2� 1 ��3987
<br /> The praperty �s Iocated in ...Ha 11.................................................. at ...................... ............
<br /> ...
<br /> (Counry}
<br /> 615 Swan Ln ,7 ,,Grand.I s l and ................ Nebraska ..�.$$01
<br /> .. .• ♦ y ..•......•..•...r..r.••......... • r r r ........••
<br /> �Address} �City} tZIP Code}
<br /> Together wz�h all rights, eas�ments, appurtenances, rayalties, m�neral r�ghts, oiX and gas r�ghts, all wa�er and
<br /> riparian r�ghts, ditches, and water stock and all exist�ng and fu�ure impra�ements, stru.ctures, fixtur�s, an�
<br /> replacements that may naw, or at any time in�he future, be part of the real estate described abo�e�a11 referred
<br /> ta as "Praperty„}.
<br /> 3. MA�IMUM �BLIGATIQN' LI�iIT. The ta�al principal amount secured by this �e�urit� �nstrum�nt at any
<br /> on� ��me sha1l nat exceed $ 1 o r.���..o.�................................... . This Iimitatian af amount d�es not
<br /> in�lude �nterest and other fees and chaxges �alidly made pursuant to this Security �nstru.ment. Alsa, thxs
<br /> l�mitati�n daes not apply to advances made under th� terms of �his Security �nstrument to pratect
<br /> Beneficiary's securYty and ta perform any af�he covenants con�a�ned in this Secur�ty Ynstru�nent.
<br /> 4. SECITRED DEBT AND FUTiJRE ADVANCES. The term "Secured Debt" �s defined as �ollows:
<br /> A.Debt �ncurred under�he �erms of all proma.ssory note�s}, con�ract�s}, guaranty�ies} or ather evrdence of
<br /> debt descr�bed l�elow and a.11 thexr extensionsa renewais, modafications ar substitutians. �Y�u must
<br /> spe�i�i calty iden�ify the deb��s}seeured and}�au should include�he final mc�turity dat��f such debt�s�.}
<br /> Note Dated June 15� 2 016 Ira. The Amount Df $1 Q �4�.��
<br /> Accruing At A Variable Rate With A Maturity Date �f Jun� �5� 2D21
<br /> Said Loan In The Name�s} Df Ron J�lin�k
<br /> And �ana L Jelinek
<br /> B. A�� future advances fram Ben�fi�iary to Trustar or ��her future ob�x�ations of Trustor to Benef�ciary
<br /> under any promissory note, cflntract, guaranty, or other �videnc� af debt �xe�ut�d by Trustor �n fa�or
<br /> of Benefic�ary after this Security Instrument vvheth�r �r nat this S�cur�ty �ns�rument �s spec�f�cally
<br /> referen�ed. �f more than one per�on signs thxs Security Instrument, �ach Trustor agr�es �hat thxs
<br /> Se�urity Ynstrument wi11 secure all future advan�es and futur� oblxgat�ans that are gzven to or �ncurred
<br /> by any one ar more Trustor, ar any one or more Trustar and oth�rs. A11 future ad�ances and other
<br /> future obXigations are s�cured by this Securxty �nstrum�nt even though al� ar par� may not yet b�
<br /> advan�ed. A�1 future advances and o�her future obligatiflns are s�cured as �f made �n the date �f this
<br /> Securz�y Ynstr�ument. Nnthing �n this 5ecurity Instrument sha.11 �ons�itut� a commitment to make
<br /> addxt�ana� ar futur� loans or advances in any amflunt. Any such comm�tment must be agreed to �n a
<br /> separate writing.
<br /> C.All ather obligations Trustar owes to Senefic�ary, which may�ater arise, to the ex�er�t not prohxbited by
<br /> law, inc�uding, bu� not l�mited to, liabilitxes far �verdrafts re�ating to any deposit a�Coun� agreement
<br /> �etween Trus�or a.n,d Beneficiary.
<br /> D.All additional sums ad�ranced and exp�nses �ncurr�d by Benefi�iary for insuring, preserv�ng flr
<br /> otherwise pratectzng the Property and its value and any ather sum� advanced and expenses incurred by
<br /> Beneficiary under the terms of this Security Ins�rumen�.
<br /> �n the event tha� Beneficiary faiXs ta provide any required not�ce af�he right of rescissian� Beneficiary wa��es
<br /> any subsequent securxty interest in the Trustor's prin�ipa� dwelling that�s created by�h�s 5ecurity �nstrument.
<br /> S. DEED �F TRUST C�VENAN'TS. Trustor a�rees that �he covenants �n this sectian are mat�rral o��igations
<br /> und�r the 5ecured D�bt and this Security �nstrument. If Trustor breaches any covenan� in this section,
<br /> �enef�ciary may refuse to make additiona� extensions of credit and reduce the �red�� Iimit. By not exerci�ing
<br /> ei�her remedy on Trustar's breach, Beneficiary does n��wa.��e Seneficxary's right t� Iater consider th�event a
<br /> brea�h if it happens again.
<br /> Paym�nts. Trustar agrees that a11 payments under the Secur�d Debt urill be paid when due and in accQrdance
<br /> w�th the terms of the Secured Debt and th�s Securrty Ins�rument.
<br /> Prior Secur�ty Interests. With regard ta any �ther mortgage, deed of trust, se�urity agreement or other Xien
<br /> documen� that �rea�ed a prior s��urxty inter�st or encumbrance on the Prop�rCy, Trustor agrees to make a.l�
<br /> payments when due and �o perf�rm ar comply with a�� �ovenants. Trus�or a.lsa agrees noC t� ailow any
<br /> modificat�on or extensian of, nor to r�quest any futur� advances under any n�te nr agreement secured by �he
<br /> lien dacument withaut Beneficiary's prxor writ�en appro�a.I.
<br /> Ciaims Against Title. Trustor wi11 pay a11 taxes �including any tax assessed �a this Deed flf Trust},
<br /> assessments, liens, encumbrances, �ease payments, �round rents, u�iiities, and o�her charges relating ta the
<br /> Pr�perty when due. S�nefxciary may r�quzre Trustor to provide to Beneficiary capies of a11 nat�ces that such
<br /> amaunts are due and the recexpts evidencYng Trustor's paymen�. Trustar will defend ti��e ta th� Praperty
<br /> against any cla�ms that would impazr the li�n of this Security �nstrumen�. Trustnr agrees ta assign to
<br /> Benef�ciary, as r�quested by Ben�ficiary, any righ�s, �la�ms or defenses Trustor may have against part�es who
<br /> supply labor or materials to maYntaxn�r improve the Property.
<br /> 5ecurity lnstrument-apen-Encf-�ansumer-NE dCP-REDT-NE 7121201'i
<br /> VMP�Bankers 5ystems�'^ VMP-C465tNEy �1 1�7j.��
<br /> Waiters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices�1 994,Z0�� Page Z of fi
<br />