2� 1 ��4�41
<br /> �a} A.ny such agreements wil�r�vt affec#the am�unts that B�rrower has agreed ta pay for Mortgage
<br /> Insurance,or any other terms of the I��an.Su�h agreements will n�t increase the amount
<br /> Borr�wer will awe far Mflrtgage Insurance, and they will not enti��e Borrower tv any refund.
<br /> �b} Aaay such a�reements will n�t affect th�rights Borr�wer h�s-if any-with resp�ct to the
<br /> M�rtgage Insurance u�d�r the Homevwners Frote�#iQn ACt af 199$ar�ny other law,T�.ese rights
<br /> r�ay inc�ud�the right tv receive certain disclosures,ta re�ues�and abtain cancellativn of the
<br /> M�rtgage Insurance,to ha�e the Martgage In�urance terminated automatically,andlor to receive
<br /> a refund of any Mvr#gage Insuranee prena��ums that were unearned at the t�me�f su�h
<br /> cancellatiun or terminativn,
<br /> 1'I. Assignme�tof Mis�e��a�neausProceeds;Fv�f��ture.A�l Miscellane�us�'r�ce�ds ar�here�y assig�ed to
<br /> and sha11 be paid to Lender.
<br /> If the property�s damaged,such Miscellaneous Pro�eeds sh��t be applied to restoration or r�pair of the
<br /> Frap�rty, if the re�torati�n.ar repair is ecanom�cat�y feasible and Lender's security�s�ot less�ned. During
<br /> such repair and restoration p�riod,Lender sh�.11 have the right to hold such N�isc���aneous Proc�eds untx�
<br /> L�nder h.as had an���artunity to i�spe�t such Property to e��ure th�work has been c�mpleted.to Lender's
<br /> satisfaction,provided tha�suc�inspection sha��be undertaken prora�ptly. Lender may pay for the repairs and
<br /> restQration in a single disbursement or in a series af pragress paymen�s as the vvc�rk is comp�e�ed.Unl��s an
<br /> a�reer���t is rnade ir��vriting or Applicable Law requires int�rest tc�l�e paid an such Miscellan.eQus Proceeds,
<br /> Lender s�.a��not be required t�pay Borro�rer any i�terest or earnings on such Miscellaneaus Proceeds, If the
<br /> restoratron or repair is not econ�mically feasibl�or Ler�der's security tivould be tessene�.,the Miscellan�aus
<br /> Froceeds shal�be applied to t�he sums secured by this Secur��y�nstrument,whether or nat then due,with the
<br /> excess, if any,paid to Borrower. Such M�scellaneous Praceeds sha11 be app�ied in the order prov�ded for in
<br /> Sec���n 2.
<br /> In the ev�n�of a tatal�k�ng,destruction,or loss in va�ue of the I'roperty,the Miscel�aneous Proce�ds shall
<br /> be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or no�then due,�ith�he excess, if an�,
<br /> paid�o Borrower.
<br /> In the even�of a part�a�tak�ng,destruction,ar 1�ss in�alue�f the Property in.which the fair mar��t�alue of
<br /> the Property immediately before the partial taking,destruction,or loss�n va�lue i�e�ua�to or grea�er than the
<br /> amount o�'the sums secured by this Security Instrument immediately before�he partial ta.king,destruction,or
<br /> loss in.�alue,unless Bon�wer and Lender otherwise agree in�vritia�,the sums secured by thrs Security
<br /> Instrument sha�t be r�duced by the amount o��he N�iscellaneous Pr�ce�ds multipliec�by t�he fallo�ing
<br /> fra�tion: �a}the tatal amou�t of the sums�ecured immedia�ely before the par�ial taking,destruction,or loss
<br /> in value di�rided by[b}the fair market value of the Property imm�diately before the partial tal�ing,
<br /> destruction.,ar loss i�vaiue.Auy bal�.nce s�.a��be p�id to Barrotiver.
<br /> In the event of a partial�akin.g,des�'uction,or loss in va�ue of�he Property in which the fair market value of
<br /> the Prop�rry immedia�e�y b�fore the partial t�king,destructian,or las�in value i.s less than the am�u�.t of the
<br /> �ums s�ct�r�d immediately befor�the partia�taking, destruetion,or 1�ss in�a�u�,unless Borraw�r and
<br /> Lend�r otherwise�gr�e in wr��ing,the Miscellaneous Fr�ceeds shall be applied to the sums se�ured by this
<br /> Securit��nstrum��t w��t�e�ar not the su�s are�h.en c��e.
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by B�rrot�er,or if,a�er r�otice by Lender to Borro�ver that the�pposing Party
<br /> �as defined in the next sentenc�}offers to make an award to settle a claim for damages,Borrower fails to
<br /> respond to Lender within 3�days af�er the da�e the natice is given,Lender�s authorized to collect and apply
<br /> the Miscellaneous Proceeds either to restorat�on or repair of the Praperty or to th�sums secured�y this
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RAII IIVSTRLIMENT WITH MERS Form 3028 1i�1
<br /> VMP� VMPBA(NE}�1342}.4Q
<br /> Walters Kluvrrer Finan�ial Servic�s Page 14 of 17
<br /> q43357448�45 ��33 275 ��17
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