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�� i f <br /> 2� 1 ��4� 13 <br /> Gr�dit Agreement�hEch can be girren effect vv�thout the c�nf�i�t�ng pr��ision, and ta this end th� <br /> pr�visions of this �e�ur�ty lnstru�ne�nt and the Cr�dit Agre�ment ar� de�lared t� b� s�W�rabl�. ►�s <br /> used herein, "costs,f' "expenses" and '"att�rneys' fees" include all sums ta the extent not <br /> prc�hibited by app�i�a��e law or limited h�r�in. <br /> 7 4. Pr�or Mor�g��e or Deed of Tru��t; �11�odifcat'rc�n; Fu�ur� Advan�e. Br�rrowe�' sh�fl r�ot enter <br /> int� an agreement w�th the halde� Qf �ny m�rtgage, d�ed of trust or oth�r secur�ty agre�r�ent <br /> which �as r�or�t o�er thi Securit In trun°ten b hi h <br /> p y s �y � t � w c t�at �ecur�ty agr�ement �s mod�f'red, <br /> amended, extend�d, ar renewed, vv�tMout th� pr��r �vr�tter� cansent of the Len�der. B�rro�rv�r shall <br /> neither r�quest n�r acc�pt �ny futur� ad�an�e under a pri�r mortgag�, d�ed af trust, ar ather <br /> se�ur�t agreement with�ut�he prior v�►r�tt�n cansent of L�r�der. <br /> 'I� Bo�raw�r's Gv . �orrovve� sh�l� be furn�sn�d � co af the Credit A ree e t n f �i <br /> � py , py g �n n a d a t s <br /> Se�ur�ty I�strument at the time c�f executi�r� or after recordat�on h�reof. <br /> "I�. Reha�i�i�ativm Loan l�gr�ement. BvrrQv�er sha�l fu�fill a�l vf Bor�rower's vbligatians under <br /> any home r�habilit�t�an, impro�em�nt, r��air, a� other �van agr�emen� whi�h Borrc�vrrer rna ent�r <br /> into ��th L�nder. L�nder at Lender's o �ion n�a re uir� �3orr�wer ta execute and de�rrer tv <br /> L�r�de� in a form ac e table to n an s � r�� q " <br /> , � p4 L,� de�, a s g m�nt of an�y r�gi�ts, c1��ms ��r defen�es which <br /> �a r r o w er n�ay ha�e a g��ns t p�r ties w hc� supp l y la bor, ma ter�a ls �r ser��ces �n �onnec t�on vvi t h <br /> impro�rer�nEnts �ade to the P�rop�rty. <br /> '��'. �I�i�er of H�me�te�d Ex�mpt��n. To �he extent permitt�d �y law, Barrower hereby <br /> v�ai�es the ben�f�t af the hom��tead �xemption as to a!I sums secured hy this Se�ur�ty <br /> I nstru n�ent. <br /> 'I�. lltilai►rer of St�tr�tes af L,�mitativr�. To the ex��r�t p�rm��ted ��1 law, �orro�er hereby wai�e� <br /> �tatute� of I�mitativn as a d�f�ns� ta any d�mand v� v�lig�t�nn s�cured by this SeGur�ty <br /> 1 nstru ment. <br /> �9. Nlerger. There shall �e nv mer�er�of the �nterest or estate created by this �ec�ur�t� <br /> ln�trument �►►��th any oth�r int�r�st or esta�e �n the F�raperty at an� tir�e he�d by or fQr t�e �enef�t <br /> af Lender in�an� capacit , withc�ut the writ�en cansent of Lend�r. <br /> ��. Not�ce �f Trans�er of th� Prc� ert • Rd�ran�� after Tram�f� Barrav�r r h 11 'rr n t'c <br /> . �r � � N"� � S a �[ � ❑ I e tC3 <br /> L�nder as �o�td�d in aragra h ��h reof �nr to a sa�e r tra s er f � r <br /> , p , � p � , pr ny a n � a a� o part of^the <br /> �ro erty or an ri hts tn th� Pr� ert . An ersor� ta whvm all or art �f t�e Pro ert or an r� h <br /> Y 9 � Y P � Y J� � <br /> in t� F� o ert is svld ar r n �'erre�a!� s� �I �i <br /> � r t a s v a be c�� �ted ta �ve no��ce to Lender as rorr��ed <br /> . <br /> in ara ra h � herevf rom tl a�'ter su�h �ransf�r. � � <br /> � <br /> Ev�n if Barrawer tr'ans�e s the Pra ert t�rr wer wil� cont�nue to be bl` a e under h� <br /> P Y� �3 � a r� � d� t � <br /> Credit �►�reem�n� arr� this �e�ur�ty �nstrum�nt t�nl�ss L�nd�r r��eases Borrc�wer �r� wr�t�ng. As a <br /> cor�d�tion tv Ler�der's cvn�en� �o any �r�po�ed tr�nsfer vr as a canditi�n to the re��ase af <br /> Barrower L�r�der ma re uire that tl�te erso� t� �►vhom �he f�ro ert �s �Cransf�rred si n an <br /> . <br /> a��urn t�on a re�men satisfactor to L�nder and Lender m� im �se�an assum tivn f�e The <br /> as�ump �Q� ��r�ement wil� not �n��t�e th e vn �i ni� it � � p <br /> �� g � p �rs g � to ece e ad�anc�s under �he �red�t <br /> Agreement. <br /> ��. Trans�er of the Prop�rty: Subj��t ta �pplicable �aw, Lender �hall ha�e the ri�ht to <br /> ac��l�rate, that is, ta demand �mmediat� paynnen� �t� full o� a�l sums secured by this Niortga�e or <br /> Deed of Trust, if Bvr�rower, v��thaut the wr��ten consent of L�nd�r, �eils or transf�rs all or �ar�t of <br /> th� �roperty o� ar�y�rights in�h� Prapert�. <br /> �f Lender ex�rc�s�s th� a pt�on tc� a�ceierate, Le��er �ha�l g�v� �3orraw�r r�vtice of a�ce�eration <br /> in accvrdar�c� wi�h ara ra h �� her�af. Th� notic� shal[ ro��de a eriad c�f �ot les� than 3� <br /> da s frv the date of g pno ' wi h'n w ' p � <br /> y m the tN�e t N hNch Borror�ver may pay the �un�s dec�a�ed due, I� <br /> Borrarrver fails to a those surr�s �ior to t�e ex irat�on af sucY� �r�od Lender ma w�thvut <br /> further natic� ar demand on �orrov►rer inrr�k an r�medi�s erm�t �b ara r h �� h�r . <br /> , � y _ p �ed y p ga p e eaf <br /> ��� ��f�uit• T�rminatian �r�d ���e�era����� ����dNe�� Ea�h vf th� fol��wi� ev►�nt� Sha�l <br /> �on�titut� �n �rre�� �f d�f�u�t '#even� vf def'�ult" un��r t�is ����r"t ��n t u en� 'I � rr w r <br /> � � � �r � r �nn � � � t� � <br /> ��mmits fraud ar mak�� � mater�a� �isrepresentaat�on �n con�n�ct�on vu��h �h��s �ecur�t ��n�trumer�t <br /> or the �r�dit A r�emen�• [� �vrrawer da�� r�o� m�et tl�� re a ��nt t�rms c�� tMe Cr�d�t <br /> � ■�� � y � . <br /> A reem�nt• vr � �vrr�w�r �� a�t��an ar �na�ti�r� adr�ers�1 aff c � t�� L�n er s r� ht �n <br /> g , � � y � t d � s the <br /> �rvp�rt�y ���ur�c� t�y this �ecurit,y� �r�strun��n�� #f an �rrent af �efau�t c��c�r�, th�an prior ta <br /> �xer��s�n an ri ht or remed rov�d�d �vr �n t��� Secur�t Instr�r�ent an� riar t� ac��l ratic�n <br /> � , <br /> L��der sh�ll i►��notic� as rv�ided in ara ra h �� �er�a�ar�d a� r� u�r�� ��� ���a�1e 1aw. T � <br /> � � P R � � q Y Pp � <br /> nvti�� s�all spe��fy; ��� th� err�nt of de��uft; �� the actra� req��r�d to cur� the �►��n� vf ��f�u�t; <br /> �c� a d�te not l�ss than twer�ty d�y� �ar any lvngsr per��ad requ�r�� by ap�licabfe f�►nr� fr�r�n�the <br /> dat� �he �oti�e �� g�rre� to B�arrvwer �y whMch the e►r�mt c�f dl�fault rr�u�t b� �ured; �ci� t�at fa�#ure <br /> tv cure the�rr�nt of c��fault�n �r �efor�the c�ate spec�fied �n th� not��e may resu�t �r� accel�ration <br /> of the �ums s��ured by th�s Se�ur�t� �e�strurr��nt and �a��e of t�e �roperty; and �e� a�y o�h�r <br /> infvrmation r�qui�red hy app�i�ca�l� lavu. �`�� n�t��e s�h��� furth�r inf�rrv� �vrrower of th� r�t�h� t� <br /> reinstate after a�ce��rat�on, �f ap �i�a�1�. �nd �he right tv hr�ng a G�urt act��n to as��rt th� <br /> n�nexist�n�e vf an e►v�nt c�f cl�fau�t or an oth�r defense of B�rr wer to �c�ef�rat�v and sai . �f <br /> � � � <br /> the err�n� of def�u�t �s n�t ��r�d �n ar �� nre the d�te spe�if��d in th� notiG�, Lender, at Ler�der'� <br /> ENE9��-e <br />
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