2� 1 ��4� 12
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> ��ont�nu�d� Page �
<br /> Compl�ance 11��th Env�rnnmer�tal Laws. Trustor repr-esents and warr-ants ta L�rrder that: �7) During the period�f
<br /> Trustar's ownership of the Property,th�re has�een no use,gene�-ation, manufacture,stvrage,treatment,disposal,
<br /> release or threatened release of any Ha�ardous Substance by any person on, under, about vr from the Property;
<br /> {2} Trustor has no knowledge vf, or reasan to belie�e�ha��here has�een, excepfi as pre�ious�y disclosed#a and
<br /> acknow�edged b� Lender in writin�, �a} any br-ea�h or� �iofation ot an� Fnviror�men�Eal Laws, �b} any use,
<br /> generatian, manufacture, storage, trea#ment, dispasal, release or threat�ned release�f any Hazardous 5ubstance
<br /> on, under, about ar from the Pra�erty by any pripr owners or occupants nf the Property, or �c) any actual or
<br /> �hreatened �itigati�n or claims vf any kind by any persvn relating to such matters; and {3� Except as pre�iously
<br /> disclosed to and acknowledged by Lender in wri#�ng, {a} neither Trustar nor any tenant,cvntract�r,agent or ath�r
<br /> autharized user❑�the Prflperty shall use,g�nerate, manufacture, stvre,treat, dispose of or release any Hazardous
<br /> 5ubstanve an,under,about ar fram the Praperty;and� �b} any such a�ti�ity snall be conducted in comp4iance wit�
<br /> �I� app�icable fede�al, state, and Iocal laws, regulations and o�dinances, including without limi#at�an all
<br /> En�ironmenta� Laws. Trustor authorizes Lender and its agents to enter upon t�r� Property to make such
<br /> inspections and tests, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate to de#ermine vomp�iance of the
<br /> Prvperty with thi$ sectian af the C3eed flf 7rust. Any inspections ❑r�ests made by Lender shall be fvr Lender's
<br /> purposes an�y and shall nat be cvnstrued ta create any respansibility or liability an the part of Lender to TrUstor❑r
<br /> to any other person. The representatians and warranties contained herein are based on Trus#or's due diligence in
<br /> investigat�ng t�,e Praperty�vr Hazardaus Substances. T�stc�r hereby t1} releases a�c#waives any futu�e��a��ns
<br /> against Lender for indemnity or con�ributi�n in the e�ent Trustor becames liable far cleanup vr other c�s#s under
<br /> any such laws; and {2} agrees t❑ indemni�y,defend,and ho�d harmless L�nder against any and all claims, Iosses,
<br /> liab��ities, damages, penalties,and expenses which Lender may directly or�nd�re�tly sustain or suffer resulting from
<br /> a breach of this sectivn of the Deed vf Trust or as a cons�quence af any us�, generation, manufa��ure, storage,
<br /> dispasal, releas�ar threatened release vccurring prior to Trus#v�'s awnership vr in#erest in#he Property,whether c�r
<br /> not the same was or should ha�e bgen known tv Trustor. The pro�isians �t th is sectivn vf the Deed nf Trust,
<br /> �ncluding t�re obligatio�to indemnify antl defenti,shal[survive fhe payment❑f the indehtedness and the satisfac�ivn
<br /> and revonveyance vf the lien of#his Deed of Trust and sh�l�nvt be affec#ed b�Lender's acquis�ti�n af any inte�-est
<br /> in the Praperty,whether by foreclasure or o#herwise.
<br /> Nu�sance, Waste. Tr-ustor sha#� not cause, canduct vr permit any nuisance nor commit, �aermi#, or su�ier any
<br /> stripping ❑f or waste an vr to the Pr�perty or any portion �f the RrQperty. Withnut �imiting #he gene�-a!i#y�f the
<br /> fvregving, Trustvr will not remo�e, or gran�to any ather par�y the right tv remo�e, any timber, minerals tincluding
<br /> oil and gas},coa�,clay, scvriat soil,g�a�el nr rack praducts withou#Lendsr's prior wri#ten consent.
<br /> Remo�al of fmpra�emen#s. Trustor shal� no#dem�lish ar remove any�mpra�ements fram the R�al Prvperty without
<br /> Lender's pri�r written consent. As a conditi�n to the remo�al o#any Impro�ements, L�nder may require Tn,istar ta
<br /> make arrangements satisfac�ory #o Lender to replaoe such lmpro�ements with Improvements of at least equal
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender's Right to Enter. Lende�and Lender's agents and representatives ma��nter upan the Real Praperty at all
<br /> reasonable #imes tv attend to Lend�r's interes�s and to inspect #he Real Property �or pu�passs of Trustvr's
<br /> compliance w�th the te�ms anti�ondit�ans of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> �omplian�e w�th Go►►ernm�ntal Requirem�n#s. Tn.is�or sha�� Qramptly compfy w�th a�l laws, ordinances, and
<br /> regu�a�ions, now or hereafter in effec#, of all ga�ernmentat authorit�es applicable t� the use or v�cupancy of the
<br /> Property. Tr�sttir may cantest i�gaad faith any such law,ordinance,or regulativn and with�ald camp��a�ve during
<br /> any pro�eeding, including approp�-iate appeals, so Iong as Trustor has notified Lender in writing priar ta doing s�
<br /> and sv lvng as, �n Lender's sale opinion, Lender's�nteres#s�n the Property are no#jevpa�dized. Lender may require
<br /> 'Trustor to pQst adequa�e security or a surety bond,reasonably satisfac#ory t�Lender,tv pratect L�nder's interest.
<br /> Duty to �rotect. Trustar agrees neither tv abandvn or leave unattended the Prnperty. Trustvr sha�i do all other
<br /> acts, in additian ta those acts set forth aba�e in#his sec#ion,which from the charact�r and us�of the Property are
<br /> reasvnably necessary to prot�ct and p�eserve the Property.
<br /> DUE t]N SAL�-C�NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's optivn,declare immediately due and payab�e a�l sums
<br /> se�ured by this Deed pf Trust upon the sale or trans�er,without Lender's prior written cons�n#,o�all vr any part vf the
<br /> Real Property, or any interest in the Real �raperty. A "s�le or transfer" means the canveyance of Real Property or any
<br /> right, title or interest in the R�al property; wheth�r �egal, �eneficial nr eqc�itab�e; whether voluntary or involunta�y;
<br /> whether by outr�ght sale, deed, installment safe contract, �and �ontract, contract for deed, I�aseho�d �nterest with a
<br /> term greater than three (3}years, lease-aption con#ra�t, vr by sale, assignment, or transfer of any beneficiai inte�est in
<br /> or to any land trust ho�ding titl� to the ReaE Property, ar�y any other method of�onveyance of an interest in the Rea!
<br /> Praperty. However, this option shall nat be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prvhibited by f�deral law ar by
<br /> Ne�raska law.
<br /> T►4�ES AND LIENS. The fo��owing prvr►isians r��ating to #he taxes and liens on �he Prope�ty are pa�t of fhis ❑eed of
<br /> Trust:
<br /> �ayment. Trustvr shall pay when due�and in all e�en#s prior to delinquency}all taxes,special taxes,assessments,
<br /> char-ges [i�cluding water and sewer}, fines and impas�t�Qns fevied against or on a�oun#vf ths Property, and shall
<br /> pay when due all c�aims for work done on vr fior servioes rendered or ma�erial furnish�d to the Praperty. Trustor
<br /> shall main#ain the Praperty fre�Qf all liens ha�ing priarity a�er or equal ta the interes�of Lender under this Deed❑f
<br /> Trust, excep� f�r the lien af taxes and assessments not due, exGept fvr the Existing Indebtedness referred tv
<br /> be�aw,an�d�xce�t as athen►v�s�pravided in�his Deed Q�Trust.
<br /> Right to Gontest. Trustor may withhol�! payment of any tax, assessment, ar claim in connectivn with a good fa�th
<br /> dispute o�er the vbligativn to pay, sv long as Lender's in#e�est in#he Praperty is not jeopardized. If a lien a�ises or
<br /> Es fled a� a result vf nonpaymen�, Trustor sha�� within fifteen (15y days after the lien ar�ses or, if a lien ts Fled,
<br /> w�thin fi#teen �15) days after Trustor has notice of the filing, secure the dis�harge ❑f the lien, or�f requested by
<br /> Lender,dep�sit wi#h Lender�ash or a sufficient c�rpvrate surety bond ar ather security sa#isfa�tory to Lender�n an
<br /> amount�ufFicient to discharge the jien plus any cas�s and a#�orneys'fees, or other charges that could accrue as a
<br /> resu�t vf a fo�recl�sure vr sale undes�the�ien. In any�antest,Trustor shalk�i�fend i#se��and Le�der artd shall satisfy
<br /> �ny ad►►erse judgment be�ore enforcement agains##he Properiy. Trustor shall name Lender as an additiana�ob�igee
<br /> under any surety bond#ur�nished in the cc�n�est prvicesdings.
<br /> E��der�Ge of Payr+nent. Trustor shal! uQon demand furnish ta Lender sa�isfactory evidence��€payment o�the taxes
<br /> ❑r asses$ments and shall autharize the appropriate go�ernmenta�off���a�to deli�er t�Lend�r at any tim�a writ�en
<br /> s#atem�nt of the taxes and assessments aga�ns#the Praperty.
<br /> �Votice of Constructian. Trus�or shall n�tify Lender at least fifteen �'�5�days before any w�rk is commenced, any
<br /> servi�es are furni�hed,a�-any materials a�e supplied to#he Property, if any mechanic's lien, m�terialmen's�ien, or
<br /> ather lien oou�d be asserted an aocount af the work, servi�es, or m�terials. Trustvr wi�l upon reques#of Lender
<br /> furnish to L�nder advance assurances satisfactary ta Lender that Trustor �an and wil! pay the co�t �f such
<br /> impro�ements.
<br /> PRtiPERTY DAMAGE �NStJRA�VCF. Ti�e followin� pravisions relating to insuring the Prap��ty are a part af thfs Deed af
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Maintenance af fnsurance. Trustor sha�� pracure and mainta�n pc�licies of fire insurance with standard extended
<br />