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' ' 2� 1 ��389� <br /> its righ� and pursuing its rem�dies under the Security Instrument as a result of <br /> Borrawer's defau�t. <br /> 13. Loan Documents Remain In Ful� Force and Effect: <br /> The provis�ons of the Loan Docum�nts, as amend�d by thrs Agreement, shall cantinue in <br /> full forc� and effec�, and Borrower ackno�rvledges and reaffirms Borrower's liability to <br /> Lend�r under the Loan Documen�s, subj�ct to the bankruptcy exception in the <br /> Bankruptcy s�ct�on of this Agreemenf. In the event of any inconsistency between th�s <br /> Agreement and the terms of the Loan Documents, thi�Agreemen� sha�l g��ern. Nothing <br /> . in this Agreement shall be understaad �r construed to be a novation, satisfaction or <br /> release, in whole or �n part, of the Loan Documen�s. Except as vtherwise specif cally <br /> pro�ided in th�s Agreement, the Loan Documents remain unchanged, and Borrawer and <br /> Lender ar� baund and must comply with all of the terms and prv��sians of the Loan <br /> D�cuments, except as amend�d by this Agreemen�. <br /> �4. Executian of Additiona� Documentat�on: <br /> Borro`rver agrees to make and execufie �ther documents or papers as may be necessary <br /> or required to effecfivate the terms and canditions af fih�s Agreement, which if approved <br /> and accept�d by Lender, sha�� be incorporated �nto this Agreement and shaii bind and <br /> inure tv Borrower's heirs, executors, administra�ors, and assigns. <br /> �f�. �Aiscellaneous: <br /> Lender does nat, by executivn of this Agreement, �nrai�e any rights it may ha�re <br /> against any person not a party to fihe Agreement. <br /> a. If any court of competent jurisdictian shall declare any pra�ision of thrs Agreement to <br /> be inWalid, to any extent, �he remaind�r af the Agreement sha11 not be affected <br /> thereby and sha�l con#inue in fu11 force and effect to bind the parties. <br /> b. This Agreement may be executed simu�tane�usly �n any number af counterparts, <br /> �ach of�n►hich shali be deemed an origina! but a11 of�hich toge�her shail const�tute <br /> one and the same Agreement. <br /> c. This Agreement shall be governed by #he iaws of the State where the Property is <br /> loca�ed. <br /> 'I6. EfFectrrre Date: <br /> This Agreement shall be effective upon the execu�ion of th�s Agreement �y Lend�r and <br /> Barrower and as of the date frst written ab��e. <br /> Bvnower Initial Lines <br /> � <br /> Page 6 of th�Lvan Modif cation Agreemen# '"Please add the appropriate numher of initia�fines fvr each <br /> �rder Number:1 D07803� signatory v�er 4 <br />