2� 1 ��4� 12
<br /> DEE� �� `�RVST
<br /> �Cor�ti�u�d� Page 3
<br /> cove�age endorsements c�n a fair �a1u� basis for the fu�l insurab�e va�ue cavering al! Impra�ements on the Real
<br /> Prope�y ir� a� amount suf#�cient to avoid appiication of any cvinsurance ciause, and with a standard mortgage�
<br /> clause ih favor of Lender,tog�the�-with suct�ather I�azard and��alai�ity insurance as Lend�er may reason�bly r�quire.
<br /> Palicies shail be►►vritten in fvrm, amounts, cave�ages and basss�easonably acceptable to Ler�der and issued by a
<br /> campany vr campanies reasanah�y acceptable t� Lender. Trustar, up�n requ�st of L�nder, wil� deliver ta Lender
<br /> from time#o time the palicies ar ce�#ifi�ates of in�urance in torm satisfactory ta Lend�r,in�luding stip�lations that
<br /> coverages w�ll not be cancelled ar diminished without at least thirty{3�]days prior written notice ta Lender. Each
<br /> +nsurance p+�l�cy also shali include an endorsemen#proaiding tha#caverage in fa�or�f Lender will not be impaired
<br /> �n any way by any act, omrssian or defaurt of Trustor ar any other Qersan. Should the Re�!Property be Iacated in
<br /> an ares designat�d by#he Administrator ofi the Federal Emergency Management Agency as a specia!flaod hazard
<br /> a�ea, Tsustar agrses ta abtain and m�intain Federa� F�aod lnsurance, �fi a�ailable, for the maximum amount af
<br /> Trustor's c�-edit line and tha#u��u�paid principal baf�nr,s o�any p�ior�iens on the prQper�y securing the ivan, up to
<br /> the maximum policy�imits set under ths Na#iona� Flovd Ir�su��nce Qrogram,ar as otherwise r�quired by Lender,and
<br /> ta maintain such insurance�or the t�rm❑f the loan.
<br /> Application ��Rrv�eeds, Trusta�s'ha�1 prvmpt�y notify tend�r vf any�ass or damage�v the Properly. Lender may
<br /> make proofi o� �ass i# Trustv�- fa�ss t� da so within ffteen t'f 5� days �f the casualty. Whether�r nat Lender's
<br /> securiiy is im�aired, Lender may, at Lenders e�ect�an, �ece��e and r�#a�n the p��reeds vf any insurance and a�sp�y
<br /> the prooeeds ta the redu�tion of the lndebtedness, paym�nt of any lien aff���ng the P�aperty, ar the resta�a��on
<br /> and repair of the �'rvp�r#y. ��Lender e��Gts tv apply the pro�eeds tv restorativn ar�d rspair,Trustor sha�l repair or
<br /> replace the damag�d ar destroyed ImRrv�ements in a manner satisfac#vry t� Lend�r. Lender sha�l, upvn
<br /> sat'rsfac#ory proof of such expenditure, pay ar reimburse Trustor from the proceeds f�r the reasanable c�st af
<br /> repair or restorat�on if Trustor is nv# in defau�t under this �eed af Trust. Any proveeds which ha�� not been
<br /> disbursed with�n 18� days a�t�r�heir receip�t and whi�h �.ender has not committed ta #he repair o�restoration o�
<br /> the Pro�erty sha��be used first tv pay�ny amaunt awing to Lender under th is Deed vfi Trust, #hen to pay accrued
<br /> i�terest, 2�nd the re�►a�nder, i� any, shal! be app�ied�a the principa� balance af the �ndebtedness. �� Lender h��tls
<br /> any �roc;eeds after paym�nt tn �ul� fl� the ���leb��dnes�, su�h prooeeds �hal� b� pa�� to �rustor as "��.tstor's
<br /> interests may appear.
<br /> Camp�iahce wi#fi Existing Indebtedness. During the period in which any Exis�ing lndebtedness describe� belaw is
<br /> in effect, �ampsiance with the ynsurance provision� contain�d in the instrumen# e�+dencing such Existing
<br /> �nde�tedness s�a�� cat�stitUte comp��ance wsth the insurance prvvisions und�r th�s �eed of Trust, to the �x#ent
<br /> _ comQliance with the terrx�s vf this Deed o#Trust wauld const�tut� a dupl�cation af insu�ance �equir�ment. If any
<br /> proceeds fr�m the insurance be�ome p�yab�e an �oss,the prvv�sians ir►this �eed�#Trust fo�division of prtQceeds
<br /> shall apply anly to#hat portioh of the prarfeeds not payable t�#he ho�der of the�xisting Indebtsdness.
<br /> LENDE�`S EXPEMO�TU#�ES. ff Tn�stc�r fai�s tA} tn kee� the Proper�y free pf a�f #axes, �iens, seGurity interests,
<br /> encurr�rances, and other c�aims, �B3 to provide any requ��ed insuranoe�n the!'�oparty, {C} �ta make repairs to the
<br /> Properly ar ta camply with any c�hlEgation to maintaEn Exis�ing In�iebtedness in goad standing as requ��ed be�ow, �hen
<br /> Lender may dn so. ff any act'ron ar prooe�ding is commenced that would material�y affect Lender's �nterests in the
<br /> Pro�erty, then Lender ar� Yrustor's behalf may, b�tt is nat required tv, take any a�tian that Lender believes to be
<br /> appropriate to prvt�ct Lende�'s interests. Ali expenses inc�.irred or pai�! by L.ender for su�h purposes wili then bear
<br /> int�rest at the rate charged under the Credit Agreement from the date �ncurred or� paid by Lender �a the date �f
<br /> �epayment by Trustar. A�#such expenses wil� be�ome a part a�the indebte�n�ss an�, at Lsnders o�ation, wil� �A} be
<br /> payab�e vn demand; ��} be added ta the 1Qaianoe af#he Credit Ag:-eement and be apportioned amang ar�d be payable
<br /> with any installm�nt payrr�ents to become due during ei�he�- t'�} the term nf any appficable insuranoe pa�i�y;ar ��} the
<br /> remainir�g t�rm o�f the�r�dit Agreement;or �G} be tr�ated as a ballaon payment whi�h wil{be due an�d payabls at the
<br /> Gredit Agre�m+�nt's maturity. The D�ed af Trust alsa w��l secure�ayment of�hese amaunts. The r�ghts p�ovided fv�-in
<br /> this paragraph sha�l be in additior�tv any other rights or any remedies tv wh�ch Lender may be entit[ed an aa:c�unt v�
<br /> any default. �Any such act�an by Lena�er shall n�ot be canstrued as curing #he d��au�t sa as �o bar L.ender��rom any
<br /> rem�dy that it otherwise would ha�e had.
<br /> INARI�ANTY;�EFENSE DF TITLE. The fa��vwing prnvisions�elating t4 vwnership of Ehe P�ope�ty are a par#o##his❑e�d
<br /> o�Trust:
<br /> Titl�. ��-ustar warrants that: �a}�`rustor holds gaod and marketab�e titl� of r�cord to th� Property in rtee simple,
<br /> f�e$ and clea�-af all lie�s an� encumbrances fl#he�than thflse set forth in the R�al 1'�-vperty d�scri�tivn vr in the
<br /> Existing Inde�tednes$sect�on he�ow or in any title insurant;e pa��cy,title�-eport,o�fina!title opin��n issue�in�a�tir
<br /> of, and ac�epted by, Lender in cvnnectivn with #his Dee�#�f Trust, and (b}Trustar has the fu�l right, power,and
<br /> authority to execute and d�li�er this De�d af Trus##o Lender.
<br /> Defense v�Tit#e. 5ubj�ect tv the exception in the pa�agsaph abvwe, Trustor warrants and w ill foreWer defend th�
<br /> title to the Proper�y against the law#uI claims of a!� pe�sons. !n the eve�t any a�ti�n�r proceedi�g is cams�r�enced
<br /> that questivns Trustvr's title or the interes#of Trustee or L�nder under this �eed of Trust,Trustar sha1�de�end the
<br /> aCtion at Trustor's expense. Trustor may be th� nomina�party in such praceeding, bu#Lender shall be entitle�!#o
<br /> par�icipate in the praceeding and ta b� represented in th� proceedin� by counss� of Lende�'s awn chaice, and
<br /> Trustor will deli�er,or cause to be deli�ered,to Lender such instruments as Lender may requ+es#from time t�time
<br /> to permit such part�cipation.
<br /> Campllance Vlltth Laws. Trustor warrants that #he Property and Trusta�'$ use af #he Rr�perty camplies wi�h ail
<br /> existing applicable laws, ardinances,and r�gula#ivns ot governmental authoritiss.
<br /> Survival af Prvm�ses. A�t promis�es, a�ree�nts, and statemen�s Trusto� has mad� in t�is Deed v�Trust shal�
<br /> survi�e the executian and del��ery of this Qeed a�Trust,shall be cx�ntinuing in natu�e and sha�� remain in full#or�e
<br /> and�ffect until such#ime as Trustor's Indebtedness�s paid in fu��.
<br /> EXISTING INDEBTE�AIESS. The�vllow3ng proW�sions concerning Existing Indebt�dness are a part vf�his�eed v#Trust:
<br /> Existing Lien. The Iten of this Deed of Trust securing the Indebtedness may be �econdary and inferior to an
<br /> exis�ing li�n. Trustor expres��y covenants and agreeS#o pay, or see fo the payment vf, the �xisting Indebtedness
<br /> and to prevent any d�fault on such indebtednes�,any default un�er the instruments evidencing such indeb#edness,
<br /> ar any defau�lt un�er any security doc►�ments for such indeb�ednsss.
<br /> No Modiflca#ion. Trust�r shall not ent�r intv any agresment with the holder of any mortgage, d�ed af trust, ar
<br /> o#her securi�y agreement whi�h has p�iority a�er thi� Qee�d of T�ust by which tha# agreement is mvdified,
<br /> amended, extended, or renewed withvut the privr written consent �f Lender. Trustvr shal� neither request nar.
<br /> a�cept any future�dr�ance�under any such security agr�ement withaut#h�p�or written�ansent af Lender.
<br /> C�NDEMNAT�DN. The�following pro�isions relating to condemnation praceedings are a part of this�eed of Trust:
<br /> Proceedings. If any proc�e�ding in �ondemnati�n �s f led, Trustor shall prarnptly noti�y Lerrder in writing, and
<br /> Tn.is#vr shall �romptly take such steps as may be neoessary to defend the action and o�tain the award. Trustvr
<br /> may be#he nomin�!party in such prooeeding, but Lender shall be entitled to participate in the pr+�ceeding and to be
<br /> �epreserrted in the proce�ding by vaunse� of its vwn Ghoive, and Trustor will deli�er or cause to be deii�ered tv
<br /> Lender suGh instrumenfis and documentation as may b� nequested by Lender frvm time to time to permit such
<br /> participatian.
<br /> Applicativn of Net Pro�eeds. !f alf or any pa�#af the Praperty is candermed by eminent domain proc�edings ar by
<br />