2� 1 ��38��
<br /> In the even�af a tatal �aking, destructian, ar���s in value vf the Praper�y, the M�scel�aneous Proceeds shali�e
<br /> applied tv �he sums se�ured by this Secur��r Instrument, whether or not then due, v�r�th the excess, if an�, pa�d t�
<br /> Borra�ver.
<br /> �n the e�ent vf a partial tak�ng, destruction, or loss in �alue of fhe Property in v�rh�ch the fair market�alue of
<br /> the Prvperty immed�ately bef�re the par�ia�taking, des�ructian, ar�oss in�ralue�s equal tv or greater than�he amount
<br /> of the sums secured�y�his S�curity Instrumen�immedia�el�r befvre the parfia�taking, destruC��vn, or�oss�n value,
<br /> unless Borrv�er and Lender other�v�se agree xn�ri��ng, �he sums secured by thi�Security��.strumen�sha11 he redu�ed
<br /> ��r�he amvunt❑f the Misce�laneous Prviceeds mu���p�xed b�r the follo�ring fractivn: �a} �he total amount of the sums
<br /> secured immed�ately before the partia�taking, destruct�on, vr�vss�n value di�r�ded��r�b) the fair market�ralu�of the
<br /> Prop�rty�mmediately hefore�he partial tak�ng, destruc�ion, vr�oss in�alue.Any balance shall be paid to Borravtrer.
<br /> In the event vf a partial tak�ng, des�ruction, ar loss in�ralue af the Prvper�in�vhich the fa�r market�ralue of
<br /> the Praper�y immediatel�befvre the par��al taking, destruction, or lvss in�ralue is less �han the amount of�he sums
<br /> secured�mmediatel�before#h�par�ial taking, desfruc�ivn, ar�vss �n value, unless Bvrro�rer and Lender otherv�rise
<br /> agree in�riting, the Miscel�aneous Proceeds sha�l be applied�o the sums secured b�th�s 5ecuri���nstrurnent whe�her
<br /> ar nv�the sums are then due.
<br /> If the Prvperty is abandoned b�Bvrro�ver,�r if, after notice��r Lender�o B�rrov�rer that the Upposing Part�r�as
<br /> defin�d �n the nex� sentence} offers to make an a�ar� to se�tle a c�a�m for damage�, Barrv�er fa�Is tn respand tv
<br /> Lender v�ithin 3U da�s after the date�he natice xs gi�ren, Lender is authorized ta ca�lect and appl��he Misceilaneous
<br /> Proceeds eith�r to restvrativn or repair of the Property or to the sums secur�d b�th�s Securi��nstrument, v�hether
<br /> or nvt then due. "�pposing Part�" mean�the th�rd par� �ha� v�es Bvrrovv�r Mi�cel�anevus Prviceeds ar�he par#�r
<br /> aga�nst�rh�m Barro�er has a righ�of action in regard�a Miscel�aneous Pr�c�eds.
<br /> Borrv�nrer shall be�n defau�t if any ac#�on or proceeding, �he�her��vil or crim�nal, is begun tha�, �n Lender's
<br /> judgmen�, could resul��n forfeiture of�he Propert�r or afher material impaxrment of Lender's interes�in�he Propert�
<br /> or righfs under this Security Ins�rument. Bvrrawer�an cure su�h a defau�t and, if acce�eration has accurred,reinstate
<br /> as pro�ided in Section 18, b�r causing the acfian vr proceeding to �e dismi�sed v��th a ruling that, �n Lender's
<br /> judgment, prec�udes fvrfeiture vf the Property or a�her mater�al irnpairment �f Lender's interes�in fhe Propert�or
<br /> r�gh�s under this Securi��nstrument. The proceeds of an�avvard or c1a�m for damages�hat are atfr�butab�e to the
<br /> impairment vf Lender's interesf in the Proper�are h�reb�as�igned and�hali be paid tn Lender.
<br /> Al�Miscellaneous Pr�ceeds that are nv�applied to res�oratian or repaxr vf�he Property sha�l be app�ied in the
<br /> �rder provided far�n Sec�ion 2.
<br /> 11. Barrovver Not Re�eased; Forbea�arice By L�nder Nvt a Wai�rer. �xtensian of�he �ime far paymen�❑r
<br /> modif�ca�ion❑f arnartiza�ion nf the sums secured b�r�his Secur�t�Ins�rument granted by Lender�o Borrvwer ar any
<br /> Successar in Interest of Borr��er shall nat operate t❑release the lia�iliiy of B�rrv�rer or any 5ucces�ors in Interest
<br /> af Barrovver. Lender sha1l not be required to c�mmence prviceedings against a�.� Success�r in�nterest vf Bnrr��er
<br /> vr �n refu�e ta �xfend fime for payment or vtherv�rise modxf� am�rfiza�ivn �f the sums secured ��r �his S�cur��y
<br /> Ins�rument b�reason nf an�demand made by�he❑rigina� Borrv�v�rer or any Successvrs in Interes#of Borrov�er. Any
<br /> forbearance b� Lender in exercising an� right or r�medy �nclud�ng, ���hou� l�mitafinn, Lender's accep�ance of
<br /> payments from third persans, entities or Suc�essors in��terest af Borrov�er vr in amvun�s�ess�han�he amount�hen
<br /> du�, shall not be a v�raiWer of or preclude#he exercxse of any righ�or remedy.
<br /> 1�. Joi�t arid Se�era�L�ab�ility; Co�signers; Successvrs and Ass�gns Bound. Borrv�rer cv�enants and agrees
<br /> �hat Barra�er's obl�gations and��a�ilii�r shall be,�v�nt and 5everal.Hovcrever,any Borrv�ver�nrho co-signs this Securit�
<br /> Instrument�ut dves nvt execute�he Note �a"co-signer"�: �a�xs co-signing this Security Ins�rum�nt on�y tv mortgage,
<br /> grant and con�re� fhe cv-signer's interest in �he Pr�pert� under the terms �f�his Securi� �nstrumen�; �b} �s nvt
<br /> persona�l�r obligated �o pa� �he sums secured b��h�s Secur�t��nstrument; and �c) agrees that Lender and any other
<br /> Borrn�er can agree to�x�end, modify, fvr�ear or make any accommadations�i�h regar�#o�h�#erm�vf this Securit�
<br /> Ins�rument or the No�e�ithaut the cv- signer's cnnsent.
<br /> 5ubje�� �a the prv�isivns of Secfia�t 17, an�r Successor �n Interest of Bvrrav�er v�rha assumes Borrv�nr�r's
<br /> ab�iga�ions under this Securit�r�nstrument in�nrriting, and is apprv�red by Lender,sha�l v�b�ain all af Borrv�er's rights
<br /> and benefits under�his 5ecurity Instrumenf. Borra,tnrer shal�not be releas�d from Bvrro�ver's obliga��ans and 1ia�ili�
<br /> NE[]�TZ2.FHA �JI'�41�5 Page S of�3 www.docmag�c.com
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