2� 1 ��3987
<br /> Property �ond�tion, Alterations and Inspect�on. Trustor wilX keep �he Praperty in goad cond��ian and
<br /> mak� al.� repairs that are reasona�Iy necessary. Trus�or shali not commit or aiiow any waste, impaxrment, or
<br /> deterxorat�on af�he Property. Trustor agrees that �he nature af the occupancy and us� will not sul�stan�ially
<br /> change wxthout Ben�f�czary's prior written consent. Trustar vv�Il not permit any change in any lic�nse,
<br /> restrictive covenant flr �asement without Beneficiary's prior wri�ten consen�. Trustor w�II notify B�neficxary
<br /> af aI1 demands, prnceedings, c�aims, and actions agains�Trus�ora and of any Ioss ar damage to the Property.
<br /> Benef�ciary or Beneficiary's agents may, at B�nefic�ary's ap�ion, enter the Proper�y at any reasanable�Y�ne for
<br /> �h� purpose nf inspecting the Prop�rty. Ben��crary sha.l.l gi�� Trustar natice at the time af ar befor� an
<br /> inspection specifying a reasanable purpose for the insp��tion. Any inspection of the Property shall be entir�ly
<br /> for BenefY�xary's benefit and Trustar will �n no way rely on Benefic�ary's rnspectian.
<br /> Autharity to Perform. If Trustor fa�ls to p�rfarm any duty or any of the�o�enants �ontained �n this 5ecurxty
<br /> Zns�rument, Beneficiary may, withaut natice, p�rfarm ar �aus� �hem to be p�rformed. Trus�or appoYn�s
<br /> �eneficiary as attorney in fact to sign Trustor's name ar pay any amount necessary far performance.
<br /> Beneficiary's right ta perform for Trustar sha11 not creat� an oblxgat�on to perform, and B�neficiary's fazlure
<br /> ta perform wi11 not preclude Benef�ciary from exercising any of Benef��iary's other r�ghts und�r the 1aw ar
<br /> this Secur�ty Ynstrumen�.
<br /> Leaseho�ds; ��ndominYums; P�anned Unit Deve�apments. Trustor agrees ta comply wi�h the provisions of
<br /> any lease �f this Securxty Ins�rument is on a Ieasehald, If the Property includ�s a unit in a condominium or a
<br /> planned un�t de�e�opm�nt, Trustor will perform a11 af Trus�or's duties under �he ca�renants, �y-laws, ar
<br /> regu�atians of the condominium or planned un�t develapment.
<br /> Condemnation. Trus�flr will give B�neficiary prompt notice of any pending ar threatened act�on, by private
<br /> or public entities to pur�hase ar take any or ai� of the Property through condemnat�on, eminent domain, or
<br /> any ather means. Trustar autharizes Beneficiary ta intervene in Trustor's name in any af the above described
<br /> actions or claims. Trustor assigns to Ben�ficiary the pr�ceeds of any award or claim for damages c�nnected
<br /> with a condemnation or a�her taking of all or any part of the Praperty. Such proceeds shall be ��nsidered
<br /> payments and will be app�ied as provid�d xn this S�curi�y Ins�rument. This as��gnment of proceeds is subje�t
<br /> ta the terms�f any prior mortgage, deed of trust, security agreement or ather Iien document.
<br /> Insuran�e. Trus�or shali ke�p Property insured against loss by fire, fload, �hef� and other hazards and risks
<br /> reasonably assoc�ated v�ith th� Propex�y due to its type an.d�ocatian. This insurance sha�I b�maintain�d in the
<br /> amaunts and fflr the per�ods that B�n�f�cxary r�quires. Wha� Beneficiary requires pursuant ta the preceding
<br /> two sentences can change dur�ng the term af the Secured Debt. The insurance carr��r pro�riding the insurance
<br /> shall be chosen �y Trustar sub�e�t to Bene�ciary's appro�al, which sha�� not be unr�asonab�y withheld. If
<br /> Trustor fails �o maintain the coverag� described abo�e, Beneficiary may, at Bene��iary's option, ohtain
<br /> co�erage to protect Benefxcxary's rights �n the Praperty a��ord�ng to the terms of this Security �n�trument.
<br /> AII insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptable to Beneficxary and shall in�lude a standarci "mortgage
<br /> claus�" and, where app�icable, "loss payee �lause." Trus�or shall rmmedzately no�Yfy Bene�ciary af
<br /> cancella��on or termina�ion of the insurance. B�nef�ciary sha11 ha�e �he right ta haXd the p���cies and
<br /> renewa.ls. xf Beneficiary requ�res, Trustor shalx immediately g�ve to Benef�czary aX� receipts of paid premiums
<br /> and renewai notices. Upan loss, Trustar shalX give immediate notice to the insuranc� carri�r and Beneficiary.
<br /> B�neficiary may make proaf af�ass xf no�mad�immedia�ely by Trustor.
<br /> UnX�ss otherwise agreed in v�rritxng, all insurance proceeds shall be applied to �he res�arat�on or repaYr of�he
<br /> Fr�perty or ta �he Secured Debt, whether or nflt then due, at Beneficxazy's opti�n, Any appXication af
<br /> proceeds to principal. sha11 not extend ar postpone th� due date of the sch�duled payment nor change the
<br /> amount of any payment. Any �xcess w�I� be paid ta the Trustor. If�he Property Ys acquire� by Ben�fxcrary,
<br /> Trustar's right �o any insurance policies and proGeeds�result�ng from damage to the Proper�y befare the
<br /> acquis�tion shal.�pass ta Beneficiary ta�he extent�f the Secured Debt immediately befare the acquisition.
<br /> Financ�al Reports and Additianal Do�uments. Trustor wi11 pro�ide to Bene��iary upon request, any
<br /> �nancial statement or infarmation Beneficiary may d�em reasonably n��essary. Trust�r agrees to sign,
<br /> deliver, and file any addx��flnal documents or certificati�ns�hat Beneficiary may c�ns�der n�cessary�o perfect,
<br /> continue, and preserve Trustar's obligations under th�s S��urity Ynstrument and B�nef�ciary's Iien status on
<br /> the Prop erty.
<br /> 6. �V Y �F TITLE. Trust�r warrants that Trustor �s or wi�1 be lawfully seized af the es�ate canveyed
<br /> by thxs Security Ynstrum�nt and has the right to irre�ocably grant, convey, and sell the Pr�p�rty ta Trustee, in
<br /> trust, w�th power af sa1�. Trustor alsa �arrants that �he Prop�rty �s unencumbered, except for �ncum�ran��s
<br /> of r�cord.
<br /> 7. DUE �N SALE. Benef�ciary may, at its aption, declare the entire ba�ance of the Secured Debt to be
<br /> immediately due and payable upon the creat�on of, or contract for the creation of, a transfer or sal� of a.11 or
<br /> any pa.rt of the Prop�rty. This rxgh� is subj ect ta the restrictians impased by federal law (12 C.F.R. 5�1}, as
<br /> applicable.
<br /> Security(nstrument-Dper�-End-Cvns�mer-NE ❑CP-R�DT-N� 71212�11
<br /> VMPn Bankers Systems�'�"" VMP-C465{N�y (3�Q77,pp
<br /> Wolters K€uwer Financial 5er�i�es 41994,2D11 Page 3�f 5
<br />