicer, <br /> Borrower�vill be given written natice of the change wh�ch wi11 state the name an�1 address of�he new Loan <br /> Servicer,the address to which payment�shoutd be made and any other�nforma�ion RESPA require�in <br /> conn�cti�n wi�h�.nvti�e vf tra�sfer of ser�icing.If th�Note�s sold and therea�te��he Loan is ser�i�ed b�a <br /> Loan Ser�icer other�han the purchaser of th�Not�,the mort�age l�an servicing o�lig�.tions to Borrflwer wi11 <br /> remain�v�th�he Loan Servicer or be transferred ta a successor Laan Ser�icer and are not assurr�ed by the <br /> Nate purchaser unle�s otherwise provided by�he Note purchaser. <br /> Ne��her Borrower nor Lender may cammence,jo�n,or b�joined to any judic�al a�tion(as either an <br /> ind��r�duallitigant or the member of a c�ass)that arises fram�he other party's actions pursuant ta this <br /> Security Ins�rument or that alleges that the other party has breach�d any provision of,ar any duty owed by <br /> reason of,this Seeurity Instrument,until such Borrower or Lender has notified the other party(with such <br /> n�tice given in compliance with the requirements of Sectian 1�)of such a��eged breach a�d afforded the <br /> other party hereto a reasonab�e per��d af�er the giv�ng of such notiee t�take corrective action. If Applicab�� <br /> La�provid�s a t�me per�ad�vhich must elapse before certain action can be taken,�hat tim�periad�i��be <br /> deemed�o b�reasanable for purposes of this paragraph. The notic�vf acceleratian and opportunity to cure <br /> given to Bflrrower pursuant to Section 22 an�d the notice of acc�l�ration given to Borro�ver pursuant to <br /> Section 18�ha11 be deemed to satisfy the�notice and opp�rtunity to take conective act�on prov�s��ns of this <br /> Sec�ion��. <br /> NEgRASKA-Si�►g!e Family-Fa�rnie MaelFreddie Mac L1NIF�RM INSTRUMEMT WITH MERS Form 3f}28 1101 <br /> VMR� VMP�A(NE](1342}.4Q <br /> Vtfolters Kluwer Financia�Seniices Page 13 of 17 <br /> q�3357448245 ��33 275 131� <br />