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�� . 1 <br /> 2� 1 ��4� 13 <br /> �. Pre��r►�ation and Ma�ntenanc� of Prap�rty; Lea��ehc��ds; �o�do�°nin�um�; Pla�ned Unit <br /> D�ve[oprr�ents. �arrav►rer shall keep the Prap�rty Nn good repa�r and sha�l nat �ommit wast� or <br /> permit Em�airm�nt vr d�fi��ia�ativn of the �rap�rty and shall c�mp�y with the pro�is�o�s of any <br /> iease if th� S�cu�it �n�tr m r� i n <br /> s y u e t s o a leasenald. If th�s Security Instrum�r�t �s on a un�t in a <br /> condomini�m ar a lanned uni� develo me�t Borrower shall erf�rm a! f � rrflwer's o �� � n <br /> P P . p � o a � �at o s <br /> und�r the declaration ar ca�renants .creating or �ov�rr��ng t�� candomin�um ar plann�d uni� <br /> d��elapm�nt, the �y�law� and regulat��ns c�f �h� �ondam�r��um vr p�anned un�� de�e�opm�nt, and <br /> �he c�nstituent do�uments. <br /> 7. IProtecti�n �f L�r�der's 5e�ur�ty. If Borrow�r f�ils tv p�rfarm th� co��nants �nd <br /> agreements conta�ned in �hi� Se�urity lnstrument, ar �f a�ty ��t�on or proceeding �s c�mrr�enced <br /> which rrtaterialiy affe�tS Lender's ir�ter�st in th� Praperty, then L�nd�r, at Le�der's optio�, upan <br /> no�Ci�� tc�� Borrow�r, may m�k� su�h appe�ranc��, d��burse such s�rns, in�luding reasonable <br /> �ttorne s fe�s and tak� su�h acti�n as �s necessar ta rvte�t Lende� s �nterest. �in amounts <br /> � <br /> d�sburs�d � Ler�der ursuant t❑ th�s ara r h � ywitn�'nance char es h rea � h r <br /> y p p � �p , � � t � n, at t e at� <br /> pro�id�� in �h� �redit Agreeame��, shail become addrtiona� indebtedness af �orro�er s�cured b <br /> this Security Instrumenty Lln�ess B�rroWver and Lender agre� fi�a other term� of �ayn�ent, su� <br /> amounts shail k�e a able u on r�atice from Len�� to Bvrr wer re s �n n h <br /> �p y , p y r � � que t g pa�m+e t t �reof. <br /> Nothing cor�tain�ed �n this par�graph 7 shall r����re Lender to rncur any expense r�r take �ny action <br /> her�under. An action taken � L.ender under this ara raph s�t �I n t n r h B r <br /> y . y p g a � �ur� a y b eac orrawe <br /> ma ha�e �amr�nitted of an cv�enant �r a reem�nt under this Se�uri� �ns�rurr�ent. Borrvr►v�r <br /> a rees L n r " r y �" ' �" <br /> g t�a� e d� �s sub �ga�ed to a�l t�f the r��hts and rerned�es af any prror f�enor, �v the �xtent <br /> �f ar� a �nen� b Lender to s��h lienor. <br /> � p I� ec�i rn�. Le r <br /> . �p � �nde may nnake or cause tv be made reasonable entr�es upon and <br /> insp�ct��ns of �Me l�raperty� pr��id�d that Lender sha�1 gi�� Barrvwer n�tice prio� to ar�y su�h <br /> �n� ectior� s ec�f �n r�a�onab�e cause therefc�r rel�ted ta Lend�r's int�r�st in the Pra ert . <br /> p�. �ond+�mnat�an. Th r c � of an w rd r I � r � � " <br /> � p � e d� y a a o c a m fv damag��, d�r�ct ar cvnser�uent�al, <br /> in cannectit�n w��h any �andemnation or oth�r takin� of th� Property, or+part th�re�f, or far <br /> conv�yance ir� l��u af cond�mnation, are het�eby ass�gn�d an� sha�� be p��d to Lend�r, �o the <br /> �xtet�t �f ar�y �ndebtedr�ess und�r the Cred�t A�reerr�er�t, su�,�ect to the terms of an mortga�e, <br /> deed af trust or o�he� securit a r��m�nt v�►�th a lien rtvhrc�t h�s riorit a�er t�i� ��cur�t <br /> Instrum�nt. <br /> Y � p Y Y <br /> ��. �orraw�r N�t Rel�ased; F�rb��rance By Lender Not a '"UUai�er. Exten�ton af th� ��me f�r <br /> payn�ent or mvd�f�cat�on Qf amortiza�Ci�n af th� sums ��ecured by this 5ecurity ��strun�ent grar�ted <br /> h Lender tt� an succes�or in �nt�r� t of gorrower shall not c� er e tv release i a man r th <br /> .� .. ]� . . � ! p a� , � ny� n e , � <br /> l�ab�i�t� of the or�g�n�l �orrov�rer and Borrvw�r s su�cessors �n interest. L�nder shal! not be <br /> requ�re� ta cammence pracee�ing� aga�n�t such suc�essar or refuse to extend tirt�� far paymen� <br /> or vthe�wise mo�ify amort�zat�or� of the �u�S s�cured �y tMis S�curity �nstrum�nty by rea�an� of <br /> any demand n�ade b�. the orig�nal gorro►�er and Borr�wer � suc�essors in �ntere�t. Any <br /> farbearance by Lende� in �xerc���ng any right or remedy hereunder, �r �the�Uv�se afforded by <br /> ap�lica�l� law, �hall no� b� a v►�a��er ❑f or �reclude the ex�rc�s� af any such�right �r remed�. <br /> 'I�. SuGcessors �nd ►P��sign� Bvund; Jo�nt and ��v�ra� L��b�i�ty; �o�s�gn�rs. The �o��nan�� <br /> ar�d a�reem�nts her��n �vnta�n�d sh�l! b�nd, and t�e t�ights h�r�und�r ��ali inu�re to, the r�s ec�irre <br /> suc�esso�s an� assi ns vf Lender a�� Bo�rower �ub ect�a the ro�isic�ns of ara ra h �'I �er�of, <br /> � <br /> A�I cavenants and a reemer�ts af Borrar►ver shall be � int a� several. I�n Borraw r rpivho � - igr� <br /> µ g �� � y � � S s� <br /> th�s Se�urit Instrument �ut does not execut� t�te Cre�it A reement a is ca-si nin t��s <br /> � � , . g � t � 9 � <br /> ��cur�ty Ir�strument onl to grant and cor�rrey that Barrvwer s �nterest in the Prpp�rty tv Trustee <br /> under the t�rr�s of t�is ���urit 1r�strument � �s r�ot ersona� lia�le u r t � Cre it <br /> , y r � } p I y r�de h d <br /> A r��m�nt or und�r this Secur�t Ins rumer�t and c a rees t at Lender a d a ther B rr w r <br /> � y t , � � g h n ny a � a e <br /> h�reund�r may, agre� tc� e�tend, m�dify, fn�rt�ear, or nrrak� any other acc�ammadatic��ns or <br /> �mendrn�nts vrj�th regard tv �he terms of this 5ecurity Ir�strumen� or the Credit Agr�er�ent, <br /> w�thout �hat B��rvv�er� consen� and with�ut re�eas�ng that Borrower ❑r mo�i�ying th�s ��cur�ty <br /> Instrument as t�that B�rrvwer's �r�te�e�t i��he Prap�rty. <br /> ��. Nat�ce. Except far any r�Qtic� requ�red under ap licab�� law �o b� iver� in another <br /> manner a an notice �a Bnrrvwer r��idetl for in this ��cu�ritV lnstrument s�a�� be gi�en �y <br /> � � � � � ' J J <br /> de���er�r� it or� ma��in su�M nati�� b FNrs� cla�s mail a re g r r <br /> dd sse+d tv orr�v►r� at th�1� � �rt <br /> I�ddress or at such other addr�ss as Barrower ma d�si na�e � r�vtice to Lend�r as ro�ded <br /> her�in ar�d b an notic� �a L nd�r sh I� be i�en b irs�t las m il L n ' p <br /> , � � y � a g y�� � s a t� � d�r s add�ess s�ated <br /> here�n or ta su�h other address as Lender ma� designate k�y r�at�c� to Borr�owe� a� pr��ride� <br /> hereir�. An n�tic� ra►►ided for in th�s Secur�t lt�strt�ment shafN �� d�em d to har�e b�en iWen to <br /> � <br /> Borr��nre� or Lenderp vn�n i►r�n in �he mar�ner desi t�a�ed her�in. � <br /> '�3. Go►��rnin Law• �5e�era��riN�� . The state and lv�a� I �nrs a i�� �e o thi e rit <br /> 9 � Y � pp a � t s � cu y <br /> lnstrumen� sh�l1 be the laws of the�uri�di�t�on in which the Prflperty is lacat�d� The forego�ng <br /> se�tt�nce sh�l� not I�m�t the ap licabil�ty nf Federa! �av►r to tf�is Secur�ty Instrumertt. In th� �rrent <br /> that an �r�v�isi�n or c�ause o�this Securit Instrument vr the �red�t �1 r�ement conflicts �ith <br /> a licahl�#aw such canfli� s �I n ff � i i ' g <br /> pp , � �ta ot a �ct other prc�W s ons �f th�s Secur�ty �nstrum�nt or the <br /> �NE998-e <br />
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